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Clones and Genoids in Lambda Calculus and First Order Logic

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 نشر من قبل Zhaohua Luo
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English
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A genoid is a category of two objects such that one is the product of itself with the other. A genoid may be viewed as an abstract substitution algebra. It is a remarkable fact that such a simple concept can be applied to present a unified algebraic approach to lambda calculus and first order logic.

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The intersection type assignment system has been designed directly as deductive system for assigning formulae of the implicative and conjunctive fragment of the intuitionistic logic to terms of lambda-calculus. But its relation with the logic is not standard. Between all the logics that have been proposed as its foundation, we consider ISL, which gives a logical interpretation of the intersection by splitting the intuitionistic conjunction into two connectives, with a local and global behaviour respectively, being the intersection the local one. We think ISL is a logic interesting by itself, and in order to support this claim we give a sequent calculus formulation of it, and we prove that it enjoys the cut elimination property.
We present the guarded lambda-calculus, an extension of the simply typed lambda-calculus with guarded recursive and coinductive types. The use of guarded recursive types ensures the productivity of well-typed programs. Guarded recursive types may be transformed into coinductive types by a type-former inspired by modal logic and Atkey-McBride clock quantification, allowing the typing of acausal functions. We give a call-by-name operational semantics for the calculus, and define adequate denotational semantics in the topos of trees. The adequacy proof entails that the evaluation of a program always terminates. We introduce a program logic with Lob induction for reasoning about the contextual equivalence of programs. We demonstrate the expressiveness of the calculus by showing the definability of solutions to Ruttens behavioural differential equations.
Cartesian difference categories are a recent generalisation of Cartesian differential categories which introduce a notion of infinitesimal arrows satisfying an analogue of the Kock-Lawvere axiom, with the axioms of a Cartesian differential category b eing satisfied only up to an infinitesimal perturbation. In this work, we construct a simply-typed calculus in the spirit of the differential lambda-calculus equipped with syntactic infinitesimals and show how its models correspond to difference lambda-categories, a family of Cartesian difference categories equipped with suitably well-behaved exponentials.
In this paper we introduce a typed, concurrent $lambda$-calculus with references featuring explicit substitutions for variables and references. Alongside usual safety properties, we recover strong normalization. The proof is based on a reducibility t echnique and an original interactive property reminiscent of the Game Semantics approach.
448 - Zhaohua Luo 2008
The primary goal of this paper is to present a unified way to transform the syntax of a logic system into certain initial algebraic structure so that it can be studied algebraically. The algebraic structures which one may choose for this purpose are various clones over a full subcategory of a category. We show that the syntax of equational logic, lambda calculus and first order logic can be represented as clones or right algebras of clones over the set of positive integers. The semantics is then represented by structures derived from left algebras of these clones.
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