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Lattice QCD approach to nuclear force

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 نشر من قبل Noriyoshi Ishii
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
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We present our updated results of the nucleon-nucleon potential in quenched lattice QCD simulations with the plaquette gauge action and the Wilson quark action on the 32^4(simeq (4.4 fm)^4) lattice. From the equal-time Bethe-Salpeter (BS) wave function, the NN potential is constructed through the Schroedinger-type equation. Resulting NN potential has all the qualitative features which phenomenological potentials commonly have: the repulsive core at short distance and the attractive well at medium and long distances. In the L to infty limit, our NN potential is guaranteed to reproduce the scattering length obtained from the Lueschers formula. The quark mass dependence of the NN potential is studied with m_{pi} sim 380, 529, 731 MeV. The results suggest that both the repulsive core at short distance and the attractive well at medium distance are enhanced in the light quark mass region.

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اقرأ أيضاً

76 - Noriyoshi ISHII 2006
The first lattice QCD result on the nuclear force (the NN potential) is presented in the quenched level. The standard Wilson gauge action and the standard Wilson quark action are employed on the lattice of the size 16^3times 24 with the gauge couplin g beta=5.7 and the hopping parameter kappa=0.1665. To obtain the NN potential, we adopt a method recently proposed by CP-PACS collaboration to study the pi pi scattering phase shift. It turns out that this method provides the NN potentials which are faithful to those obtained in the analysis of NN scattering data. By identifying the equal-time Bethe-Salpeter wave function with the Schroedinger wave function for the two nucleon system, the NN potential is reconstructed so that the wave function satisfies the time-independent Schroedinger equation. In this report, we restrict ourselves to the J^P=0^+ and I=1 channel, which enables us to pick up unambiguously the ``central NN potential V_{central}(r). The resulting potential is seen to posses a clear repulsive core of about 500 MeV at short distance (r < 0.5 fm). Although the attraction in the intermediate and long distance regions is still missing in the present lattice set-up, our method is appeared to be quite promising in reconstructing the NN potential with lattice QCD.
Nucleon-nucleon (NN) potential is studied by lattice QCD simulations in the quenched approximation, using the plaquette gauge action and the Wilson quark action on a 32^4 (simeq (4.4 fm)^4) lattice. A NN potential V_{NN}(r) is defined from the equal- time Bethe-Salpeter amplitude with a local interpolating operator for the nucleon. By studying the NN interaction in the ^1S_0 and ^3S_1 channels, we show that the central part of V_{NN}(r) has a strong repulsive core of a few hundred MeV at short distances (r alt 0.5 fm) surrounded by an attractive well at medium and long distances. These features are consistent with the known phenomenological features of the nuclear force.
157 - K. Murano , N. Ishii , S. Aoki 2013
We present a first attempt to determine nucleon-nucleon potentials in the parity-odd sector, which appear in 1P1, 3P0, 3P1, 3P2-3F2 channels, in Nf=2 lattice QCD simulations. These potentials are constructed from the Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter wave functio ns for J^P=0^-, 1^- and 2^-, which correspond to A1^-, T1^- and T2^- + E^- representation of the cubic group, respectively. We have found a large and attractive spin-orbit potential VLS(r) in the isospin-triplet channel, which is qualitatively consistent with the phenomenological determination from the experimental scattering phase shifts. The potentials obtained from lattice QCD are used to calculate the scattering phase shifts in 1P1, 3P0, 3P1 and 3P2-3F2 channels. The strong attractive spin-orbit force and a weak repulsive central force in spin-triplet P-wave channels lead to an attraction in the 3P2 channel, which is related to the P-wave neutron paring in neutron stars.
197 - Sinya Aoki 2009
We present full accounts of a method to extract nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials from the Bethe-Salpter amplitude in lattice QCD. The method is applied to two nucleons on the lattice with quenched QCD simulations. By disentangling the mixing between t he S-state and the D-state, we obtain central and tensor potentials in the leading order of the velocity expansion of the non-local NN potential. The spatial structure and the quark mass dependence of the potentials are analyzed in detail.
We review recent progress toward establishing lattice Quantum Chromodynamics as a predictive calculational framework for nuclear physics. A survey of the current techniques that are used to extract low-energy hadronic scattering amplitudes and intera ctions is followed by a review of recent two-body and few-body calculations by the NPLQCD collaboration and others. An outline of the nuclear physics that is expected to be accomplished with Lattice QCD in the next decade, along with estimates of the required computational resources, is presented.
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