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Spin-valve effect and magnetoresistivity in single crystalline Ca3Ru2O7

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 نشر من قبل Wei Bao
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The laminar perovskite Ca3Ru2O7 naturally forms ferromagnetic double-layers of alternating moment directions, as in the spin-valve superlattices. The mechanism of huge magnetoresistive effect in the material has been controversial due to a lack of clear understanding of various magnetic phases and phase-transitions. In this neutron diffraction study in a magnetic field, we identify four different magnetic phases in Ca3Ru2O7 and determine all first-order and second-order phase transitions between them. The spin-valve mechanism then readily explains the dominant magnetoresistive effect in Ca3Ru2O7.

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The in-plane ($rho_{ab}$) and c-axis ($rho_c$) resistivities, and the magnetoresistivity of single crystals $Na_xCoO_2$ with x = 0.7, 0.5 and 0.3 were studied systematically. $rho_{ab}(T)$ shows similar temperature dependence between $Na_{0.3}CoO_2$ and $Na_{0.7}CoO_2$, while $rho_c(T)$ is quite different. A dimensional crossover from two to three occurs with decreasing Na concentration from 0.7 to 0.3. The angular dependence of in-plane magnetoresistivity for 0.5 sample shows a emph{d-wave-like} symmetry at 2K, while the emph{p-wave-like} symmetry at 20 K. These results give an evidence for existence of a emph{spin ordering orientation} below 20 K turned by external field, like the stripes in cuprates.
We use Ru $L_3$-edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) to study the full range of excitations in Ca$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$ from meV-scale magnetic dynamics through to the eV-scale interband transitions. This bilayer $4d$-electron correlated metal ex presses a rich phase diagram, displaying long range magnetic order below 56 K followed by a concomitant structural, magnetic and electronic transition at 48 K. In the low temperature phase we observe a magnetic excitation with a bandwidth of $sim$30 meV and a gap of $sim$8 meV at the zone center, in excellent agreement with inelastic neutron scattering data. The dispersion can be modeled using a Heisenberg Hamiltonian for a bilayer $mathrm{S}=1$ system with single ion anisotropy terms. At a higher energy loss, $dd$-type excitations show heavy damping in the presence of itinerant electrons, giving rise to a fluorescence-like signal appearing between the $t_{2g}$ and $e_g$ bands. At the same time, we observe a resonance originating from localized $t_{2g}$ excitations, in analogy to the structurally related Mott-insulator Ca$_2$RuO$_4$. But whereas Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ shows sharp separate spin-orbit excitations and Hunds-rule driven spin-state transitions, here we identify only a single broad asymmetric feature. These results indicate that local intra-ionic interactions underlie the correlated physics in Ca$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$, even as the excitations become strongly mixed in the presence of itinerant electrons.
We have grown single crystals of YbFe6Ge6 and LuFe6Ge6 and characterized their anisotropic behaviour through low field magnetic susceptibility, field-dependent magnetization, resistivity and heat capacity measurements. The Yb+3 valency is confirmed b y LIII XANES measurements. YbFe6Ge6 crystals exhibit a field-dependent, sudden reorientation of the Fe spins at about 63 K, a unique effect in the RFe6Ge6 family (R = rare earths) where the Fe ions order anti-ferromagnetically with Neel temperatures above 450 K and the R ions magnetism appears to behave independently. The possible origins of this unusual behaviour of the ordered Fe moments in this compound are discussed.
We report x-ray scattering studies of the c-axis lattice parameter in Ca3Ru2O7 as a function of temperature and magnetic field. These structural studies complement published transport and magnetization data, and therefore elucidate the spin-charge-la ttice coupling near the metal-insulator transition. Strong anisotropy of the structural change for field applied along orthogonal in-plane directions is observed. Competition between a spin-polarized phase that does not couple to the lattice, and an antiferromagnetic metallic phase, which does, gives rise to rich behavior for B $parallel$ b.
Compulsory Dirac multipoles in the bilayer perovskite Ca3Ru2O7 are absent in published analyses of experimental data. In a first step at correcting knowledge of the magnetic structure, we have analysed existing Bragg diffraction patterns gathered on samples held well below the Neel temperature at which A-type antiferromagnetic order of axial dipoles spontaneously develops. Patterns were gathered with neutrons, and linearly polarized x-rays tuned in energy to a ruthenium atomic resonance. Neutron diffraction data contains solid evidence of Dirac dipoles (anapoles or toroidal moments). No such conclusion is reached with existing x-ray diffraction data, which instead is ambiguous on the question. To address this shortcoming by future experiments, we calculated additional diffraction patterns. Chiral order of Dirac multipoles is allowed by magnetic space-group PCna21, and it can be exposed in Bragg diffraction using circularly polarized x-rays. Likewise, a similar experiment can expose a chiral order of axial dipoles. A magnetic field applied parallel to the b-axis creates a ferrimagnetic structure in which bulk magnetization arises from field-induced nonequivalent Ru sites (magnetic space-group Pmc21).
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