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Variation of the primary and reprocessed radiation in the flare-spot model

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 نشر من قبل Michal Dovciak
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study light curves and spectra (equivalent widths of the iron line and some other spectral characteristics) which arise by reprocessing on the surface of an accretion disc, following its illumination by a primary off-axis source - an X-ray flare, assumed to be a point-like source just above the accretion disc. We consider all general relativity effects (energy shifts, light bending, time delays, delay amplification due to the spot motion) near a rotating black hole. For some sets of parameters the reflected flux exceeds the flux from the primary component. We show that the orbit-induced variations of the equivalent width with respect to its mean value can be as high as 30% for an observers inclination of 30 degrees, and much more at higher inclinations. We calculate the ratio of the reflected flux to the primary flux and the hardness ratio which we find to vary significantly with the spot phase mainly for small orbital radii. This offers the chance to estimate the lower limit of the black hole spin if the flare arises close to the black hole. We show the results for different values of the flare orbital radius.

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301 - M. Dovciak , V. Karas , G. Matt 2007
We study light curves and spectra (equivalent widths of the iron line and some other spectral characteristics) which arise by reflection on the surface of an accretion disc, following its illumination by a primary off-axis source - an X-ray flare, as sumed to be a point-like source just above the accretion disc resulting in a spot with radius dr/r<1. We consider General Relativity effects (energy shifts, light bending, time delays) near a rotating black hole, and we find them all important, including the light bending and delay amplification due to the spot motion. For some sets of parameters the reflected flux exceeds the flux from the primary component. We show that the orbit-induced variations of the equivalent width with respect to its mean value can be as high as 30% for the observers inclination of 30 degrees, and much more at higher inclinations. We calculate the ratio of the reflected flux to the primary flux and the hardness ratio which we find to vary significantly with the spot phase mainly for small orbital radii. This offers the chance to estimate the lower limit of the black hole spin if the flare arises close to the black hole.
We discuss a model of X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei (AGN). We consider multiple spots which originate on the surface of an accretion disk following intense irradiation by coronal flares. The spots move with the disk around the central b lack hole and eventually decay while new spots continuously emerge. We construct time sequences of the spectra of the spotted disk and compute the corresponding energy-dependent fractional variability amplitude. We explore the dependence on the disk inclination and other model parameters. AGN seen at higher inclination with respect to the observer, such as Seyfert 2 galaxies, are expected to have fractional variability amplitude of the direct emission by a factor of a few higher than objects seen face on, such as the Seyfert 1s.
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173 - H. Korhonen 2011
In this work the latitude dependent stellar spot rotation is investigated based on dynamo models. The maps of the magnetic pressure at the surface from the dynamo calculations are treated similarly to the temperature maps obtained using Doppler imagi ng techniques. A series of snapshots from the dynamo models are cross-correlated to obtain the shift of the magnetic patterns at each latitude and time point. The surface differential rotation patterns obtained from the snapshots of the dynamo calculations show in all studied cases variability over the activity cycle. In the models using only the large scale dynamo field the measured rotation patterns are only at times similar to the input rotation law. This is due to the spot motion being mainly determined by the geometric properties of the large scale dynamo field. In the models with additional small scale magnetic field the surface differential rotation measured from the model follows well the input rotation law. The results imply that the stellar spots caused by the large scale dynamo field are not necessarily tracing the stellar differential rotation, whereas the spots formed from small scale fields trace well the surface flow patterns. It can be questioned whether the large spots observed in active stars could be caused by small scale fields. Therefore, it is not clear that the true stellar surface rotation can be recovered using measurements of large starspots, which are currently the only ones that can be observed.
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