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Spin currents in rough graphene nanoribbons: Universal fluctuations and spin injection

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 نشر من قبل Inanc Adagideli
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate spin conductance in zigzag graphene nanoribbons and propose a spin injection mechanism based only on graphitic nanostructures. We find that nanoribbons with atomically straight, symmetric edges show zero spin conductance, but nonzero spin Hall conductance. Only nanoribbons with asymmetrically shaped edges give rise to a finite spin conductance and can be used for spin injection into graphene. Furthermore, nanoribbons with rough edges exhibit mesoscopic spin conductance fluctuations with a universal value of $mathrm{rms} G_mathrm{s}approx 0.4 e/4pi$.

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We theoretically investigate the one-color injection currents and shift currents in zigzag graphene nanoribbons with applying a static electric field across the ribbon, which breaks the inversion symmetry to generate nonzero second order optical resp onses by dipole interaction. These two types of currents can be separately excited by specific light polarization, circularly polarized lights for injection currents and linearly polarized lights for shift currents. Based on a tight binding model formed by carbon 2p$_z$ orbitals, we numerically calculate the spectra of injection coefficients and shift conductivities, as well as their dependence on the static field strength and ribbon width. The spectra show many peaks associated with the optical transition between different subbands, and the positions and amplitudes of these peaks can be effectively controlled by the static electric field. By constructing a simple two band model, the static electric fields are found to modify the edge states in a nonperturbative way, and their associated optical transitions dominate the current generation at low photon energies. For typical parameters, such as a static field 10$^6$ V/m and light intensity 0.1 GW/cm$^2$, the magnitude of the injection and shift currents for a ribbon with width 5 nm can be as large as the order of 1 $mu$A. Our results provide a physical basis for realizing passive optoelectronic devices based on graphene nanoribbons.
Knowledge of the topology of the electronic ground state of materials has led to deep insights to novel phenomena such as the integer quantum Hall effect and fermion-number fractionalization, as well as other properties of matter. Joining two insulat ors of different topological classes produces fascinating boundary states in the band gap. Another exciting recent development is the bottom-up synthesis (from molecular precursors) of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with atomic precision control of their edge and width. Here we connect these two fields, and show for the first time that semiconducting GNRs of different width, edge, and end termination belong to different topological classes. The topology of GNRs is protected by spatial symmetries and dictated by the terminating unit cell. We have derived explicit formula for their topological invariants, and show that localized junction states developed between two GNRs of distinct topology may be tuned by lateral junction geometry. The topology of a GNR can be further modified by dopants, such as a periodic array of boron atoms. In a superlattice consisted of segments of doped and pristine GNRs, the junction states are stable spin centers, forming a Heisenberg antiferromagnetic spin 1/2 chain with tunable exchange interaction. The discoveries here are not only of scientific interest for studies of quasi one-dimensional systems, but also open a new path for design principles of future GNR-based devices through their topological characters.
We report the first measurements of spin injection in to graphene through a 20 nm thick tungsten disulphide (WS$_2$) layer, along with a modified spin relaxation time ({tau}s) in graphene in the WS$_2$ environment, via spin-valve and Hanle spin-prece ssion measurements, respectively. First, during the spin-injection into graphene through a WS$_2$-graphene interface, we can tune the interface resistance at different current bias and modify the spin injection efficiency, in a correlation with the conductivity-mismatch theory. Temperature assisted tunneling is identified as a dominant mechanism for the charge transport across the interface. Second, we measure the spin transport in graphene, underneath the WS$_2$ crystal and observe a significant reduction in the {tau}s down to 17 ps in graphene in the WS$_2$ covered region, compared to that in its pristine state. The reduced {tau}s indicates the WS$_2$-proximity induced additional dephasing of the spins in graphene.
In this review we discuss spin and charge transport properties in graphene-based single-layer and few-layer spin-valve devices. We give an overview of challenges and recent advances in the field of device fabrication and discuss two of our fabricatio n methods in more detail which result in distinctly different device performances. In the first class of devices, Co/MgO electrodes are directly deposited onto graphene which results in rough MgO-to-Co interfaces and favor the formation of conducting pinholes throughout the MgO layer. We show that the contact resistance area product (R$_c$A) is a benchmark for spin transport properties as it scales with the measured spin lifetime in these devices indicating that contact-induced spin dephasing is the bottleneck for spin transport even in devices with large R$_c$A values. In a second class of devices, Co/MgO electrodes are first patterned onto a silicon substrate. Subsequently, a graphene-hBN heterostructure is directly transferred onto these prepatterned electrodes which provides improved interface properties. This is seen by a strong enhancement of both charge and spin transport properties yielding charge carrier mobilities exceeding 20000 cm$^2$/(Vs) and spin lifetimes up to 3.7 ns at room temperature. We discuss several shortcomings in the determination of both quantities which complicates the analysis of both extrinsic and intrinsic spin scattering mechanisms. Furthermore, we show that contacts can be the origin of a second charge neutrality point in gate dependent resistance measurements which is influenced by the quantum capacitance of the underlying graphene layer.
134 - J. Ingla-Aynes , A A. Kaverzin , 2020
Electrical control of spin transport is promising for achieving new device functionalities. Here we calculate the propagation of spin currents in a graphene-based spin-current demultiplexer under the effect of drift currents. We show that, using spin - and charge-transport parameters already obtained in experiments, the spin currents can be guided in a controlled way. In particular, spin-current selectivities up to 102 can be achieved for measurements over a distance of 10{mu}m under a moderate drift current density of 20{mu}A/{mu}m, meaning that the spin current in the arm that is off is only 1% of the current in the arm that is on. To illustrate the versatility of this approach, we show similar efficiencies in a device with four outputs and the possibility of multiplexer operation using spin drift. Finally, we explain how the effect can be optimized in graphene and two-dimensional semiconductors.
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