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Suzaku wide-band X-ray Spectroscopy of the Seyfert 2 AGN in NGC 4945

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 نشر من قبل Takeshi Itoh
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Suzaku observed a nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC4945, which hosts one of the brightest active galactic nuclei above 20 keV. Combining data from the X-ray CCD camera (XIS) and the Hard X-ray Detector (HXD), the AGN intrinsic nuclear emission and its reprocessed signals were observed simultaneously. The intrinsic emission is highly obscured with an absorbing column of $sim 5 times 10^{24}$ cm$^{-2}$, and was detectable only above $sim 10$ keV. The spectrum below 10 keV is dominated by reflection continuum and emission lines from neutral/ionized material. Along with a neutral iron K$alpha$ line, a neutral iron K$beta$ and a neutral nickel K$alpha$ line were detected for the first time from this source. The neutral lines and the cold reflection continuum are consistent with both originating in the same location. The Compton down-scattered shoulder in the neutral Fe-K$alpha$ line is $sim 10%$ in flux of the narrow core, which confirms that the line originates from reflection rather than transmission. The weakness of the Compton shoulder also indicates that the reflector is probably seen nearly edge-on. Flux of the intrinsic emission varied by a factor of $sim 2$ within $sim 20$ ks, which requires the obscuring material to be geometrically thin. Broadband spectral modeling showed that the solid angle of the neutral reflector is less than a few $times 10^{-2} times 2pi$. All this evidence regarding the reprocessed signals suggests that a disk-like absorber/reflector is viewed from a near edge-on angle.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We obtained a wide-band spectrum of the Compton-thick Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 3 with Suzaku. The observed spectrum was clearly resolved into weak, soft power-law emission, a heavily absorbed power-law component, cold reflection, and many emission lines. The heavily absorbed component, absorbed by gas with a column density of 1.1x10^24 cm^-2, has an intrinsic 2--10 keV luminosity of ~1.6x10^43 erg s^-1, and is considered to be direct emission from the Mrk 3 nucleus. The reflection component was interpreted as reflection of the direct light off cold, thick material; the reflection fraction $R$ was 1.36+/-0.20. The cold material is inferred to be located > 1 pc from the central black hole of Mrk 3 due to the low ionization parameter of iron (xi < 1 erg cm s^-1) and the narrow iron line width (s < 22 eV). A Compton shoulder to the iron line was detected, but the intensity of the shoulder component was less than that expected from spherically distributed Compton-thick material. The weak, soft power-law emission is considered to be scattered light by ionized gas. The existence of many highly-ionized lines from O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, and Fe in the observed spectrum indicates that the ionized gas has a broad ionized structure, with xi=10--1000. The scattering fraction with respect to the direct light was estimated to be 0.9+/-0.2%, which indicates that the column density of the scattering region is about 3.6x10^22 cm^-2. This high-quality spectrum obtained by Suzaku can be considered a template for studies of Seyfert 2 galaxies.
We report the serendipitous discovery of a transient X-ray source, Suzaku J1305$-$4930, $sim$3 kpc southwest of the nucleus of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4945. Among the seven Suzaku observations of NGC 4945 from 2005 to 2011, Suzaku J1305$-$4930 was d etected four times in July and August in 2010. The X-ray spectra are better approximated with a multi-color disk model than a power-law model. At the first detection on 2010 July 4--5, its X-ray luminosity was $(8.9^{+0.2}_{-0.4}) times 10^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and the temperature at the inner-disk radius ($kT_{rm in}$) was $1.12pm0.04$ keV. At the last detection with Suzaku on 2010 August 4--5, the luminosity decreased to $(2.2^{+0.3}_{-0.8}) times10^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and $kT_{rm in}$ was $0.62pm0.07$ keV. The source was not detected on 2011 January 29, about six months after the first detection, with a luminosity upper limit of $2.4times10^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$. We also find an absorption feature which is similar to that reported in Cyg X-1. Assuming the standard disk, we suggest that Suzaku J1305$-$4930 consists of a black hole with a mass of $sim$10 $M_{odot}$. The relation between the disk luminosity and $kT_{rm in}$ is not reproduced with the standard model of a constant inner radius but is better approximated with a slim-disk model.
157 - Naoki Isobe 2007
This paper reports the discovery of a bright X-ray transient source, Suzaku J1305-4913, in the south-west arm of the nearby Seyfert II galaxy NGC 4945. It was detected at a 0.5 -- 10 keV flux of $2.2 times 10^{-12}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ during the Suzaku observation conducted on 2006 January 15 -- 17, but was undetectable in a shorter observation on 2005 August 22 --23, with an upper limit of $1.7 times 10^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ (90% confidence level). At a distance of 3.7 Mpc, the bolometric luminosity of the source becomes $L_{rm bol} = 4.4 times 10^{39} alpha$ erg s$^{-1}$, where $alpha = (cos 60^circ / cos i)$ and $i$ is the disk inclination. Therefore, the source is classified into so-called ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). The time-averaged X-ray spectrum of the source is described by a multi-color disk model, with the innermost accretion disk temperature of $T_{rm in} = 1.69_{-0.05}^{+0.06}$ keV. During the 2006 January observation, it varied by a factor of 2 in intensity, following a clear correlation of $L_{rm bol} propto T_{rm in}^4$. It is inferred that the innermost disk radius $R_{rm in}$ stayed constant at $R_{rm in} = 79_{-3.9}^{+4.0} alpha^{1/2}$ km, suggesting the presence of a standard accretion disk. Relating $R_{rm in}$ with the last stable orbit around a non-rotating black hole yields a rather low black hole mass, $sim 9 alpha^{1/2}$ solar masses, which would imply that the source is shining at a luminosity of $sim3 alpha^{1/2} $ times the Eddington limit. These results can be better interpreted by invoking sub-Eddington emission from a rapidly spinning black hole with a mass of 20 -- 130 solar masses.
254 - S. Naik 2007
The transient X-ray binary pulsar A0535+262 was observed with Suzaku on 2005 September 14 when the source was in the declining phase of the August-September minor outburst. The ~103 s X-ray pulse profile was strongly energy dependent, a double peaked profile at soft X-ray energy band (<3 keV) and a single peaked smooth profile at hard X-rays. The width of the primary dip is found to be increasing with energy. The broad-band energy spectrum of the pulsar is well described with a Negative and Positive power-law with EXponential (NPEX) continuum model along with a blackbody component for soft excess. A weak iron K_alpha emission line with an equivalent width ~25 eV was detected in the source spectrum. The blackbody component is found to be pulsating over the pulse phase implying the accretion column and/or the inner edge of the accretion disk may be the possible emission site of the soft excess in A0535+262. The higher value of the column density is believed to be the cause of the secondary dip at the soft X-ray energy band. The iron line equivalent width is found to be constant (within errors) over the pulse phase. However, a sinusoidal type of flux variation of iron emission line, in phase with the hard X-ray flux suggests that the inner accretion disk is the possible emission region of the iron fluorescence line.
Soft X-ray spectroscopy of Seyfert 2 galaxies offers perhaps the best method to probe the possible connection between AGN activity and star formation. Obscuration of powerful radiation from the inferred nucleus allows for detailed study of circumnucl ear emission regions. And soft X-ray spectroscopy of these regions allows for robust discrimination between warm gas radiatively driven by the AGN and hot collisionally-driven gas possibly associated with star formation. A simple model of a (bi-)cone of gas photoionized and photoexcited by a nuclear power-law continuum is sufficient to explain the soft X-ray spectra of all Seyfert 2 galaxies so far observed by the XMM-Newton and Chandra satellites. An upper limit of around 10 percent to an additional hot, collisionally-driven gas contribution to the soft X-ray regime appears to hold for five different Seyfert 2 galaxies, placing interesting constraints on circumnuclear star formation.
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