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Direct limits of infinite-dimensional Lie groups

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 نشر من قبل Helge Glockner
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Helge Glockner

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Many infinite-dimensional Lie groups of interest can be expressed as a union of an ascending sequence of (finite- or infinite-dimensional) Lie groups. In this survey article, we compile general results concerning such ascending unions, describe the main classes of examples, and explain what the general theory tells us about these. In particular, we discuss: (1) Direct limit properties of ascending unions of Lie groups in the relevant categories; (2) Regularity in Milnors sense; (3) Homotopy groups of direct limit groups and of Lie groups containing a dense union of Lie groups; (4) Subgroups of direct limit groups; (5) Constructions of Lie group structures on ascending unions of Lie groups.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We give a construction of direct limits in the category of complete metric scalable groups and provide sufficient conditions for the limit to be an infinite-dimensional Carnot group. We also prove a Rademacher-type theorem for such limits.
144 - Helge Glockner 2019
Let G be a regular Lie group which is a directed union of regular Lie groups G_i (all modelled on possibly infinite-dimensional, locally convex spaces). We show that G is the direct limit of the G_i as a regular Lie group whenever G admits a so-calle d direct limit chart. Notably, this allows the regular Lie group Diff_c(M) of compactly supported smooth diffeomorphisms to be interpreted as a direct limit of the regular Lie groups Diff_K(M) of smooth diffeomorphisms supported in compact subsets K of M, even if the finite-dimensional smooth manifold M is merely paracompact (but not necessarily sigma-compact), which was not known before. Similar results are obtained for the test function groups C^k_c(M,F) with values in a Lie group F.
153 - Helge Glockner 2008
We solve three open problems concerning infinite-dimensional Lie groups posed in a recent survey article by K.-H. Neeb: (1) There exists a subgroup of some infinite-dimensional Lie group G which does not admit an initial Lie subgroup structure; ( 2) The pathology cannot occur if G is a direct limit of an ascending sequence of finite-dimensional Lie groups; (3) Every such direct limit group is a ``topological group with Lie algebra in the sense of Hofmann and Morris. Moreover, we prove a version of Borels Theorem announced in the survey, ensuring the existence of compactly supported smooth diffeomorphisms with given Taylor series around a fixed point p (provided the tangent map at p has positive determinant).
A host algebra of a (possibly infinite dimensional) Lie group $G$ is a $C^*$-algebra whose representations are in one-to-one correspondence with certain continuous unitary representations $pi colon G to U(cH)$. In this paper we present a new approach to host algebras for infinite dimensional Lie groups which is based on smoothing operators, i.e., operators whose range is contained in the space $cH^infty$ of smooth vectors. Our first major result is a characterization of smoothing operators $A$ that in particular implies smoothness of the maps $pi^A colon G to B(cH), g mapsto pi(g)A$. The concept of a smoothing operator is particularly powerful for representations $(pi,cH)$ which are semibounded, i.e., there exists an element $x_0 ing$ for which all operators $iddpi(x)$, $x in g$, from the derived representation are uniformly bounded from above in some neighborhood of $x_0$. Our second main result asserts that this implies that $cH^infty$ coincides with the space of smooth vectors for the one-parameter group $pi_{x_0}(t) = pi(exp tx_0)$. We then show that natural types of smoothing operators can be used to obtain host algebras and that, for every metrizable Lie group, the class of semibounded representations can be covered completely by host algebras. In particular, it permits direct integral decompositions.
Given a Lie group $G$ with finitely many components and a compact Lie group A which acts on $G$ by automorphisms, we prove that there always exists an A-invariant maximal compact subgroup K of G, and that for every such K, the natural map $H^1(A,K)to H^1(A,G)$ is bijective. This generalizes a classical result of Serre [6] and a recent result in [1].
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