Dispersive interactions of matter qubits with bright squeezed light in a high-Q cavity is studied. Numerical simulation shows that higher fidelity of operations to obtain a certain phase shift of the pulse through the dispersive light-matter interaction may be reached using bright squeezed light than that using bright coherent light.
We investigate the output generation of squeezed radiation of a cavity photon mode coupled to another off-resonant bosonic excitation. By modulating in time their linear interaction, we predict high degree of output squeezing when the dispersive ultr
astrong coupling regime is achieved, i.e., when the interaction rate becomes comparable to the frequency of the lowest energy mode. Our work paves the way to squeezed light generation in frequency domains where the ultrastrong coupling is obtained, e.g., solid-state resonators in the GHz, THz and mid-IR spectral range.
We reconstruct the polarization sector of a bright polarization squeezed beam starting from a complete set of Stokes measurements. Given the symmetry that underlies the polarization structure of quantum fields, we use the unique SU(2) Wigner distribu
tion to represent states. In the limit of localized and bright states, the Wigner function can be approximated by an inverse three-dimensional Radon transform. We compare this direct reconstruction with the results of a maximum likelihood estimation, finding an excellent agreement.
We calculate the dispersive force between a ground state atom and a non planar surface. We present explicit results for a corrugated surface, derived from the scattering approach at first order in the corrugation amplitude. A variety of analytical re
sults are derived in different limiting cases, including the van der Waals and Casimir-Polder regimes. We compute numerically the exact first-order dispersive potential for arbitrary separation distances and corrugation wavelengths, for a Rubidium atom on top of a silicon or gold corrugated surface. We discuss in detail the inadequacy of the proximity force approximation, and present a simple but adequate approximation for computing the potential.
The Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) encoding of a qubit within an oscillator provides a number of advantages when used in a fault-tolerant architecture for quantum computing, most notably that Gaussian operations suffice to implement all single- and
two-qubit Clifford gates. The main drawback of the encoding is that the logical states themselves are challenging to produce. Here we present a method for generating optical GKP-encoded qubits by coupling an atomic ensemble to a squeezed state of light. Particular outcomes of a subsequent spin measurement of the ensemble herald successful generation of the resource state in the optical mode. We analyze the method in terms of the resources required (total spin and amount of squeezing) and the probability of success. We propose a physical implementation using a Faraday-based quantum non-demolition interaction.
We propose a scheme for long-distance distribution of quantum entanglement in which the entanglement between qubits at intermediate stations of the channel is established by using bright light pulses in squeezed states coupled to the qubits in caviti
es with a weak dispersive interaction. The fidelity of the entanglement between qubits at the neighbor stations (10 km apart from each other) obtained by postselection through the balanced homodyne detection of 7 dB squeezed pulses can reach F=0.99 without using entanglement purification, at same time, the probability of successful generation of entanglement is 0.34.