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Probing new physics with long-lived charged particles produced by atmospheric and astrophysical neutrinos

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 نشر من قبل Shin'ichiro Ando
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Shinichiro Ando

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As suggested by some extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics, dark matter may be a super-weakly interacting lightest stable particle, while the next-to-lightest particle (NLP) is charged and meta-stable. One could test such a possibility with neutrino telescopes, by detecting the charged NLPs produced in high-energy neutrino collisions with Earth matter. We study the production of charged NLPs by both atmospheric and astrophysical neutrinos; only the latter, which is largely uncertain and has not been detected yet, was the focus of previous studies. We compute the resulting fluxes of the charged NLPs, compare those of different origins, and analyze the dependence on the underlying particle physics setup. We point out that even if the astrophysical neutrino flux is very small, atmospheric neutrinos, especially those from the prompt decay of charmed mesons, may provide a detectable flux of NLP pairs at neutrino telescopes such as IceCube. We also comment on the flux of charged NLPs expected from proton-nucleon collisions, and show that, for theoretically motivated and phenomenologically viable models, it is typically sub-dominant and below detectable rates.

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381 - Nicole F. Bell 2008
We review the prospects for probing new physics with neutrino astrophysics. High energy neutrinos provide an important means of accessing physics beyond the electroweak scale. Neutrinos have a number of advantages over conventional astronomy and, in particular, carry information encoded in their flavor degree of freedom which could reveal a variety of exotic neutrino properties. We also outline ways in which neutrino astrophysics can be used to constrain dark matter properties, and explain how neutrino-based limits lead to a strong general bound on the dark matter total annihilation cross-section.
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172 - S.Ambrosanio 2000
We draw a possible scenario for the observation of massive long-lived charged particles at the LHC detector ATLAS. The required flexibility of the detector triggers and of the identification and reconstruction systems are discussed. As an example, we focus on the measurement of the mass and lifetime of long-lived charged sleptons predicted in the framework of supersymmetric models with gauge-mediated supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking. In this case, the next-to-lightest SUSY particle can be the light scalar partner of the tau lepton, possibly decaying slowly into a gravitino. A wide region of the SUSY parameters space was explored. The accessible range and precision on the measurement of the SUSY breaking scale parameter sqrt(F) achievable with a counting method are assessed.
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