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Randomized Work-Competitive Scheduling for Cooperative Computing on $k$-partite Task Graphs

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 نشر من قبل Chadi Kari
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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A fundamental problem in distributed computing is the task of cooperatively executing a given set of $t$ tasks by $p$ processors where the communication medium is dynamic and subject to failures. The dynamics of the communication medium lead to groups of processors being disconnected and possibly reconnected during the entire course of the computation furthermore tasks can have dependencies among them. In this paper, we present a randomized algorithm whose competitive ratio is dependent on the dynamics of the communication medium and also on the nature of the dependencies among the tasks.

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اقرأ أيضاً

202 - Kai Li , Yong Wang , Meilin Liu 2014
Cloud computing is a newly emerging distributed system which is evolved from Grid computing. Task scheduling is the core research of cloud computing which studies how to allocate the tasks among the physical nodes, so that the tasks can get a balance d allocation or each tasks execution cost decreases to the minimum, or the overall system performance is optimal. Unlike task scheduling based on time or cost before, aiming at the special reliability requirements in cloud computing, we propose a non-cooperative game model for reliability-based task scheduling approach. This model takes the steady-state availability that computing nodes provide as the target, takes the task slicing strategy of the schedulers as the game strategy, then finds the Nash equilibrium solution. And also, we design a task scheduling algorithm based on this model. The experiments can be seen that our task scheduling algorithm is better than the so-called balanced scheduling algorithm.
Studying distributed computing through the lens of algebraic topology has been the source of many significant breakthroughs during the last two decades, especially in the design of lower bounds or impossibility results for deterministic algorithms. T his paper aims at studying randomized synchronous distributed computing through the lens of algebraic topology. We do so by studying the wide class of (input-free) symmetry-breaking tasks, e.g., leader election, in synchronous fault-free anonymous systems. We show that it is possible to redefine solvability of a task locally, i.e., for each simplex of the protocol complex individually, without requiring any global consistency. However, this approach has a drawback: it eliminates the topological aspect of the computation, since a single facet has a trivial topological structure. To overcome this issue, we introduce a projection $pi$ of both protocol and output complexes, where every simplex $sigma$ is mapped to a complex $pi(sigma)$; the later has a rich structure that replaces the structure we lost by considering one single facet at a time. To show the significance and applicability of our topological approach, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for solving leader election in synchronous fault-free anonymous shared-memory and message-passing models. In both models, we consider scenarios in which there might be correlations between the random values provided to the nodes. In particular, different parties might have access to the same randomness source so their randomness is not independent but equal. Interestingly, we find that solvability of leader election relates to the number of parties that possess correlated randomness, either directly or via their greatest common divisor, depending on the specific communication model.
Problems of existence, construction and estimation of parameters of interval colorings of complete k-partite graphs K_{n}^{k} are investigated.
This paper presents improved approximation algorithms for the problem of multiprocessor scheduling under uncertainty, or SUU, in which the execution of each job may fail probabilistically. This problem is motivated by the increasing use of distribute d computing to handle large, computationally intensive tasks. In the SUU problem we are given n unit-length jobs and m machines, a directed acyclic graph G of precedence constraints among jobs, and unrelated failure probabilities q_{ij} for each job j when executed on machine i for a single timestep. Our goal is to find a schedule that minimizes the expected makespan, which is the expected time at which all jobs complete. Lin and Rajaraman gave the first approximations for this NP-hard problem for the special cases of independent jobs, precedence constraints forming disjoint chains, and precedence constraints forming trees. In this paper, we present asymptotically better approximation algorithms. In particular, we give an O(loglog min(m,n))-approximation for independent jobs (improving on the previously best O(log n)-approximation). We also give an O(log(n+m) loglog min(m,n))-approximation algorithm for precedence constraints that form disjoint chains (improving on the previously best O(log(n)log(m)log(n+m)/loglog(n+m))-approximation by a (log n/loglog n)^2 factor when n = poly(m). Our algorithm for precedence constraints forming chains can also be used as a component for precedence constraints forming trees, yielding a similar improvement over the previously best algorithms for trees.
Inductive $k$-independent graphs generalize chordal graphs and have recently been advocated in the context of interference-avoiding wireless communication scheduling. The NP-hard problem of finding maximum-weight induced $c$-colorable subgraphs, whic h is a generalization of finding maximum independent sets, naturally occurs when selecting $c$ sets of pairwise non-conflicting jobs (modeled as graph vertices). We investigate the parameterized complexity of this problem on inductive $k$-independent graphs. We show that the Independent Set problem is W[1]-hard even on 2-simplicial 3-minoes---a subclass of inductive 2-independent graphs. In contrast, we prove that the more general Maximum $c$-Colorable Subgraph problem is fixed-parameter tractable on edge-wise unions of cluster and chordal graphs, which are 2-simplicial. In both cases, the parameter is the solution size. Aside from this, we survey other graph classes between inductive 1-inductive and inductive 2-inductive graphs with applications in scheduling.
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