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High-resolution radio observations of nuclear and circumnuclear starbursts in Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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 نشر من قبل Miguel-Angel Perez-Torres
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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High-resolution radio observations of nearby starburst galaxies have shown that the distribution of their radio emission consists of a compact (<150 pc), high surface brightness, central radio source immersed in a low surface brightness circumnuclear halo. This radio structure is similar to that detected in bright Seyferts galaxies like NGC 7469 or Mrk 331, which display clear circumnuclear rings. While the compact, centrally located radio emission in these starbursts might be generated by a point-like source (AGN), or by the combined effect of multiple radio supernovae and supernova remnants (e.g., the evolved nuclear starburst in Arp~220), it seems well established that the circumnuclear regions of those objects host an ongoing burst of star-formation (e.g., NGC 7469; Colina et al. 2001, Alberdi et al. 2006). Therefore, high-resolution radio observations of Luminous Infra-Red Galaxies (LIRGs) in our local universe are a powerful tool to probe the dominant dust heating mechanism in their nuclear and circumnuclear regions. In this contribution, we show results obtained from VLA-A, MERLIN, and EVN (VLBI) radio observations of the galaxies NGC 7469 (D~70 Mpc) and IRAS 18293-3413 (D ~ 79 Mpc), where two extremely bright radio supernovae have been found. High-resolution studies of these and other LIRGs would allow us to determine the core-collapse supernova rate in them, as well as their star-formation rate.

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179 - Yasuyuki Watabe 2007
We investigated the correlation between nuclear/circumnuclear starbursts around the active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and the AGN activities for 43 Seyfert galaxies in the CfA and 12 micron samples. We found that circumnuclear starburst luminosity as wel l as nuclear starburst luminosity are positively correlated with AGN luminosity. Moreover, nuclear starburst luminosity is more strongly correlated with the AGN luminosity normalized with AGN Eddington luminosity than is circumnuclear starburst luminosity. This implies that starbursts nearer the AGN could have a greater effect on AGN mass accretion. We also discuss these results from the viewpoint of the radiation effects from starbursts and sequential starbursts.
We have produced sensitive, high-resolution radio maps of 12 SMGs in the Lockman Hole using combined MERLIN and VLA data at a frequency of 1.4 GHz. Integrating for 350hr yielded an r.m.s. noise of 6.0 uJy/beam and a resolution of 0.2-0.5. For the fir st time, wide-field data from the two arrays have been combined in the (u,v) plane and the bandwidth smearing response of the VLA data has been removed. All of the SMGs are detected in our maps as well as sources comprising a non-submm luminous control sample. We find evidence that SMGs are more extended than the general uJy radio population and that therefore, unlike in local ULIRGs, the starburst component of the radio emission is extended and not confined to the galactic nucleus. For the eight sources with redshifts we measure linear sizes between 1 and 8 kpc with a median of 5 kpc. Therefore, they are in general larger than local ULIRGs which may support an early-stage merger scenario for the starburst trigger. X-rays betray AGN in six of the 33 sources in the combined sample. All but one of these are in the control sample, suggesting a lower incidence of AGN amongst the submm-luminous galaxies which is, in turn, consistent with increased X-ray absorption in these dust-obscured starbursts. Only one of our sources is resolved into multiple, distinct components with our high-resolution data. Finally, compared to a previous study of faint radio sources in the GOODS-N field we find systematically smaller source sizes and no evidence for a tail extending to ~4. Possible reasons for this are discussed.
63 - E. Valiante , D. Lutz , E. Sturm 2007
We present rest frame mid-infrared spectroscopy of a sample of 13 submillimeter galaxies, obtained using the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. The sample includes exclusively bright objects from blank fields and cluste r lens assisted surveys that have accurate interferometric positions. We find that the majority of spectra are well fitted by a starburst template or by the superposition of PAH emission features and a weak mid-infrared continuum, the latter a tracer of Active Galactic Nuclei (including Compton-thick ones). We obtain mid-infrared spectroscopic redshifts for all nine sources detected with IRS. For three of them the redshifts were previously unknown. The median value of the redshift distribution is z~2.8 if we assume that the four IRS non-detections are at high redshift. The median for the IRS detections alone is z~2.7. Placing the IRS non-detections at similar redshift would require rest frame mid-IR obscuration larger than is seen in local ULIRGs. The rest frame mid-infrared spectra and mid- to far-infrared spectral energy distributions are consistent with those of local ultraluminous infrared galaxies, but scaled-up further in luminosity. The mid-infrared spectra support the scenario that submillimeter galaxies are sites of extreme star formation, rather than X-ray-obscured AGN, and represent a critical phase in the formation of massive galaxies.
Hinge clumps are luminous knots of star formation near the base of tidal features in some interacting galaxies. We use archival Hubble Space Telescope UV/optical/IR images and Chandra X-ray maps along with GALEX UV, Spitzer IR, and ground-based optic al/near-IR images to investigate the star forming properties in a sample of 12 hinge clumps in five interacting galaxies. The most extreme of these hinge clumps have star formation rates of 1 - 9 M(sun)/yr, comparable to or larger than the `overlap region of intense star formation between the two disks of the colliding galaxy system the Antennae. In the HST images, we have found remarkably large (~70 pc) and luminous (M(I) ~ 12.2 to -16.5) sources at the centers of these hinge clumps, sometimes embedded in a linear ridge of fainter star clusters. We have found strong X-ray emission from several of these hinge clumps. In most cases, this emission is well-resolved with Chandra and has a thermal X-ray spectrum, thus it is likely due to hot gas associated with the star formation. The ratio of the extinction-corrected diffuse X-ray luminosity to the mechanical energy rate (the X-ray production efficiency) for the hinge clumps is similar to that in the Antennae galaxies, but higher than those for regions in the normal spiral galaxy NGC 2403. Two of the hinge clumps have point-like X-ray emission much brighter than expected for hot gas; these sources are likely `ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs) due to accretion disks around black holes. The most extreme of these sources, in Arp 240, has a hard X-ray spectrum and an absorbed X-ray luminosity of ~2 X 10^41 erg/s; more than expected by single high mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), thus it may be either a collection of HMXBs or an intermediate-mass black hole (>=80 M(sun)). [ abridged ]
We present diffraction-limited (FWHM ~ 0.3arcsec) Gemini/T-ReCS mid-infrared (MIR: N-band or narrow-band at 8.7micron) imaging of four Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs) drawn from a representative local sample. The MIR emission in the central few kp c is strikingly similar to that traced by Pa-alpha, and generally consists of bright nuclear emission and several compact circumnuclear and/or extranuclear HII regions. The central MIR emission is dominated by these powerful HII regions, consistent with the majority of AGN in this local sample of LIRGs contributing a minor part of the MIR emission. The luminous circumnuclear HII regions detected in LIRGs follow the extrapolation of the 8micron vs. Pa-alpha relation found for M51 HII knots. The integrated central 3-7kpc of galaxies, however, present elevated 8micron/Pa-alpha ratios with respect to individual HII regions, similar to the integrated values for star-forming galaxies. Our results show that the diffuse 8micron emission, not directly related to the ionizing stellar population, can be as luminous as that from the resolved HII regions. Therefore, calibrations of the star formation rate for distant galaxies should be based on the integrated 8micron emission of nearby galaxies, not that of the HII regions alone.
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