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Eikonal but not: a complementary view of high energy evolution

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 نشر من قبل Alexander Kovner
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The high energy evolution equations that describe the evolution of hadronic amplitudes with energy are derived assuming eikonal interaction of the evolved hadronic wave function with the target. In this note we remark that this derivation allows a different interpretation, whereby the hadronic wave function is not evolved, but instead the evolution acts on the S - matrix operator. In this approach, analogous to the Heisenberg picture of Quantum mechanics, the scattering is not eikonal and additional boost provides for radiation of more gluons in the final state.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We formulate eikonal approximation to the calculation of high energy scattering amplitude in the frame where both colliding objects are very energetic. We express the eikonal scattering matrix in terms of the color charge densities of the colliding o bjects. The calculation is performed in the Hamiltonian formalism. We also show that the appearance of the longitudinal electric and magnetic fields immediately following the collision is fully taken into account in the eikonal approximation.
In this paper we present two (a priori independent) derivations of the eikonal operator in string-brane scattering. The first one is obtained by summing surfaces with any number of boundaries, while in the second one the eikonal operator is derived f rom the three-string vertex in a suitable light-cone gauge. This second derivation shows that the bosonic oscillators present in the leading eikonal operator are to be identified with the string bosonic oscillators in a suitable light-cone gauge, while the first one shows that it exponentiates recovering unitarity. This paper is a review of results obtained in two previous publications of the same authors.
To contribute to the understanding of noncovalent binding of halogenated molecules with a biological activity, electrostatic potential (ESP) maps of more than 2,500 compounds were thoroughly analysed. A peculiar region of positive ESP, called $sigma$ -hole, is a concept of central importance for halogen bonding. We aim at simplifying the view on $sigma$-holes and provide general trends in organic drug-like molecules. The results are in fair agreement with crystallographic surveys of small molecules as well as of biomolecular complexes and attempt to improve the intuition of chemists when dealing with halogenated compounds.
426 - A. Quadri 2014
We clarify the derivation of high-energy QCD evolution equations from the fundamental gauge symmetry of QCD. The gauge-fixed classical action of the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) is shown to be invariant under a suitable BRST symmetry, that holds afte r the separation of the gluon modes into their fast classical (background) part, the soft component and the semifast one, over which the one-step quantum evolution is carried out. The resulting Slavnov-Taylor (ST) identity holds to all orders in perturbation theory and strongly constrains the CGC effective field theory (EFT) arising from the integration of the soft modes. We show that the ST identity guarantees gauge-invariance of the EFT. It also allows to control the dependence on the gauge-fixing choice for the semifast modes (usually the lightcone gauge in explicit computations). The formal properties of the evolution equations valid in different regimes (BKFL, JIMWLK, ...) can be all derived in a unified setting within this algebraic approach.
99 - Y. Hatta , E. Iancu , L. McLerran 2005
We construct the effective Hamiltonian which governs the renormalization group flow of the gluon distribution with increasing energy and in the leading logarithmic approximation. This Hamiltonian defines a two-dimensional field theory which involves two types of Wilson lines: longitudinal Wilson lines which describe gluon recombination (or merging) and temporal Wilson lines which account for gluon bremsstrahlung (or splitting). The Hamiltonian is self-dual, i.e., it is invariant under the exchange of the two types of Wilson lines. In the high density regime where one can neglect gluon number fluctuations, the general Hamiltonian reduces to that for the JIMWLK evolution. In the dilute regime where gluon recombination becomes unimportant, it reduces to the dual partner of the JIMWLK Hamiltonian, which describes bremsstrahlung.
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