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Surface Brightness Profiles of Composite Images of Compact Galaxies at z~4-6 in the HUDF

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 نشر من قبل Nimish Hathi
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) contains a significant number of B, V and i-band dropout objects, many of which were recently confirmed to be young star-forming galaxies at z~4-6. These galaxies are too faint individually to accurately measure their radial surface brightness profiles. Their average light profiles are potentially of great interest, since they may contain clues to the time since the onset of significant galaxy assembly. We separately co-add V, i and z-band HUDF images of sets of z~4,5 and 6 objects, pre-selected to have nearly identical compact sizes and the roundest shapes. From these stacked images, we are able to study the averaged radial structure of these objects at much higher signal-to-noise ratio than possible for an individual faint object. Here we explore the reliability and usefulness of a stacking technique of compact objects at z~4-6 in the HUDF. Our results are: (1) image stacking provides reliable and reproducible average surface brightness profiles; (2) the shape of the average surface brightness profiles show that even the faintest z~4-6 objects are resolved; and (3) if late-type galaxies dominate the population of galaxies at z~4-6, as previous HST studies have shown, then limits to dynamical age estimates for these galaxies from their profile shapes are comparable with the SED ages obtained from the broadband colors. We also present accurate measurements of the sky-background in the HUDF and its associated 1-sigma uncertainties.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present the results of a systematic search for galaxies in the redshift range z = 6 - 9, within the new, deep, near-infrared imaging of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field provided by the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on HST. We have performed full SED fitti ng to the optical+infrared photometry of all high-redshift galaxy candidates detected at greater than 5-sigma in at least one of the WFC3/IR broad-band filters. After rejection of contaminants, the result is a sample of 49 galaxies with primary redshift solutions z > 5.9. Our sample, selected without recourse to specific colour cuts, re-selects all but the faintest one of the 16 z-drops selected by Oesch et al. (2009), recovers all 5 of the Y-drops reported by Bouwens et al. (2009), and adds a further 29 galaxy candidates, of which 12 lie beyond z = 6.3, and 4 lie beyond z = 7. We also present confidence intervals on our photometric redshift estimates, and caution that acceptable low-redshift (z < 2) solutions exist for 28 out of the 37 galaxies at z > 6.3, and for all 8 galaxy candidates at z > 7.5. Nevertheless, the very highest redshift candidates appear to be strongly clustered in the field. We derive new estimates of the ultraviolet galaxy luminosity function at z = 7 and z = 8. Where our results are most robust, at a characteristic luminosity M(1500) ~ -19.5 (AB), we find that the comoving number density of galaxies declines by a factor of ~ 2.5 between z = 6 and z = 7, and by a further factor of ~ 2 by z = 8. These results suggest that it is difficult for the observed population of high-redshift star-forming galaxies to achieve reionisation by z ~ 6 without a significant contribution from galaxies well below the detection limits, plus alterations in the escape fraction of ionising photons and/or continued vigorous star formation at z > 15.
140 - M. J. Drinkwater 1998
We are using the 2dF spectrograph to make a survey of all objects (`stars and `galaxies) in a 12 sq.deg region towards the Fornax cluster. We have discovered a population of compact emission-line galaxies unresolved on photographic sky survey plates and therefore missing in most galaxy surveys based on such material. These galaxies are as luminous as normal field galaxies. Using H-alpha to estimate star formation they contribute at least an additional 5 per cent to the local star formation rate.
58 - I. Plauchu-Frayn , 2006
Images of 7 Compact groups of galaxies (CG) were obtained using the 2.1m telescope in San Pedro Martir (B.C. Mexico) equipped with the NIR camera CAMILA. The NIR images trace the mass of the galaxies, through the oldest and more evolved stellar popul ations. The goal of this project is to search for evidence of morphological perturbations correlated with the level of activity (AGN or star formation) of the galaxies. We find that the level of perturbation is well correlated with activity observed in optical spectrocopy (Coziol et al. 2004). Evidence for perturbations decreases from more active groups to less active groups, confirming the classification. Our analysis suggests that galaxies in more active groups are undergoing important transformations due to interaction and merging and that the whole groups is on a merger path. Galaxies in less active CG have gone through similar processes in the recent past and are either in a final merging phase or in equilibrium due to a more massive halo of dark matter.
53 - E. Noyola , K. Gebhardt 2006
Hubble Space Telescope allows us to study the central surface brightness profiles for globular clusters at unprecedented detail. We have mined the HST archives to obtain 38 WFPC2 images of galactic globular clusters with adequate exposure times and f ilters, which we use to measure their central structure. We outline a reliable method to obtain surface brightness profiles from integrated light that we test on an extensive set of simulated images. Most clusters have central surface brightness about 0.5 mag brighter than previous measurements made from ground-based data, with the largest differences around 2 magnitudes. Including the uncertainties in the slope estimates, the surface brightness slope distribution is consistent with half of the sample having flat cores and the remaining half showing a gradual decline from 0 to -0.8 (dlog(Sigma)/dlogr). We deproject the surface brightness profiles in a non-parametric way to obtain luminosity density profiles. The distribution of luminosity density logarithmic slopes show similar features with half of the sample between -0.4 and -1.8. These results are in contrast to our theoretical bias that the central regions of globular clusters are either isothermal (i.e. flat central profiles) or very steep (i.e. luminosity density slope ~-1.6) for core-collapse clusters. With only 50% of our sample having central profiles consistent with isothermal cores, King models appear to poorly represent most globular clusters in their cores.
We present a study of 66 barred, early-type (S0-Sb) disk galaxies, focused on the disk surface brightness profile outside the bar region and the nature of Freeman Type I and II profiles, their origins, and their possible relation to disk truncations. This paper discusses the data and their reduction, outlines our classification system, and presents $R$-band profiles and classifications for all galaxies in the sample. The profiles are derived from a variety of different sources, including the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Data Release 5). For about half of the galaxies, we have profiles derived from more than one telescope; this allows us to check the stability and repeatability of our profile extraction and classification. The vast majority of the profiles are reliable down to levels of mu_R ~ 27 mag arcsec^-2; in exceptional cases, we can trace profiles down to mu_R > 28. We can typically follow disk profiles out to at least 1.5 times the traditional optical radius R_25; for some galaxies, we find light extending to ~ 3 R_25. We classify the profiles into three main groups: Type I (single-exponential), Type II (down-bending), and Type III (up-bending). The frequencies of these types are approximately 27%, 42%, and 24%, respectively, plus another 6% which are combinations of Types II and III. We further classify Type II profiles by where the break falls in relation to the bar length, and in terms of the postulated mechanisms for breaks at large radii (classical trunction of star formation versus the influence of the Outer Lindblad Resonance of the bar). We also classify the Type III profiles by the probable morphology of the outer light (disk or spheroid). Illustrations are given for all cases. (Abridged)
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