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The limb-darkened Arcturus; Imaging with the IOTA/IONIC interferometer

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 نشر من قبل Sylvestre Lacour
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper is an H band interferometric examination of Arcturus, a star frequently used as a spatial and spectral calibrator. Using the IOTA 3 telescope interferometer, we performed spectro-interferometric observation (R~35) of Arcturus. Atmospheric models and prescriptions were fitted to the data to derive the brightness distribution of the photosphere. Image reconstruction was also obtained using two software algorithms: Wisard and Mira. An achromatic power law proved to be a good model of the brightness distribution, with a limb darkening compatible with the one derived from atmospheric model simulations using our Marcs model. A Rosseland diameter of 21.05+/-0.21 was derived, corresponding to an effective temperature of T_eff=4295+/-26 K. No companion was detected from the closure phases, with an upper limit on the brightness ratio of 8e-4 at 1AU. Dynamic range at such distance from the photosphere was established at 1.5e-4 (1sigma rms). An upper limit of 1.7e-3 was also derived for the level of brightness asymmetries present on the photosphere.

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We present infrared aperture synthesis maps produced with the upgraded IOTA interferometer. Michelson interferograms on the close binary system Capella (Alpha Aur) were obtained in the H-band between 2002 November 12 and 16 using the IONIC3 beam comb iner. With baselines of 15m < B < 38m, we were able to determine the relative position of the binary components with milliarcsecond (mas) precision and to track their movement along the approx. 14 degree arc covered by our observation run. We briefly describe the algorithms used for visibility and closure phase estimation. Three different Hybrid Mapping and Bispectrum Fitting techniques were implemented within one software framework and used to reconstruct the source brightness distribution. By dividing our data into subsets, the system could be mapped at three epochs, revealing the motion of the stars. The precise position of the binary components was also determined with model fits, which in addition revealed I_Aa/I_Ab=1.49 +/- 0.10 and apparent stellar uniform-disk (UD) diameters of Theta_Aa=8.9 +/- 0.6 mas and Theta_Ab=5.8 +/- 0.8 mas. To improve the u, v-plane coverage, we compensated this orbital motion by applying a rotation-compensating coordinate transformation. The resulting model-independent map with a beam size of 5.4 x 2.6 mas allows the resolution of the stellar surfaces of the Capella giants themselves.
We have measured non-zero closure phases for about 29% of our sample of 56 nearby Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars, using the 3-telescope Infrared Optical Telescope Array (IOTA) interferometer at near-infrared wavelengths (H band) and with angular resolutions in the range 5-10 milliarcseconds. These nonzero closure phases can only be generated by asymmetric brightness distributions of the target stars or their surroundings. We discuss how these results were obtained, and how they might be interpreted in terms of structures on or near the target stars. We also report measured angular sizes and hypothesize that most Mira stars would show detectable asymmetry if observed with adequate angular resolution.
98 - J. D. Monnier 2004
We present first results of an experiment to combine data from Keck aperture masking and the Infrared-Optical Telescope Array (IOTA) to image the circumstellar environments of evolved stars with ~20 milliarcsecond resolution. The unique combination o f excellent Fourier coverage at short baselines and high-quality long-baseline fringe data allows us to determine the location and clumpiness of the inner-most hot dust in the envelopes, and to measure the diameters of the underlying stars themselves. We find evidence for large-scale inhomogeneities in some dust shells and also significant deviations from uniform brightness for the photospheres of the most evolved M-stars. Deviations from spherically-symmetric mass loss in the red supergiant NML Cyg could be related to recent evidence for dynamically-important magnetic fields and/or stellar rotation. We point out that dust shell asymmetries, like those observed here, can qualitatively explain the difficulty recent workers have had in simultaneously fitting the broad-band spectral energy distributions and high-resolution spatial information, without invoking unusual dust properties or multiple distinct shells (from hypothetical ``superwinds). This paper is the first to combine optical interferometry data from multiple facilities for imaging, and we discuss the challenges and potential for the future of this method, given current calibration and software limitations.
300 - K.-H. Hofmann 2000
We present K-band observations of five Mira stars with the IOTA interferometer. The interferograms were obtained with the FLUOR fiber optics beam combiner which provides high-accuracy visibility measurements in spite of time-variable atmospheric cond itions. For the Mira stars X Oph, R Aql, RU Her, R Ser, and V CrB we derived the uniform-disk diameters 11.7 mas, 10.9 mas, 8.4 mas, 8.1 mas, and 7.9 mas (+/-0.3 mas), respectively. Simultaneous photometric observations yielded the bolometric fluxes. The derived angular Rosseland radii and the bolometric fluxes allowed the determination of effective temperatures. For instance, the effective temperature of R Aql was determined to be 3072 K +/- 161 K. A Rosseland radius for R Aql of 250 Rsun +/- 63 Rsun was derived from the angular Rosseland radius of 5.5 mas +/- 0.2 mas and the HIPPARCOS parallax of 4.73 mas +/- 1.19 mas. The observations were compared with theoretical Mira star models of Bessel, Scholz and Wood (1996) and Hofmann, Scholz and Wood (1998).
78 - K.-H. Hofmann 2002
We present K-band observations of five Mira stars with the IOTA interferometer. The interferograms were obtained with the FLUOR fiber optics beam combiner, which provides high-accuracy visibility measurements in spite of time-variable atmospheric con ditions. For the M-type Miras X Oph, R Aql, RU Her, R Ser, and the C-type Mira V CrB we derived the uniform-disk diameters 11.7mas, 10.9mas, 8.4mas, 8.1mas, and 7.9mas (+/- 0.3mas), respectively. Simultaneous photometric observations yielded the bolometric fluxes. The derived angular Rosseland radii and the bolometric fluxes allowed the determination of effective temperatures. For instance, the effective temperature of R Aql was determined to be 2970 +/- 110 K. A linear Rosseland radius for R Aql of (250 +100/-60) Rsun was derived from the angular Rosseland radius of 5.5mas +/- 0.2mas and the HIPPARCOS parallax of 4.73mas +/- 1.19mas. The observations were compared with theoretical Mira star models of Bessel et al. (1996) and Hofmann et al. (1998). The effective temperatures of the M-type Miras and the linear radius of R Aql indicate fundamental mode pulsation.
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