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Impedance-matched microwave lens

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 نشر من قبل Pekka Alitalo
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A microwave lens with highly reduced reflectance, as compared to conventional dielectric lenses, is proposed. The lens is based on two-dimensional or three-dimensional transmission-line networks that can be designed to have an effective refractive index larger than one, while having almost perfect impedance matching with free space. The design principles are presented and an example lens is studied using commercial simulation software.

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By driving a dispersively coupled qubit-resonator system, we realize an impedance-matched $Lambda$ system that has two identical radiative decay rates from the top level and interacts with a semi-infinite waveguide. It has been predicted that a photo n input from the waveguide deterministically induces a Raman transition in the system and switches its electronic state. We confirm this through microwave response to a continuous probe field, observing near-perfect ($99.7%$) extinction of the reflection and highly efficient ($74%$) frequency down-conversion. These proof-of-principle results lead to deterministic quantum gates between material qubits and microwave photons and open the possibility for scalable quantum networks interconnected with waveguide photons.
Strongly confined surface plasmon-polariton modes can be used for efficiently delivering the electromagnetic energy to nano-sized volumes by reducing the cross sections of propagating modes far beyond the diffraction limit, i.e., by nanofocusing. Thi s process results in significant local-field enhancement that can advantageously be exploited in modern optical nanotechnologies, including signal processing, biochemical sensing, imaging and spectroscopy. Here, we propose, analyze, and experimentally demonstrate on-chip nanofocusing followed by impedance-matched nanowire antenna excitation in the end-fire geometry at telecom wavelengths. Numerical and experimental evidences of the efficient excitation of dipole and quadrupole (dark) antenna modes are provided, revealing underlying physical mechanisms and analogies with the operation of plane-wave Fabry-Perot interferometers. The unique combination of efficient nanofocusing and nanoantenna resonant excitation realized in our experiments offers a major boost to the field intensity enhancement up to $sim 12000$, with the enhanced field being evenly distributed over the gap volume of $30times 30times 10 {rm nm}^3$, and promises thereby a variety of useful on-chip functionalities within sensing, nonlinear spectroscopy and signal processing.
Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) are the highest performing photon-counting technology in the near-infrared (NIR). Due to delay-line effects, large area SNSPDs typically trade-off timing resolution and detection efficiency. H ere, we introduce a detector design based on transmission line engineering and differential readout for device-level signal conditioning, enabling a high system detection efficiency and a low detector jitter, simultaneously. To make our differential detectors compatible with single-ended time taggers, we also engineer analog differential-to-single-ended readout electronics, with minimal impact on the system timing resolution. Our niobium nitride differential SNSPDs achieve $47.3,% pm 2.4,%$ system detection efficiency and sub-$10,mathrm{ps}$ system jitter at $775,mathrm{nm}$, while at $1550,mathrm{nm}$ they achieve $71.1,% pm 3.7,%$ system detection efficiency and $13.1,mathrm{ps} pm 0.4,mathrm{ps}$ system jitter. These detectors also achieve sub-100 ps timing response at one one-hundredth maximum level, $30.7,mathrm{ps} pm 0.4,mathrm{ps}$ at $775,mathrm{nm}$ and $47.6,mathrm{ps} pm 0.4,mathrm{ps}$ at $1550,mathrm{nm}$, enabling time-correlated single-photon counting with high dynamic range response functions. Furthermore, thanks to the differential impedance-matched design, our detectors exhibit delay-line imaging capabilities and photon-number resolution. The properties and high-performance metrics achieved by our system make it a versatile photon-detection solution for many scientific applications.
We here report on the implementation of a microwave lens for neutral polar molecules suitable to focus molecules both in low-field-seeking and in high-field-seeking states. By using the TE_11m modes of a 12 cm long cylindrically symmetric microwave r esonator, Stark-decelerated ammonia molecules are transversally confined. We investigate the focusing properties of this microwave lens as a function of the molecules velocity, the detuning of the microwave frequency from the molecular resonance frequency, and the microwave power. Such a microwave lens can be seen as a first important step towards further microwave devices, such as decelerators and traps.
We present proof-of-operation for a new method of electron thermometry using microwave impedance of a hafnium micro-absorber. The new method leads to an ultimate THz-range detector suitable for microwave readout and frequency division multiplexing. T he sensing part of the device is a hot-electron-gas absorber responding to the incident radiation by variation of its impedance measured at probing frequency about 1.5 GHz. The absorber is a microbridge made from hafnium (Tc = 375 mK, RN = 30 Ohm) sized 2.5 um by 2.5 um by 50 nm and integrated with a planar 600-700 GHz antenna placed near the open end of a quarter-wave CPW resonator (Q-factor about 10^4). All elements of the circuit, except the microbridge, are made from 100-nm thick Nb, including the resonator, which is weakly coupled to a throughput line. The device was tested at 50-350 mK smoothly responding with its transmission coefficient S21 to applied microwave power at the resonance frequency. We have found that the power absorbed by the bridge fits to the model of hot electron gas, P=k(Te^n-Tph^n) (n = 5...6). The idle NEP down to about 10^-18 W/Hz^(-1/2) and the corresponding cross-over temperature for photon background about 5 K are estimated from the measured data. The saturation power of about 1 pW and possibility of moderate gain are anticipated for a practicable device operating at temperature 200 mK. Since the optimum readout frequency is found exactly at the resonance, the detector is insensitive to most phase instabilities at the probing frequency.
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