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Thermophoresis of charged colloidal particles

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 نشر من قبل Alois Wuerger
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Thermally induced particle flow in a charged colloidal suspension is studied in a fluid-mechanical approach. The force density acting on the charged boundary layer is derived in detail. From Stokes equation with no-slip boundary conditions at the particle surface, we obtain the particle drift velocity and the thermophoretic transport coefficients. The results are discussed in view of previous work and available experimental data.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The motion of an artificial micro-scale swimmer that uses a chemical reaction catalyzed on its own surface to achieve autonomous propulsion is fully characterized experimentally. It is shown that at short times, it has a substantial component of dire cted motion, with a velocity that depends on the concentration of fuel molecules. At longer times, the motion reverts to a random walk with a substantially enhanced diffusion coefficient. Our results suggest strategies for designing artificial chemotactic systems.
56 - M. Watzlawek 1999
We report on calculations of the reduced sedimentation velocity $U/U_{0}$ in homogenous suspensions of strongly and weakly charged colloidal spheres as a function of particle volume fraction $phi$. For dilute suspensions of strongly charged spheres a t low salinity, $U/U_{0}$ is well represented by the parametric form $1-pphi^alpha$ with a fractional exponent $alpha=1/3$ and a parameter $psimeq 1.8$, which is essentially independent from the macroion charge $Z$. This non-linear volume fraction dependence can be quantitatively understood in terms of a model of effective hard spheres with $phi$-dependent diameter. For weakly charged spheres in a deionized solvent, we show that the exponent $alpha$ can be equal to 1/2, if an expression for $U/U_0$ given by Petsev and Denkov [J. Colloid Interface Sci. 149, 329 (1992)] is employed. We further show that the range of validity of this expression is limited to very small values of $phi$ and $Z$, which are probably not accessible in sedimentation experiments. The presented results might also hold for other systems like spherical proteins or ionic micelles.
We establish an explicit data-driven criterion for identifying the solid-liquid transition of two-dimensional self-propelled colloidal particles in the far from equilibrium parameter regime, where the transition points predicted by different conventi onal empirical criteria for melting and freezing diverge. This is achieved by applying a hybrid machine learning approach that combines unsupervised learning with supervised learning to analyze over one million of systems configurations in the nonequilibrium parameter regime. Furthermore, we establish a generic data-driven evaluation function, according to which the performance of different empirical criteria can be systematically evaluated and improved. In particular, by applying this evaluation function, we identify a new nonequilibrium threshold value for the long-time diffusion coefficient, based on which the predictions of the corresponding empirical criterion are greatly improved in the far from equilibrium parameter regime. These data-driven approaches provide a generic tool for investigating phase transitions in complex systems where conventional empirical ones face difficulties.
We report on a comprehensive theory-simulation-experimental study of collective and self-diffusion in suspensions of charge-stabilized colloidal spheres. In simulation and theory, the spheres interact by a hard-core plus screened Coulomb pair potenti al. Intermediate and self-intermediate scattering functions are calculated by accelerated Stokesian Dynamics simulations where hydrodynamic interactions (HIs) are fully accounted for. The study spans the range from the short-time to the colloidal long-time regime. Additionally, Brownian Dynamics simulation and mode-coupling theory (MCT) results are generated where HIs are neglected. It is shown that HIs enhance collective and self-diffusion at intermediate and long times, whereas at short times self-diffusion, and for certain wavenumbers also collective diffusion, are slowed down. MCT significantly overestimate the slowing influence of dynamic particle caging. The simulated scattering functions are in decent agreement with our dynamic light scattering (DLS) results for suspensions of charged silica spheres. Simulation and theoretical results are indicative of a long-time exponential decay of the intermediate scattering function. The approximate validity of a far-reaching time-wavenumber factorization of the scattering function is shown to be a consequence of HIs. Our study of collective diffusion is amended by simulation and theoretical results for the self-intermediate scattering function and the particle mean squared displacement (MSD). Since self-diffusion is not assessed in DLS measurements, a method to deduce the MSD approximately in DLS is theoretically validated.
68 - F. Ozon , T. Narita , A. Knaebel 2002
We study the effect of shear on the aging dynamics of a colloidal suspension of synthetic clay particles. We find that a shear of amplitude $gamma$ reduces the relaxation time measured just after the cessation of shear by a factor $exp(-gamma/gamma_c )$, with $gamma_c sim 5%$, and is independent of the duration and the frequency of the shear. This simple law for the rejuvenation effect shows that the energy involved in colloidal rearrangements is proportional to the shear amplitude, $gamma$, rather than $gamma^2$, leading to an Eyring-like description of the dynamics of our system.
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