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We propose to study hadron-hadron scattering using lattice QCD in an asymmetric box which allows one to access more non-degenerate low-momentum modes for a given volume. The conventional L{u}schers formula applicable in a symmetric box is modified accordingly. To illustrate the feasibility of this approach, pion-pion elastic scattering phase shifts in the I=2, J=0 channel are calculated within quenched approximation using improved gauge and Wilson fermion actions on anisotropic lattices in an asymmetric box. After the chiral and continuum extrapolation, we find that our quenched results for the scattering phase shifts in this channel are consistent with the experimental data when the three-momentum of the pion is below 300MeV. Agreement is also found when compared with previous theoretical results from lattice and other means. Moreover, with the usage of asymmetric volume, we are able to compute the scattering phases in the low-momentum range (pion three momentum less than about 350MeV in the center of mass frame) for over a dozen values of the pion three-momenta, much more than using the conventional symmetric box with comparable volume.
We calculate the light hadron spectrum in full QCD using two plus one flavor Asqtad sea quarks and domain wall valence quarks. Meson and baryon masses are calculated on a lattice of spatial size $L approx 2.5$texttt{fm}, and a lattice spacing of $a a
We develop the formalism for the evaluation of density-density correlators in lattice QCD that includes techniques for the computation of the all-to-all propagators involved. A novel technique in this context is the implementation of the one-end tric
We study the scattering lengths of charmonia (J/psi and eta_c) with light hadrons (pi, rho and N) by the quenched lattice QCD simulations on 24x24x24x48, 32x32x32x48 and 48x48x48x48 lattices with the lattice spacing a = 0.068 fm. The scattering lengt
We present our exploratory study with the aim of simulating heavy-light semileptonic form factors as part of the RBC-UKQCD charm (to bottom) physics programme. We are using a distillation-based setup as a strategy to get optimised plateaus in semilep
We present results for the $I=2$ $pipi$ scattering length using $N_f=2+1+1$ twisted mass lattice QCD for three values of the lattice spacing and a range of pion mass values. Due to the use of Laplacian Heaviside smearing our statistical errors are re