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Bilinearization and Casorati determinant solution to the non-autonomous discrete KdV equation

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 نشر من قبل Kenji Kajiwara
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Casorati determinant solution to the non-autonomous discrete KdV equation is constructed by using the bilinear formalism. We present three different bilinear formulations which have different origins.

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The relativistic Toda lattice equation is decomposed into three Toda systems, the Toda lattice itself, Backlund transformation of Toda lattice and discrete time Toda lattice. It is shown that the solutions of the equation are given in terms of the Ca sorati determinant. By using the Casoratian technique, the bilinear equations of Toda systems are reduced to the Laplace expansion form for determinants. The $N$-soliton solution is explicitly constructed in the form of the Casorati determinant.
An integrable semi-discretization of the Camassa-Holm equation is presented. The keys of its construction are bilinear forms and determinant structure of solutions of the CH equation. Determinant formulas of $N$-soliton solutions of the continuous an d semi-discrete Camassa-Holm equations are presented. Based on determinant formulas, we can generate multi-soliton, multi-cuspon and multi-soliton-cuspon solutions. Numerical computations using the integrable semi-discrete Camassa-Holm equation are performed. It is shown that the integrable semi-discrete Camassa-Holm equation gives very accurate numerical results even in the cases of cuspon-cuspon and soliton-cuspon interactions. The numerical computation for an initial value condition, which is not an exact solution, is also presented.
In this paper, a general bright-dark soliton solution in the form of Pfaffian is constructed for an integrable semi-discrete vector NLS equation via Hirotas bilinear method. One- and two-bright-dark soliton solutions are explicitly presented for two- component semi-discrete NLS equation; two-bright-one-dark, and one-bright-two-dark soliton solutions are also given explicitly for three-component semi-discrete NLS equation. The asymptotic behavior is analysed for two-soliton solutions.
We present a multi-parameter family of rational solutions to the complex Korteweg-de Vries(KdV) equations. This family of solutions includes particular cases with high-amplitude peaks at the centre, as well as a multitude of cases in which high-order rogue waves are partially split into lower-order fundamental components. We present an empirically-found symmetry which introduces a parameter controlling the splitting of the rogue wave components into multi-peak solutions, and allows for nonsingular solutions at higher order in certain cases.
We show that the KdV flow evolves any real singular initial profile q of the form q=r+r^2, where rinL_{loc}^2, r|_{R_+}=0 into a meromorphic function with no real poles.
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