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Heavy-light quark pseudoscalar and vector mesons at finite temperature

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 نشر من قبل C. A. Dominguez
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The temperature dependence of the mass, leptonic decay constant, and width of heavy-light quark peseudoscalar and vector mesons is obtained in the framework of thermal Hilbert moment QCD sum rules. The leptonic decay constants of both pseudoscalar and vector mesons decrease with increasing $T$, and vanish at a critical temperature $T_c$, while the mesons develop a width which increases dramatically and diverges at $T_c$, where $T_c$ is the temperature for chiral-symmetry restoration. These results indicate the disappearance of hadrons from the spectral function, which then becomes a smooth function of the energy. This is interpreted as a signal for deconfinement at $T=T_c$. In contrast, the masses show little dependence on the temperature, except very close to $T_c$, where the pseudoscalar meson mass increases slightly by 10-20 %, and the vector meson mass decreases by some 20-30 %

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Using a simple model in the context of the Dyson-Schwinger-Bethe-Salpeter approach, we investigate the effects of a dressed-quark-gluon vertex on pseudoscalar meson masses. In particular, we focus on the unequal-mass case and investigate heavy-light meson masses; in addition, we study the premise of the effective treatment of heavy quarks in our approach.
The electromagnetic form factors of light and heavy pseudoscalar mesons are calculated within two covariant constituent-quark models, a light-front and a dispersion relation approach. We investigate the details and physical origins of the model depen dence of various hadronic observables: the weak decay constant, the charge radius and the elastic electromagnetic form factor.
We compute the distribution amplitudes of the pion and kaon in the light-front constituent quark model with the symmetric quark-bound state vertex function. In the calculation we explicitly include the flavor-SU(3) symmetry breaking effect in terms o f the constituent quark masses of the up (down) and strange quarks. To calculate the kaon parton distribution functions~(PDFs), we use both the conditions in the light-cone wave function, i.e., when $bar{s}$ quark is on-shell, and when $u$ quark is on-shell, and make a comparison between them. The kaon PDFs calculated in the two different conditions clearly show asymmetric behaviour due to the flavor SU(3)-symmetry breaking implemented by the quark masses.
86 - Chao Shi , Ming Li , Xurong Chen 2021
We extract the leading Fock-state light front wave functions (LF-LFWFs) of both the light and heavy pseudoscalar mesons, e.g., the pion (at masses of 130 MeV, 310 MeV and 690 MeV), $eta_c$ and $eta_b$, from their covariant Bethe-Salpeter wave functio ns within the rainbow-ladder (RL) truncation. It is shown that the LF-LFWFs get narrower in $x$ (the longitudinal momentum fraction of meson carried by the quark) with the increasing current quark mass, and the leading twist parton distribution amplitudes (PDAs) inherit this feature. Meanwhile, we find in the pion the LF-LFWFs only contribute around 30% to the total Fock-state normalization, indicating the presence of significant higher Fock-states within. In contrast, in the $eta_c$ and $eta_b$ the LF-LFWFs contribute more than $90$%, suggesting the $Qbar{Q}$ valence Fock-state truncation as a good approximation for heavy mesons. We thus study the 3-dimensional parton distributions of the $eta_c$ and $eta_b$ with the unpolarized generalized parton distribution function (GPD) and the transverse momentum dependent parton distribution function (TMD). Through the gravitational form factors in connection with the GPD, the mass radii of the $eta_c$ and $eta_b$ in the light-cone frame are determined to be $r_{E,{rm LC}}^{eta_c} =0.150$ fm and $r_{E,{rm LC}}^{eta_b} =0.089$ fm respectively.
188 - H. Saito , S. Ejiri , S. Aoki 2013
We study the phase structure of lattice QCD with heavy quarks at finite temperature and density by a histogram method. We determine the location of the critical point at which the first-order deconfining transition in the heavy-quark limit turns into a crossover at intermediate quark masses through a change of the shape of the histogram under variation of coupling parameters. We estimate the effect of the complex phase factor which causes the sign problem at finite density, and show that, in heavy-quark QCD, the effect is small around the critical point. We determine the critical surface in 2+1 flavor QCD in the heavy-quark region at all values of the chemical potential mu including mu=infty.
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