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Using Intelligent Agents to understand organisational behaviour

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 نشر من قبل Uwe Aickelin
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper introduces two ongoing research projects which seek to apply computer modelling techniques in order to simulate human behaviour within organisations. Previous research in other disciplines has suggested that complex social behaviours are governed by relatively simple rules which, when identified, can be used to accurately model such processes using computer technology. The broad objective of our research is to develop a similar capability within organisational psychology.

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Intelligent agents offer a new and exciting way of understanding the world of work. In this paper we apply agent-based modeling and simulation to investigate a set of problems in a retail context. Specifically, we are working to understand the relati onship between human resource management practices and retail productivity. Despite the fact we are working within a relatively novel and complex domain, it is clear that intelligent agents could offer potential for fostering sustainable organizational capabilities in the future. The project is still at an early stage. So far we have conducted a case study in a UK department store to collect data and capture impressions about operations and actors within departments. Furthermore, based on our case study we have built and tested our first version of a retail branch simulator which we will present in this paper.
Pursuit-evasion games are ubiquitous in nature and in an artificial world. In nature, pursuer(s) and evader(s) are intelligent agents that can learn from experience, and dynamics (i.e., Newtonian or Lagrangian) is vital for the pursuer and the evader in some scenarios. To this end, this paper addresses the pursuit-evasion game of intelligent agents from the perspective of dynamics. A bio-inspired dynamics formulation of a pursuit-evasion game and baseline pursuit and evasion strategies are introduced at first. Then, reinforcement learning techniques are used to mimic the ability of intelligent agents to learn from experience. Based on the dynamics formulation and reinforcement learning techniques, the effects of improving both pursuit and evasion strategies based on experience on pursuit-evasion games are investigated at two levels 1) individual runs and 2) ranges of the parameters of pursuit-evasion games. Results of the investigation are consistent with nature observations and the natural law - survival of the fittest. More importantly, with respect to the result of a pursuit-evasion game of agents with baseline strategies, this study achieves a different result. It is shown that, in a pursuit-evasion game with a dynamics formulation, an evader is not able to escape from a slightly faster pursuer with an effective learned pursuit strategy, based on agile maneuvers and an effective learned evasion strategy.
Visualization tools for supervised learning have allowed users to interpret, introspect, and gain intuition for the successes and failures of their models. While reinforcement learning practitioners ask many of the same questions, existing tools are not applicable to the RL setting. In this work, we describe our initial attempt at constructing a prototype of these ideas, through identifying possible features that such a system should encapsulate. Our design is motivated by envisioning the system to be a platform on which to experiment with interpretable reinforcement learning.
When designing systems that are complex, dynamic and stochastic in nature, simulation is generally recognised as one of the best design support technologies, and a valuable aid in the strategic and tactical decision making process. A simulation model consists of a set of rules that define how a system changes over time, given its current state. Unlike analytical models, a simulation model is not solved but is run and the changes of system states can be observed at any point in time. This provides an insight into system dynamics rather than just predicting the output of a system based on specific inputs. Simulation is not a decision making tool but a decision support tool, allowing better informed decisions to be made. Due to the complexity of the real world, a simulation model can only be an approximation of the target system. The essence of the art of simulation modelling is abstraction and simplification. Only those characteristics that are important for the study and analysis of the target system should be included in the simulation model.
We introduce a new dataset of logical entailments for the purpose of measuring models ability to capture and exploit the structure of logical expressions against an entailment prediction task. We use this task to compare a series of architectures whi ch are ubiquitous in the sequence-processing literature, in addition to a new model class---PossibleWorldNets---which computes entailment as a convolution over possible worlds. Results show that convolutional networks present the wrong inductive bias for this class of problems relative to LSTM RNNs, tree-structured neural networks outperform LSTM RNNs due to their enhanced ability to exploit the syntax of logic, and PossibleWorldNets outperform all benchmarks.
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