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On Cosmological Implications of Gravitational Trace Anomaly

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 نشر من قبل Neven Bilic
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the infrared effective theory of gravity that stems from the quantum trace anomaly. Quantum fluctuations of the metric induce running of the cosmological constant and the Newton constant at cosmological scales. By imposing the generalized Bianchi identity we obtain a prediction for the scale dependence of the dark matter and dark energy densities in terms of the parameters of the underlying conformal theory. For certain values of the model parameters the dark energy equation of state and the observed spectral index of the primordial density fluctuations can be simultaneously reproduced.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

68 - Hemza Azri 2018
The main aim of this thesis is to reveal some interesting aspects of the purely affine theory of gravity and its cosmological implication. A particular attention will be devoted to its consequences when applied to cosmological inflation. Primarily, a ffine spacetime, composed of geodesics with no notion of length and angle, accommodates gravity but not matter. The thesis study is expected to reveal salient properties of matter dynamics in affine spacetime and may reveal an intimate connection between vacuum state and metrical gravity. An interesting application of the framework is the inflationary regime, where it is shown that affine gravity prefers only a unique metric tensor such that the transition from nonminimal to minimal coupling of the inflaton is performed only via redefinition of the latter. This allows us to avoid the use of the so called conformal frames. In fact, unlike metric gravity, the metric tensor in affine gravity is generated and not postulated a priori, thus this tensor is absent in the actions and conformal transformation does not make sense. Last but not least, we try to show how metric gravity can be induced through a simple structure that contains only affine connection and scalar fields. General relativity arises classically only at the vacuum, and this view of gravity may be considered as a new way to inducing metric elasticity of space, not through quantum corrections as in standard induced gravity, but only classically. The thesis is concluded by analyzing affine gravity in a particular higher-dimensional manifold (product of two spaces) in an attempt to understand both, the cosmological constant and matter dynamically.
122 - F. Canfora , G. Vilasi 2003
A model is proposed to describe a transition from a Schwarzschild black hole of mass $M_{0}$ to a Schwarzschild black hole of mass $M_{1}$ $leq M_{0}$. The basic equations are derived from the non-vacuum Einstein field equations taking a source repre senting a null scalar field with a nonvanishing trace anomaly. It is shown that the nonvanishing trace anomaly of the scalar field prevents a complete evaporation.
We show that solitonic cosmological gravitational waves propagated through the Friedmann universe and generated by the inhomogeneities of the gravitational field near the Big Bang can be responsible for increase of cosmological distances.
From Doppler tracking data and data on circular motion of astronomical objects we obtain a metric of the Pioneer Anomaly. The metric resolves the issue of manifest absence of anomaly acceleration in orbits of the outer planets and extra-Pluto objects of the Solar system. However, it turns out that the energy-momentum tensor of matter, which generates such a gravitational field in GR, violates energy dominance conditions. At the same time the equation of state derived from the energy-momentum tensor is that of dark energy with $w=-1/3$. So the model proposed must be carefully studied by Grand-Fit investigations.
We analyze the propagation of high-frequency gravitational waves (GW) in scalar-tensor theories of gravity, with the aim of examining properties of cosmological distances as inferred from GW measurements. By using symmetry principles, we first determ ine the most general structure of the GW linearized equations and of the GW energy momentum tensor, assuming that GW move with the speed of light. Modified gravity effects are encoded in a small number of parameters, and we study the conditions for ensuring graviton number conservation in our covariant set-up. We then apply our general findings to the case of GW propagating through a perturbed cosmological space-time, deriving the expressions for the GW luminosity distance $d_L^{({rm GW})}$ and the GW angular distance $d_A^{({rm GW})}$. We prove for the first time the validity of Etherington reciprocity law $d_L^{({rm GW})},=,(1+z)^2,d_A^{({rm GW})}$ for a perturbed universe within a scalar-tensor framework. We find that besides the GW luminosity distance, also the GW angular distance can be modified with respect to General Relativity. We discuss implications of this result for gravitational lensing, focussing on time-delays of lensed GW and lensed photons emitted simultaneously during a multimessenger event. We explicitly show how modified gravity effects compensate between different coefficients in the GW time-delay formula: lensed GW arrive at the same time as their lensed electromagnetic counterparts, in agreement with causality constraints.
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