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The Exotic XYZ Charmonium-like Mesons

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 نشر من قبل Stephen Godfrey
 تاريخ النشر 2008
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والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Stephen Godfrey

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Charmonium, the spectroscopy of cbar{c} mesons, has recently enjoyed a renaissance with the discovery of several missing states and a number of unexpected charmonium-like resonances. The discovery of these new states has been made possible by the extremely large data samples made available by the B-factories at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and at KEK in Japan, and at the CESR e^+e^- collider at Cornell. Conventional cbar{c} states are well described by quark potential models. However, many of these newly discovered charmonium-like mesons do not seem to fit into the conventional cbar{c} spectrum. There is growing evidence that at least some of these new states are exotic, i.e. new forms of hadronic matter such as mesonic-molecules, tetraquarks, and/or hybrid mesons. In this review we describe expectations for the properties of conventional charmonium states and the predictions for molecules, tetraquarks and hybrids and the various processes that can be used to produce them. We examine the evidence for the new candidate exotic mesons, possible explanations, and experimental measurements that might shed further light on the nature these states.

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اقرأ أيضاً

117 - Stephen Lars Olsen 2018
I discuss the properties of some representative $XYZ$ mesons in the context of the most commonly proposed models for their underlying nature.
Many new states in the charmonium and bottomonium mass region were recently discovered by the BaBar, Belle and CDF Collaborations. We use the QCD Sum Rule approach to study the possible structure of some of these states. In particular we identify the recently observed bottomonium-like resonance $Z_b^+(10610)$ with the first excitation of the tetraquark $X_b(1^{++})$, the analogue of the X(3872) state in the charm sector.
109 - T. Hilger , A. Krassnigg 2016
Meson states with exotic quantum numbers arise naturally in a covariant bound-state framework in QCD. We investigate the consequences of shifting quark masses such that the states are no longer restricted to certain C-parities, but only by J^P. Then, a priori, one can no longer distinguish exotic or conventional states. In order to identify signatures of the different states to look for experimentally, we provide the behavior of masses, leptonic decay constants, and orbital-angular-momentum decomposition of such mesons, as well as the constellations in which they could be found. Most prominently, we consider the case of charged quasi-exotic excitations of the pion.
71 - C. Hanhart 2017
Some of the currently most popular conjectures for the structure of the recently discovered heavy mesons that do not find a place in the quark model quarkonium spectrum are sketched. Furthermore, some observables are identified that should allow one to identify the most prominent components of individual states.
Exclusive production of charmonium-like XYZ states in hadron-hadron ultraperipheral collisions(UPCs) and electron-proton scattering is studied employing effective Lagrangian method. Total cross sections and rapidity distributions of charmonium-like X YZ states are obtained in hadron-hadron UPCs and electron-proton scattering process. These predictions can be applied to estimate the observed event number of exclusive charmonium-like XYZ states in hadron-hadron UPCs and electron-proton scattering. The results indicate that it is significant to search $X(3872)$ and $Z^+_c(3900)$ in pA UPCs and Electron-Ion Collider in China will be an advantage platform to observe XYZ states in the future.
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