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The HST/ACS Coma Cluster Survey: I - Survey Objectives and Design

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 نشر من قبل David Carter
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We describe the HST ACS Coma cluster Treasury survey, a deep two-passband imaging survey of one of the nearest rich clusters of galaxies, the Coma cluster (Abell 1656). The survey was designed to cover an area of 740 square arcmin in regions of different density of both galaxies and intergalactic medium within the cluster. The ACS failure of January 27th 2007 leaves the survey 28% complete, with 21 ACS pointings (230 square arcmin) complete, and partial data for a further 4 pointings (44 square arcmin). Predicted survey depth for 10 sigma detections for optimal photometry of point sources is g = 27.6 in the F475W filter, and IC=26.8 mag in F814 (AB magnitudes). Initial simulations with artificially injected point sources show 90% recovered at magnitude limits of g = 27.55 and IC = 26.65. For extended sources, the predicted 10 sigma limits for a 1 square arcsecond region are g = 25.8 mag/sq. arcsec and IC = 25.0 mag/sq. arcsec. We highlight several motivating science goals of the survey, including study of the faint end of the cluster galaxy luminosity function, structural parameters of dwarf galaxies, stellar populations and their effect on colors and color gradients, evolution of morphological components in a dense environment, the nature of ultra compact dwarf galaxies, and globular cluster populations of cluster galaxies of a range of luminosities and types. This survey will also provide a local rich cluster benchmark for various well known global scaling relations and explore new relations pertaining to the nuclear properties of galaxies.

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145 - J. Price , S. Phillipps , A. Huxor 2009
The HST ACS Coma Cluster Treasury Survey is a deep two passband imaging survey of the nearest very rich cluster of galaxies, covering a range of galaxy density environments. The imaging is complemented by a recent wide field redshift survey of the cl uster conducted with Hectospec on the 6.5m MMT. Among the many scientific applications for this data are the search for compact galaxies. In this paper, we present the discovery of seven compact (but quite luminous) stellar systems, ranging from M32-like galaxies down to ultra-compact dwarfs (UCDs)/dwarf to globular transition objects (DGTOs). We find that all seven compact galaxies require a two-component fit to their light profile and have measured velocity dispersions that exceed those expected for typical early-type galaxies at their luminosity. From our structural parameter analysis we conclude that three of the sample should be classified as compact ellipticals or M32-like galaxies, the remaining four being less extreme systems. The three compact ellipticals are all found to have old luminosity weighted ages (> 12 Gyr), intermediate metallicities (-0.6 < [Fe/H] < -0.1) and high [Mg/Fe] (> 0.25). Our findings support a tidal stripping scenario as the formation mode of compact galaxies covering the luminosity range studied here. We speculate that at least two early-type morphologies may serve as the progenitor of compact galaxies in clusters.
The Coma cluster was the target of a HST-ACS Treasury program designed for deep imaging in the F475W and F814W passbands. Although our survey was interrupted by the ACS instrument failure in 2007, the partially completed survey still covers ~50% of t he core high-density region in Coma. Observations were performed for 25 fields that extend over a wide range of cluster-centric radii (~1.75 Mpc) with a total coverage area of 274 arcmin^2. The majority of the fields are located near the core region of Coma (19/25 pointings) with six additional fields in the south-west region of the cluster. In this paper we present reprocessed images and SExtractor source catalogs for our survey fields, including a detailed description of the methodology used for object detection and photometry, the subtraction of bright galaxies to measure faint underlying objects, and the use of simulations to assess the photometric accuracy and completeness of our catalogs. We also use simulations to perform aperture corrections for the SExtractor Kron magnitudes based only on the measured source flux and half-light radius. We have performed photometry for ~73,000 unique objects; one-half of our detections are brighter than the 10-sigma point-source detection limit at F814W=25.8 mag (AB). The slight majority of objects (60%) are unresolved or only marginally resolved by ACS. We estimate that Coma members are 5-10% of all source detections, which consist of a large population of unresolved objects (primarily GCs but also UCDs) and a wide variety of extended galaxies from a cD galaxy to dwarf LSB galaxies. The red sequence of Coma member galaxies has a constant slope and dispersion across 9 magnitudes (-21<M_F814W<-13). The initial data release for the HST-ACS Coma Treasury program was made available to the public in 2008 August. The images and catalogs described in this study relate to our second data release.
166 - Irina Marinova 2012
(ABRIDGED) We use high resolution (~0.1) F814W ACS images from the HST ACS Treasury survey of the Coma cluster at z~0.02 to study bars in massive disk galaxies (S0s), and in dwarf galaxies in the Coma core. Our study helps constrain the evolution of bars and disks in dense environments and provides a comparison point for studies in lower density environments and at higher redshifts. (1) We characterize the fraction and properties of bars in a sample of 32 bright (M_V <= -18, M_* > 10^9.5 M_sun) S0 galaxies, which dominate the population of massive disk galaxies in the Coma core. Measuring the S0 bar fraction must be handled carefully, as the results depend on the method used: the bar fraction for bright S0s in the Coma core is 50%+/-11%, 65%+/-11%, and 60%+/-11% for three methods of bar detection: strict ellipse fit criteria, relaxed ellipse fit criteria, and visual classification. (2) We compare the S0 bar fraction across different environments (Coma core, A901/902, Virgo). We find that the bar fraction among bright S0 galaxies does not show a statistically significant variation across environments spanning two orders of magnitude in galaxy number density (n~300-10,000 gal/Mpc^3). We speculate that the S0 bar fraction is not significantly enhanced in rich clusters because S0s in rich clusters are less prone to bar instabilities as they are dynamically hot and gas poor due to ram pressure stripping and accelerated star formation. In addition, high-speed encounters in rich clusters may be less effective than slow, strong encounters in inducing bars. (3) We analyze a sample of 333 faint (M_V > -18) dwarf galaxies in the Coma core. Using unsharp-masking, we find only 13 galaxies with bar and/or spiral structure. The paucity of disk structures in Coma dwarfs suggests that either disks are not common in these galaxies, or that any disks present are too hot to develop instabilities.
We constrain the assembly history of galaxies in the projected central 0.5 Mpc of the Coma cluster by performing structural decomposition on 69 massive (M_star >= 10^9 M_sun) galaxies using high-resolution F814W images from the HST Treasury Survey of Coma. Each galaxy is modeled with up to three Sersic components having a free Sersic index n. After excluding the two cDs in the projected central 0.5 Mpc of Coma, 57% of the galactic stellar mass in the projected central 0.5 Mpc of Coma resides in classical bulges/ellipticals while 43% resides in cold disk-dominated structures. Most of the stellar mass in Coma may have been assembled through major (and possibly minor) mergers. Hubble types are assigned based on the decompositions, and we find a strong morphology-density relation; the ratio of (E+S0):spirals is (91.0%):9.0%. In agreement with earlier work, the size of outer disks in Coma S0s/spirals is smaller compared with lower-density environments captured with SDSS (Data Release 2). Among similar-mass clusters from a hierarchical semi-analytic model, no single cluster can simultaneously match all the global properties of the Coma cluster. The model strongly overpredicts the mass of cold gas and underpredicts the mean fraction of stellar mass locked in hot components over a wide range of galaxy masses. We suggest that these disagreements with the model result from missing cluster physics (e.g., ram-pressure stripping), and certain bulge assembly modes (e.g., mergers of clumps). Overall, our study of Coma underscores that galaxy evolution is not solely a function of stellar mass, but also of environment.
Using deep, high-spatial resolution imaging from the HST ACS Coma Cluster Treasury Survey, we determine colour profiles of early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster. From 176 galaxies brighter than $M_mathrm{F814W(AB)} = -15$ mag that are either spectr oscopically confirmed members of Coma or identified by eye as likely members from their low surface brightness, data are provided for 142 early-type galaxies. Typically, colour profiles are linear against $log(R)$, sometimes with a nuclear region of distinct, often bluer colour associated with nuclear clusters. Colour gradients are determined for the regions outside the nuclear components. We find that almost all colour gradients are negative, both for elliptical and lenticular galaxies. Most likely, earlier studies that report positive colour gradients in dwarf galaxies are affected by the bluer colours of the nuclear clusters, underlining that high resolution data are essential to disentangle the colour properties of the different morphological components in galaxies. Colour gradients of dwarf galaxies form a continuous sequence with those of elliptical galaxies, becoming shallower toward fainter magnitudes. Interpreting the colours as metallicity tracers, our data suggest that dwarfs as well as giant early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster are less metal rich in their outer parts. We do not find evidence for environmental influence on the gradients, although we note that most of our galaxies are found in the central regions of the cluster. For a subset of galaxies with known morphological types, S0 galaxies have less steep gradients than elliptical galaxies.
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