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A Hubble & Spitzer Space Telescope Survey for Gravitationally-Lensed Galaxies: Further Evidence for a Significant Population of Low Luminosity Galaxies beyond Redshift Seven

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 نشر من قبل Johan Richard
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Johan Richard

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We present the results of a systematic search for gravitationally-lensed continuum Lyman break `drop-outs beyond a redshift 7 conducted via very deep imaging through six foreground clusters undertaken with the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes. The survey has yielded 10 z-band and 2 J-band drop-out candidates to photometric limits of J_110~=26.2 AB (5sigma). Taking into account the magnifications afforded by our clusters (1-4 magnitudes), we probe the presence of z>7 sources to unlensed limits of J_{110}~=30 AB, fainter than those charted in the Hubble Ultradeep Field. To verify the fidelity of our candidates we conduct a number of tests for instrumental effects which would lead to spurious detections, and carefully evaluate the likelihood of foreground contamination by considering photometric uncertainties in the drop-out signature, the upper limits from stacked IRAC data and the statistics of multiply-imaged sources. Overall, we conclude that we can expect about half of our sample of z-band drop-outs are likely to be at high redshift. An ambitious infrared spectroscopic campaign undertaken with the NIRSPEC spectrograph at the WM Keck Observatory for seven of the most promising candidates failed to detect any Lyman-alpha emission highlighting the challenge of making further progress in this field. While the volume density of high redshift sources will likely remain uncertain until more powerful facilities are available, our data provides the first potentially interesting constraints on the UV luminosity function at z~=7.5 at intrinsically faint limits. We discuss the implications of our results in the context of the hypothesis that the bulk of the reionizing photons in the era 7<z<12 arise in low luminosity galaxies undetected by conventional surveys.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Small galaxies consisting entirely of population III (pop III) stars may form at high redshifts, and could constitute one of the best probes of such stars. Here, we explore the prospects of detecting gravitationally lensed pop III galaxies behind the galaxy cluster J0717.5+3745 (J0717) with both the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). By projecting simulated catalogs of pop III galaxies at z~7-15 through the J0717 magnification maps, we estimate the lensed number counts as a function of flux detection threshold. We find that the ongoing HST survey CLASH, targeting a total of 25 galaxy clusters including J0717, potentially could detect a small number of pop III galaxies if ~1% of the baryons in these systems have been converted into pop III stars. Using JWST exposures of J0717, this limit can be pushed to ~0.1% of the baryons. Ultra-deep JWST observations of unlensed fields are predicted to do somewhat worse, but will be able to probe pop III galaxies with luminosities intermediate between those detectable in HST/CLASH and in JWST observations of J0717. We also explain how current measurements of the galaxy luminosity function at z=7-10 can be used to constrain pop III galaxy models with very high star formation efficiencies (~10% of the baryons converted into pop III stars).
81 - Minjin Kim 2021
We present initial results from a Hubble Space Telescope snapshot imaging survey of the host galaxies of Swift-BAT active galactic nuclei (AGN) at z<0.1. The hard X-ray selection makes this sample sample relatively unbiased in terms of obscuration co mpared to optical AGN selection methods. The high-resolution images of 154 target AGN enable us to investigate the detailed photometric structure of the host galaxies, such as the Hubble type and merging features. We find that 48% and 44% of the sample is hosted by early-type and late-type galaxies, respectively. The host galaxies of the remaining 8% of the sample are classified as peculiar galaxies because they are heavily disturbed. Only a minor fraction of host galaxies (18%-25%) exhibit merging features (e.g., tidal tails, shells, or major disturbance). The merging fraction increases strongly as a function of bolometric AGN luminosity, revealing that merging plays an important role in triggering luminous AGN in this sample. However, the merging fraction is weakly correlated with the Eddington ratio, suggesting that merging does not necessarily lead to an enhanced Eddington ratio. Type 1 and type 2 AGN are almost indistinguishable in terms of their Hubble type distribution and merging fraction. However, the merging fraction of type 2 AGN peaks at a lower bolometric luminosity compared with those of type 1 AGN. This result may imply that the triggering mechanism and evolutionary stages of type 1 and type 2 AGN are not identical.
212 - D.J. Sand 2005
We present the results of a systematic search for gravitationally-lensed arcs in clusters of galaxies located in the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 data archive. By carefully examining the images of 128 clusters we have loca ted 12 candidate radial arcs and 104 tangential arcs, each of whose length to width ratio exceeds 7. In addition, 24 other radial arc candidates were identified with a length to width ratio less than 7. Keck spectroscopy of 17 candidate radial arcs suggests that contamination of the radial arc sample from non-lensed objects is ~30-50%. With our catalog, we explore the practicality of using the number ratio of radial to tangential arcs as a statistical measure of the slope beta of the dark matter distribution in cluster cores (where rho_{DM}propto r^{-beta} at small radii). Despite the heterogeneous nature of the cluster sample, we demonstrate that this abundance ratio is fairly constant across various cluster subsamples partitioned according to X-ray luminosity and optical survey depth. We develop the necessary formalism to interpret this ratio in the context of two-component mass models for cluster cores. Although the arc statistics in our survey are consistent with a range of density profiles -- beta<~1.6 depending on various assumptions, we show that one of the prime limiting factors is the distribution of stellar masses for the brightest cluster galaxies. We discuss the prospects for improving the observational constraints and thereby providing a reliable statistical constraint on cluster dark matter profiles on <~100 kpc scales.
80 - Qi Guo , Huijie Hu , Zheng Zheng 2019
In the standard cosmological model, dark matter drives the structure formation and constructs potential wells within which galaxies may form. The baryon fraction in dark halos can reach the universal value (15.7%) in massive clusters and decreases ra pidly as the mass of the system decreases. The formation of dwarf galaxies is sensitive both to baryonic processes and the properties of dark matter owing to the shallow potential wells in which they form. In dwarf galaxies in the Local Group, dark matter dominates the mass content even within their optical-light half-radii (r_e ~ 1 kpc). However, recently it has been argued that not all dwarf galaxies are dominated by dark matter. Here we report 19 dwarf galaxies that could consist mainly of baryons up to radii well beyond r_e, at which point they are expected to be dominated by dark matter. Of these, 14 are isolated dwarf galaxies, free from the influence of nearby bright galaxies and high dense environments. This result provides observational evidence that could challenge the formation theory of low-mass galaxies within the framework of standard cosmology. Further observations, in particular deep imaging and spatially-resolved kinematics, are needed to constrain the baryon fraction better in such galaxies.
Supernova (SN) cosmology is based on the assumption that the corrected luminosity of SN Ia would not evolve with redshift. Recently, our age dating of stellar populations in early-type host galaxies (ETGs) from high-quality spectra has shown that thi s key assumption is most likely in error. It has been argued though that the age-Hubble residual (HR) correlation from ETGs is not confirmed from two independent age datasets measured from multi-band optical photometry of host galaxies of all morphological types. Here we show, however, that one of them is based on highly uncertain and inappropriate luminosity-weighted ages derived, in many cases, under serious template mismatch. The other dataset employs more reliable mass-weighted ages, but the statistical analysis involved is affected by regression dilution bias, severely underestimating both the slope and significance of the age-HR correlation. Remarkably, when we apply regression analysis with a standard posterior sampling method to this dataset comprising a large sample ($N=102$) of host galaxies, very significant ($> 99.99 %$) correlation is obtained between the global population age and HR with the slope ($-0.047 pm 0.011$~mag/Gyr) highly consistent with our previous spectroscopic result from ETGs. For the local age of the environment around the site of SN, a similarly significant ($> 99.96 %$) correlation is obtained with a steeper slope ($-0.057 pm 0.016$ mag/Gyr). Therefore, the SN luminosity evolution is strongly supported by the age dating based on multi-band optical photometry and can be a serious systematic bias in SN cosmology.
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