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A radiative transfer scheme is presented, based on a moment description of the equation of radiative transfer and the so-called ``M1 closure model for the Eddington tensor. This model features a strictly hyperbolic transport step for radiation: it has been implemented using standard Godunov--like techniques in a new code called ATON. Coupled to simple models of ionization chemistry and photo-heating, ATON is able to reproduce the results of other schemes on a various set of standard tests such as the expansion of a HII region, the shielding of the radiation by dense clumps and cosmological ionization by multiple sources. Being simple yet robust, such a scheme is intended to be naturally and easily included in grid--based cosmological fluid solvers.
We describe Rabacus, a Python package for calculating the transfer of hydrogen ionizing radiation in simplified geometries relevant to astronomy and cosmology. We present example solutions for three specific cases: 1) a semi-infinite slab gas distrib
We show that the algorithm based on the weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) scheme with anti-diffusive flux corrections can be used as a solver of the radiative transfer equations. This algorithm is highly stable and robust for solving problem
A three dimensional parallel Monte Carlo (MC) dust radiative transfer code is presented. To overcome the huge computing time requirements of MC treatments, the computational power of vectorized hardware is used, utilizing either multi-core computer p
The linear perturbation theory of inhomogeneous reionization (LPTR) has been developed as an analytical tool for predicting the global ionized fraction and large-scale power spectrum of ionized density fluctuations during reionization. In the origina
One of the methodologies that carry out the division of the electrical grid into zones is based on the aggregation of nodes characterized by similar Power Transfer Distribution Factors (PTDFs). Here, we point out that satisfactory clustering algorith