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A Catalogue of Be Stars in the Direction of the Galactic Bulge

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 نشر من قبل Beatriz Eugenia Sabogal Martinez
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Detailed studies of Be stars in environments with different metallicities like the Magellanic Clouds or the Galactic bulge are necessary to understand the formation and evolution mechanisms of the circumstellar disks. However, a detailed study of Be stars in the direction of the bulge of our own galaxy has not been performed until now. We report the first systematic search for Be star candidates in the direction of the Galactic Bulge. We present the catalogue, give a brief description of the stellar variability seen, and show some light curve examples. We searched for stars matching specific criteria of magnitude, color and variability in the I band. Our search was conducted on the 48 OGLE II fields of the Galactic Bulge.This search has resulted in 29053 Be star candidates, 198 of them showing periodic light variations. Nearly 1500 stars in this final sample are almost certainly Be stars, providing an ideal sample for spectroscopic multiobject follow-up studies.

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101 - R. Raddi , J. E. Drew , D. Steeghs 2014
We present a catalogue of 247 photometrically and spectroscopically confirmed fainter classical Be stars (13 < r < 16) in the direction of the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way (-1 < b < +4, 120 < l < 140). The catalogue consists of 181 IPHAS-selected new classical Be stars, in addition to 66 objects that were studied by Raddi et al. (2013) more closely, and 3 stars identified as classical Be stars in earlier work. This study more than doubles the number known in the region. Photometry spanning 0.6 to 5 micron, spectral types, and interstellar reddenings are given for each object. The spectral types were determined from low-resolution spectra (lambda / Delta-lambda ~ 800-2000), to a precision of 1-3 subtypes. The interstellar reddenings are derived from the (r - i) colour, using a method that corrects for circumstellar disc emission. The colour excesses obtained range from E(B-V) = 0.3 up to 1.6 - a distribution that modestly extends the range reported in the literature for Perseus-Arm open clusters. For around half the sample, the reddenings obtained are compatible with measures of the total sightline Galactic extinction. Many of these are likely to lie well beyond the Perseus Arm.
67 - R. Ansari 2004
We present the AGAPE astrometric and photometric catalogue of 1579 variable stars in a 14x10 field centred on M31. This work is the first survey devoted to variable stars in the bulge of M31. The R magnitudes of the objects and the B-R colours sugges t that our sample is dominated by red long-period variable stars (LPV), with a possible overlap with Cepheid-like type II stars. Twelve nova candidates are identified. Correlations with other catalogues suggest that 2 novae could be recurrent novae and provide possible optical counterparts for 2 supersoft X-ray sources candidates observed with Chandra.
67 - C. Alard 1996
Previous calculations of the rates and optical depths due to microlensing only considered resolved stars. However, if a faint unresolved star lens is close enough to a resolved star, the event will be seen by the microlensing experiments and attribut ed to the bighter star. The blending biases the duration, making the contribution of the unresolved stars very significant for short events. This contribution is confused with lensing by brown dwarfs. The exact rates of these blended events are extremly sensitive to the limiting magnitude achieved in the microlensing search. Appropriate calculations of the optical depth and rates are provided here, and illustrated in the case of the DUO and OGLE experiments. The additional contribution of unresolved stars is very significant and probably explains the high optical depth and rates observed towards the Galactic Bulge. The blended unresolved event can be identified using either the color shift or the light curve shape. However, neither of these two methods is apropriate to identify a large number of blended events towards the Bulge. In some cases of good photometry and small impact parameter, an identification is possible, as for the OGLE 5 event, which clearly appears as a case of lensing of an unresolved star. The recent results obtained by the PLANET collaboration indicate that a high resolution and dense sampling of the light curve is possible, and will probably provide a very interesting possibility to correct the blending bias, as demonstrated for OGLE 5. This possibility, is certainly better than a statistical estimation of the lensing rates, which are always prone to some uncertainty. But, at this time, the contribution of unresolved stars must be included in the analyses of microlensing experiments.
80 - X. D. Xu , J. R. Shi , H. L Yan 2019
Based on the medium-high resolution (R~ 20,000), modest signal-to-noise ratio (S/N > 70) FLAMES-GIRAFFE spectra, we investigated the copper abundances of 129 red giant branch stars in the Galactic bulge with [Fe/H] from -1.14 to 0.46 dex. The copper abundances are derived from both local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) with the spectral synthesis method. We find that the NLTE effects for Cu I lines show a clear dependence on metallicity, and they gradually increase with decreasing [Fe/H] for our sample stars. Our results indicate that the NLTE effects of copper are important not only for metal-poor stars but also for supersolar metal-rich ones and the LTE results underestimate the Cu abundances. We note that the [Cu/Fe] trend of the bulge stars is similar to that of the Galactic disk stars spanning the metallicity range of -1.14 < [Fe/H] < 0.0 dex and the [Cu/Fe] ratios increase with increasing metallicity when [Fe/H] is from~-1.2 to~-0.5 dex, favoring a secondary (metallicity-dependent) production of Cu.
Context. Extremely reddened AGB stars lose mass at high rates of >10^-5 Msun/yr. This is the very last stage of AGB evolution, in which stars in the mass range 2.0--4.0 Msun (for solar metallicity) should have been converted to C stars already. The e xtremely reddened AGB stars in the Galactic bulge are however predominantly O-rich, implying that they might be either low-mass stars or stars at the upper end of the AGB mass range. Aims. To determine the mass range of the most reddened AGB stars in the Galactic bulge. Methods. Using Virtual Observatory tools, we constructed spectral energy distributions of a sample of 37 evolved stars in the Galactic bulge with extremely red IRAS colours. We fitted DUSTY models to the observational data to infer the bolometric fluxes. Applying individual corrections for interstellar extinction and adopting a common distance, we determined luminosities and mass-loss rates, and inferred the progenitor mass range from comparisons with AGB evolutionary models. Results. The observed spectral energy distributions are consistent with a classification as reddened AGB stars, except for two stars, which are proto-planetary nebula candidates. For the AGB stars, we found luminosities in the range 3000--30,000 Lsun and mass-loss rates 10^-5--3x10^-4 Msun/yr. The corresponding mass range is 1.1--6.0 Msun assuming solar metallicity. Conclusions. Contrary to the predictions of the evolutionary models, the luminosity distribution is continuous, with many O-rich AGB stars in the mass range in which they should have been converted into C stars already. We suspect that bulge AGB stars have higher than solar metallicity and therefore may avoid the conversion to C-rich. The presence of low-mass stars in the sample shows that their termination of the AGB evolution also occurs during a final phase of very high mass-loss rate, leading to optically thick circumstellar shells.
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