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Pulsation of EE Cam

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 نشر من قبل Piet Reegen
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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EE Cam is a previously little studied Delta Scuti pulsator with amplitudes between those of the HADS (High-Amplitude Delta Scuti stars) group and the average low-amplitude pulsators. Since the size of stellar rotation determines both which pulsation modes are selected by the star as well as their amplitudes, the star offers a great opportunity to examine the astrophysical connections. Extensive photometric measurements covering several months were carried out. 15 significant pulsation frequencies were extracted. The dominant mode at 4.934 cd$^{-1}$ was identified as a radial mode by examining the phase shifts at different wavelengths. Medium-dispersion spectra yielded a $vsin i$ value of $40 pm 3$ km s$^{-1}$. This shows that EE Cam belongs to the important transition region between the HADS and normal Delta Scuti stars.

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With centre-of-mass energies covering the Z pole, the WW threshold, the HZ production, and the top-pair threshold, the FCC-ee offers unprecedented possibilities to measure the properties of the four heaviest particles of the Standard Model (the Higgs , Z, and W bosons, and the top quark), and also those of the b and c quarks and of the $tau$ lepton. At these moderate energies, the role of the calorimeters is to complement the tracking systems in an optimal (a.k.a. particle-flow) event reconstruction. In this context, precision measurements and searches for new particles can fully profit from the improved electromagnetic and hadronic object reconstruction offered by new technologies, finer transverse and longitudinal segmentation, timing capabilities, multi-signal readout, modern computing techniques and algorithms. The corresponding requirements arise in particular from the resolution on reconstructed hadronic masses, energies, and momenta, e.g., of H, W, Z, needed to reach the FCC-ee promised precision. Extreme electromagnetic energy resolutions are also instrumental for $pi^0$ identification, $tau$ exclusive decay reconstruction, and physics sensitivity to processes accessible via radiative return. We present state of the art, challenges and future developments on some of the currently most promising technologies: high-granularity silicon and scintillator readout, dual readout, noble-liquid and crystal calorimeters.
122 - A. Blondel , J. Gluza , S. Jadach 2019
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) at CERN, a proposed 100-km circular facility with several colliders in succession, culminates with a 100 TeV proton-proton collider. It offers a vast new domain of exploration in particle physics, with orders of mag nitude advances in terms of Precision, Sensitivity and Energy. The implementation plan foresees, as a first step, an Electroweak Factory electron-positron collider. This high luminosity facility, operating between 90 and 365 GeV centre-of-mass energy, will study the heavy particles of the Standard Model, Z, W, Higgs, and top with unprecedented accuracy. The Electroweak Factory $e^+e^-$ collider constitutes a real challenge to the theory and to precision calculations, triggering the need for the development of new mathematical methods and software tools. A first workshop in 2018 had focused on the first FCC-ee stage, the Tera-Z, and confronted the theoretical status of precision Standard Model calculations on the Z-boson resonance to the experimental demands. The second workshop in January 2019, which is reported here, extended the scope to the next stages, with the production of W-bosons (FCC-ee-W), the Higgs boson (FCC-ee-H) and top quarks (FCC-ee-tt). In particular, the theoretical precision in the determination of the crucial input parameters, alpha_QED, alpha_QCD, M_W, m_t at the level of FCC-ee requirements is thoroughly discussed. The requirements on Standard Model theory calculations were spelled out, so as to meet the demanding accuracy of the FCC-ee experimental potential. The discussion of innovative methods and tools for multi-loop calculations was deepened. Furthermore, phenomenological analyses beyond the Standard Model were discussed, in particular the effective theory approaches. The reports of 2018 and 2019 serve as white papers of the workshop results and subsequent developments.
The Hawking-Penrose singularity theorem states that a singularity forms inside a black hole in general relativity. To remove this singularity one must resort to a more fundamental theory. Using a corrected dynamical equation arising in loop quantum c osmology and braneworld models, we study the gravitational collapse of a perfect fluid sphere with a rather general equation of state. In the frame of an observer comoving with this fluid, the sphere pulsates between a maximum and a minimum size, avoiding the singularity. The exterior geometry is also constructed. There are usually an outer and an inner apparent horizon, resembling the Reissner-Nordstrom situation. For a distant observer the {horizon} crossing occurs in an infinite time and the pulsations of the black hole quantum beating heart are completely unobservable. However, it may be observable if the black hole is not spherical symmetric and radiates gravitational wave due to the quadrupole moment, if any.
This document answers in simple terms many FAQs about FCC-ee, including comparisons with other colliders. It complements the FCC-ee CDR and the FCC Physics CDR by addressing many questions from non-experts and clarifying issues raised during the Euro pean Strategy symposium in Granada, with a view to informing discussions in the period between now and the final endorsement by the CERN Council in 2020 of the European Strategy Group recommendations. This document will be regularly updated as more questions appear or new information becomes available.
118 - Guy Wilkinson 2021
Equipping an experiment at FCC-ee with particle identification (PID) capabilities, in particular the ability to distinguish between hadron species, would bring great benefits to the physics programme. Good PID is essential for precise studies in quar k flavour physics, and is also a great asset for many measurements in tau, top and Higgs physics. The requirements placed by flavour physics and these other applications are surveyed, with an emphasis on the momentum range over which PID is necessary. Possible solutions are discussed, including classical RICH counters, time-of-flight systems, and d$E$/d$x$ and cluster counting. Attention is paid to the impact on the global detector design that including PID capabilities would imply.
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