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Josephson junctions in narrow thin-film strips

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 نشر من قبل Roman G. Mints
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the field dependence of the maximum supercurrent in narrow edge-type thin-film Josephson junctions. It is assumed that the junction extends across thin-film strip of width W that is much less than the Pearl length; the film thickness is much less than the London penetration depth. We calculate the maximum supercurrent within nonlocal Josephson electrodynamics, which takes into account the stray fields affecting tunneling currents. In the case when W is much less than the thin-film Josephson length, the phase difference along the junction depends only on the junction geometry and the applied field, but is independent of the Josephson critical current density, i.e., it is universal. Zeros of the maximum supercurrent are equidistant only in large fields (unlike the case of junctions with bulk banks); they are spaced by a field that is much smaller than the one of bulk junctions. Peaks of the maximum supercurrent decrease inversely proportional to the square root of the applied field, i.e., slower than 1/H for the bulk.

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105 - V. G. Kogan , M. Ichioka 2020
We study vortex current distributions in narrow thin-film superconducting strips. If one defines the vortex core ``boundary as a curve where the current reaches the depairing value, intriguing features emerge. Our conclusions based on the London appr oach have only qualitative relevance since the approach breaks down near the core. Still, the main observation which might be useful is that the core size near the strip edges is smaller than in the rest of the strip. If so, the Bardeen-Stephen flux-flow resistivity should be reduced near the edges. Moreover, at elevated temperatures, when the depairing current is small, the vortex core may extend to the whole strip width, thus turning into an edge-to-edge phase-slip line.
145 - V. G. Kogan , R. G. Mints 2013
The phase difference between the banks of an edge-type planar Josephson junction crossing the narrow thin-film strip depends on wether or not vortices are present in the junction banks. For a vortex close to the junction this effect has been seen by Golod, Rydh, and Krasnov, prl {bf 104}, 227003 (2010), who showed that the vortex may turn the junction into $pi$-type. It is shown here that even if the vortex is far away from the junction, it still changes the 0-junction to $pi$-junction when situated close to the strip edges. Within the approximation used, the latter effect is independent of the vortex-junction separation, a manifestation of topology of the vortex phase which extends to macroscopic distances of superconducting coherence.
A vortex crossing a thin-film superconducting strip from one edge to the other, perpendicular to the bias current, is the dominant mechanism of dissipation for films of thickness d on the order of the coherence length XI; and of width w much narrower than the Pearl length LAMBDA >> w >> XI. At high bias currents, I* < I < Ic, the heat released by the crossing of a single vortex suffices to create a belt-like normal-state region across the strip, resulting in a detectable voltage pulse. Here Ic is the critical current at which the energy barrier vanishes for a single vortex crossing. The belt forms along the vortex path and causes a transition of the entire strip into the normal state. We estimate I* to be roughly Ic/3. Further, we argue that such hot vortex crossings are the origin of dark counts in photon detectors, which operate in the regime of metastable superconductivity at currents between I* and Ic. We estimate the rate of vortex crossings and compare it with recent experimental data for dark counts. For currents below I*, i.e., in the stable superconducting but resistive regime, we estimate the amplitude and duration of voltage pulses induced by a single vortex crossing.
106 - V. G. Kogan , R. G. Mints 2014
New thin-film Josephson junctions have recently been tested in which the current injected into one of the junction banks governs Josephson phenomena. One thus can continuously manage the phase distribution at the junction by changing the injected cur rent. A method of calculating the distribution of injected currents is proposed for a half-infinite thin-film strip with source-sink points at arbitrary positions at the film edges. The strip width $W$ is assumed small relative to $Lambda=2lambda^2/d$, $lambda$ is the bulk London penetration depth of the film material, $d$ is the film thickness.
121 - John R. Clem 2011
In this paper I show how to calculate the effect of a nearby Pearl vortex or antivortex upon the critical current $I_c(B)$ when a perpendicular magnetic induction $B$ is applied to a planar Josephson junction in a long, thin superconducting strip of width $W$ much less than the Pearl length $Lambda = 2lambda^2/d$, where $lambda$ is the London penetration depth and $d$ is the thickness ($d < lambda$). The theoretical results provide a qualitative explanation of unusual features recently observed experimentally by Golod {it et al.}cite{Golod10} in a device with a similar geometry.
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