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Dust observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 at the time of the Deep Impact

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 نشر من قبل Stefano Bagnulo
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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On 4 July 2005 at 05:52 UT, the impactor of NASAs Deep Impact (DI) mission crashed into comet 9P/Tempel 1 with a velocity of about 10 km/s. The material ejected by the impact expanded into the normal coma, produced by ordinary cometary activity. The characteristics of the non-impact coma and cloud produced by the impact were studied by observations in the visible wavelengths and in the near-IR. The scattering characteristics of the normal coma of solid particles were studied by comparing images in various spectral regions, from the UV to the near-IR. For the non-impact coma, a proxy of the dust production has been measured in various spectral regions. The presence of sublimating grains has been detected. Their lifetime was found to be about 11 hours. Regarding the cloud produced by the impact, the total geometric cross section multiplied by the albedo was measured as a function of the color and time. The projected velocity appeared to obey a Gaussian distribution with the average velocity of the order of 115 m/s. By comparing the observations taken about 3 hours after the impact, we have found a strong decrease in the cross section in J filter, while that in Ks remained almost constant. This is interpreted as the result of sublimation of grains dominated by particles of sizes of the order of some microns.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We analyzed Deep Impact High Resolution Instrument (HRI) images acquired within the first seconds after collision of the Deep Impact impactor with the nucleus of comet 9P/Tempel 1. These images reveal an optically thick ejecta plume that casts a shad ow on the surface of the nucleus. Using the 3D radiative transfer code HYPERION we simulated light scattering by the ejecta plume, taking into account multiple scattering of light from the ejecta, the surrounding nuclear surface and the actual observational geometry (including an updated plume orientation geometry that accounts for the latest 9P/Tempel 1 shape model). Our primary dust model parameters were the number density of particles, their size distribution and composition. We defined the composition through the density of an individual particle and the ratio of its material constituents, which we considered to be refractories, ice and voids. The results of our modeling indicate a dust/ice mass ratio for the ejecta particles of at least 1. To further constrain the parameters of the model, we checked for consistency between the ejecta mass resulting from our modeling with the ejecta mass estimated by the crater formation modeling. Constraining the particle size distribution by results of other studies of the Deep Impact ejecta, we find the number density of ejecta particles equal to ~10^4 particles/cm^3 at the base of the plume.
On 4 July 2005 at 5:52 UT the Deep Impact mission successfully completed its goal to hit the nucleus of 9P/Tempel 1 with an impactor, forming a crater on the nucleus and ejecting material into the coma of the comet. NASAs Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) observed the 1(10)-1(01) ortho-water ground-state rotational transition in comet 9P/Tempel 1 before, during, and after the impact. No excess emission from the impact was detected by SWAS and we derive an upper limit of 1.8e7 kg on the water ice evaporated by the impact. However, the water production rate of the comet showed large natural variations of more than a factor of three during the weeks before and after the impact. Episodes of increased activity with Q(H2O)~1e28 molecule/s alternated with periods with low outgassing (Q(H2O)<~5e27 molecule/s). We estimate that 9P/Tempel 1 vaporized a total of N~4.5e34 water molecules (~1.3e9 kg) during June-September 2005. Our observations indicate that only a small fraction of the nucleus of Tempel 1 appears to be covered with active areas. Water vapor is expected to emanate predominantly from topographic features periodically facing the Sun as the comet rotates. We calculate that appreciable asymmetries of these features could lead to a spin-down or spin-up of the nucleus at observable rates.
Spectropolarimetry of the Deep Impact target, comet 9P/ Tempel 1, was performed during the impact event on July 4th, 2005 with the HiVIS Spectropolarimeter and the AEOS 3.67m telescope on Haleakala, Maui. We observed atypical polarization spectra tha t changed significantly in the few hours after the impact. The polarization is sensitive to the geometry, size and composition of the scattering particles. Our first measurement, beginning 8 minutes after impact and centered at 6:30UT, showed a polarization of 4% at 650 nm falling to 3% at 950 nm. The next observation, centered an hour later, showed a polarization of 7% at 650 nm falling to 2% at 950nm. This corresponds to a spectropolarimetric gradient, or slope, of 0.9% per 1000 Angstroms 40 minutes after impact, decreasing to a slope of -2.3% per 1000 Angstroms 75 minutes after impact. Both are atypical blue polarization slopes. The polarization values of 4% and 7% at 650nm are typical for comets at this scattering angle, whereas the low polarization of 2% and 3% at 950nm is not. This, combined with the IR spectroscopy performed by a number of observers during the event, suggests an increase in size, number, and crystallinity of the individual silicate particles (monomers) that are a constituant of the dust particles (aggregates) in the ejecta.
High resolution spectropolarimetry of the Deep Impact target, comet 9P/ Tempel 1, was performed during the impact event on July 4th, 2005 with the HiVIS Spectropolarimeter and the AEOS 3.67m telescope on Haleakala, Maui. We observed atypical polariza tion spectra that changed significantly in the few hours after the impact. The polarization of scattered light as a function of wavelength is very sensitive to the size and composition (complex refractive index) of the scattering particles as well as the scattering geometry. As opposed to most observations of cometary dust, which show an increase in the linear polarization with the wavelength (at least in the visible domain and for phase angles greater than about 30%, a red polarization spectrum) observations of 9P/Tempel 1 at a phase angle of 41 degrees beginning 8 minutes after impact and centered at 6:30UT showed a polarization of 4% at 650 nm falling to 3% at 950 nm. The next observation, centered an hour later showed a polarization of 7% at 650 nm falling to 2% at 950nm. This corresponds to a spectropolarimetric gradient, or slope, of -0.9% per 1000 Angstroms 40 minutes after impact, decreasing to a slope of -2.3% per 1000 Angstroms an hour and a half after impact. This is an atypical blue polarization slope, which became more blue 1 hour after impact. The polarization values of 4% and 7% at 650nm are typical for comets at this scattering angle, whereas the low polarization of 2% and 3% at 950nm is not. We compare observations of comet 9P/Tempel 1 to that of a typical comet, C/2004 Machholz, at a phase angle of 30 degrees which showed a typical red slope, rising from 2% at 650nm to 3% at 950nm in two different observations (+1.0 and +0.9% per 1000 Angstroms).
We present radio observations of comet 9P/Tempel 1 associated with the Deep Impact spacecraft collision of 2005 July 4. Weak 18-cm OH emission was detected with the Parkes 64-m telescope, in data averaged over July 4 to 6, at a level of 12 +/- 3 mJy km/s, corresponding to OH production rate 2.8 x 10^{28} molecules/second (Despois et al. inversion model, or 1.0 x 10^{28} /s for the Schleicher & AHearn model). We did not detect the HCN 1-0 line with the Mopra 22-m telescope over the period July 2 to 6. The 3 sigma limit of 0.06 K km/s for HCN on July 4 after the impact gives the limit to the HCN production rate of < 1.8 x 10^{25} /s. We did not detect the HCN 1-0 line, 6.7 GHz CH_3OH line or 3.4-mm continuum with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) on July 4, giving further limits on any small-scale structure due to an outburst. The 3 sigma limit on HCN emission of 2.5 K km/s from the ATCA around impact corresponds to limit < 4 x 10^{29} HCN molecules released by the impact.
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