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Spitzer/IRAC Observations of AGB stars

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 نشر من قبل Massimo Marengo
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present here the first observation of galactic AGB stars with the InfraRed Array Camera (IRAC) onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. Our sample consists of 48 AGB stars of different chemical signature, mass loss rate and variability class. For each star we have measured IRAC photometry and colors. Preliminary results shows that IRAC colors are sensitive to spectroscopic features associated to molecules and dust in the AGB wind. Period is only loosely correlated to the brightness of the stars in the IRAC bands. We do find, however, a tight period-color relation for sources classified as semiregular variables. This may be interpreted as the lack of warm dust in the wind of the sources in this class, as opposed to Mira variables that show higher infrared excess in all IRAC bands.

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We present infrared photometry of all 36 potential JWST calibrators for which there is archival Spitzer IRAC data. This photometry can then be used to inform stellar models necessary to provide absolute calibration for all JWST instruments. We descri be in detail the steps necessary to measure IRAC photometry from archive retrieval to photometric corrections. To validate our photometry we examine the distribution of uncertainties from all detections in all four IRAC channels as well as compare the photometry and its uncertainties to those from models, ALLWISE, and the literature. 75% of our detections have standard deviations per star of all observations within each channel of less than three percent. The median standard deviations are 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, and 1.9% in [3.6] - [8.0] respectively. We find less than 8% standard deviations in differences of our photometry with ALLWISE, and excellent agreement with literature values (less than 3% difference) lending credence to our measured fluxes. JWST is poised to do ground-breaking science, and accurate calibration and cross-calibration with other missions will be part of the underpinnings of that science.
140 - J. E. Krick , C. Bridge , V. Desai 2011
We present 3.6 and 4.5 micron Spitzer IRAC imaging over 0.77 square degrees at the Virgo cluster core for the purpose of understanding the formation mechanisms of the low surface brightness intracluster light features. Instrumental and astrophysical backgrounds that are hundreds of times higher than the signal were carefully characterized and removed. We examine both intracluster light plumes as well as the outer halo of the giant elliptical M87. For two intracluster light plumes, we use optical colors to constrain their ages to be greater than 3 & 5 Gyr, respectively. Upper limits on the IRAC fluxes constrain the upper limits to the masses, and optical detections constrain the lower limits to the masses. In this first measurement of mass of intracluster light plumes we find masses in the range of 5.5 x 10^8 - 4.5 x 10^9 and 2.1 x 10^8 - 1.5 x 10^9 solar masses for the two plumes for which we have coverage. Given their expected short lifetimes, and a constant production rate for these types of streams, integrated over Virgos lifetime, they can account for the total ICL content of the cluster implying that we do not need to invoke ICL formation mechanisms other than gravitational mechanisms leading to bright plumes. We also examined the outer halo of the giant elliptical M87. The color profile from the inner to outer halo of M87 (160 Kpc) is consistent with either a flat or optically blue gradient, where a blue gradient could be due to younger or lower metallicity stars at larger radii. The similarity of the age predicted by both the infrared and optical colors (> few Gyr) indicates that the optical measurements are not strongly affected by dust extinction.
142 - M. Matsuura 2007
We have observed five carbon-rich AGB stars in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy, using the Infrared Spectrometer on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. The stars were selected from a near-infrared survey of Fornax and include the three reddes t stars, with presumably the highest mass-loss rates, in that galaxy. Such carbon stars probably belong to the intermediate-age population (2-8 Gyr old and metallicity of [Fe/H] -1) of Fornax. The primary aim of this paper is to investigate mass-loss rate, as a function of luminosity and metallicity, by comparing AGB stars in several galaxies with different metallicities. The spectra of three stars are fitted with a radiative transfer model. We find that mass-loss rates of these three stars are 4-7x10^-6 Msun yr-1. The other two stars have mass-loss rates below 1.3x10^-6 Msun yr-1. We find no evidence that these rates depend on metallicity, although we do suggest that the gas-to-dust ratio could be higher than at solar metallicity, in the range 240 to 800. The C2H2 bands are stronger at lower metallicity because of the higher C/O ratio. In contrast, the SiC fraction is reduced at low metallicity, due to low silicon abundance. The total mass-loss rate from all known carbon-rich AGB stars into the interstellar medium of this galaxy is of the order of 2x10^-5 Msun yr-1. This is much lower than that of the dwarf irregular galaxy WLM, which has a similar visual luminosity and metallicity. The difference is attributed to the younger stellar population of WLM. The suppressed gas-return rate to the ISM accentuates the difference between the relatively gas-rich dwarf irregular and the gas-poor dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Our study will be useful to constrain gas and dust recycling processes in low metallicity galaxies.
We present infrared photometry obtained with the IRAC camera on the Spitzer Space Telescope of a sample of 82 pre-main sequence stars and brown dwarfs in the Taurus star-forming region. We find a clear separation in some IRAC color-color diagrams bet ween objects with and without disks. A few ``transition objects are noted, which correspond to systems in which the inner disk has been evacuated of small dust. Separating pure disk systems from objects with remnant protostellar envelopes is more difficult at IRAC wavelengths, especially for objects with infall at low rates and large angular momenta. Our results generally confirm the IRAC color classification scheme used in previous papers by Allen et al. and Megeath et al. to distinguish between protostars, T Tauri stars with disks, and young stars without (inner) disks. The observed IRAC colors are in good agreement with recent improved disk models, and in general accord with models for protostellar envelopes derived from analyzing a larger wavelength region. We also comment on a few Taurus objects of special interest. Our results should be useful for interpreting IRAC results in other, less well-studied star-forming regions.
We present observations of the giant HII region complex N159 in the LMC using IRAC on the {it Spitzer Space Telescope}. One of the two objects previously identified as protostars in N159 has an SED consistent with classification as a Class I young st ellar object (YSO) and the other is probably a Class I YSO as well, making these two stars the youngest stars known outside the Milky Way. We identify two other sources that may also be Class I YSOs. One component, N159AN, is completely hidden at optical wavelengths, but is very prominent in the infrared. The integrated luminosity of the entire complex is L $approx 9times10^6$L$_{odot}$, consistent with the observed radio emission assuming a normal Galactic initial mass function (IMF). There is no evidence for a red supergiant population indicative of an older burst of star formation. The N159 complex is 50 pc in diameter, larger in physical size than typical HII regions in the Milky Way with comparable luminosity. We argue that all of the individual components are related in their star formation history. The morphology of the region is consistent with a wind blown bubble $approx 1-2Myr-old that has initiated star formation now taking place at the rim. Other than its large physical size, star formation in N159 appears to be indistinguishable from star formation in the Milky Way.
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