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Very large spontaneous electric polarization in BiFeO3 single crystals at room temperature and its evolution under cycling fields

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 نشر من قبل Lo\\\"ic Bervas
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Electric polarization loops are measured at room temperature on highly pure BiFeO3 single crystals synthesized by a flux growth method. Because the crystals have a high electrical resistivity, the resulting low leakage currents allow us to measure a large spontaneous polarization reaching 100 microC.cm^{-2}, a value never reported in the bulk. During electric cycling, the slow degradation of the material leads to an evolution of the hysteresis curves eventually preventing full saturation of the crystals.

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Bismuth ferrite, BiFeO3, is the only known room-temperature multiferroic material. We demonstrate here, using neutron scattering measurements in high quality single crystals, that the antiferromagnetic and ferroelectric orders are intimately coupled. Initially in a single ferroelectric state, our crystals have a canted antiferromagnetic structure describing a unique cycloid. Under electrical poling, polarisation re-orientation induces a spin flop. We argue here that the coupling between the two orders may be stronger in the bulk than that observed in thin films where the cycloid is absent.
We report the presence of giant spontaneous exchange bias (HSEB) in a hard and soft antiferromagnetic composite of BiFeO3-TbMnO3 (BFO-TMO in 7:3 and 8:2 ratio). The HSEB varies between 5-778Oe, but persists up to room temperature with a maximum near a spin reorientation transition temperature observed from magnetization vs. temperature measurement in Zero-field cooled (ZFC) and Field cooled (FC) modes. Isothermal remnant magnetization measurements at room temperature indicate the presence of an interfacial layer of a 2 dimensional dilute antiferromagnet in a field (2D DAFF). A stable value of the exchange bias has been observed via training effect measurements which signify the role of interfacial exchange coupling in the system. Based on the experimental results we explain the presence of the giant spontaneous exchange bias on the basis of a strong strain-mediated magnetoelectriccoupling induced exchange interaction and the creation of 2D DAFF layer at the interface. Theproperties of this layer are defined by canting and pinning of BFO spins at the interface with TMO due to Fe and Mn interaction. X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) confirms the presence of canted antiferromagnetic ordering of BiFeO3, charge transfer between Mn ions and different magnetically coupled layers which play vital role in getting the exchange bias.
We report electric polarization and magnetization measurements in single crystals of double perovskite Lu2MnCoO6 using pulsed magnetic fields and optical second harmonic generation (SHG) in DC magnetic fields. we observe well-resolved magnetic field- induced changes in the electric polarization in single crystals and thereby resolve the question about whether multiferroic behavior is intrinsic to these materials or an extrinsic feature of polycrystals. We find electric polarization along the crystalline b-axis, that is suppressed by applying a magnetic fields along c-axis and advance a model for the origin of magnetoelectric coupling. We furthermore map the phase diagram using both capacitance and electric polarization to identify regions of ordering and regions of magnetoelectric hysteresis. This compound is a rare example of coupled hysteretic behavior in the magnetic and electric properties. The ferromagnetic-like magnetic hysteresis loop that couples to hysteretic polarization can be attributed not to ordinary ferromagnetic domains, but to the rich physics of magnetic frustration of Ising-like spins in the axial next-nearest neighbor interaction model.
165 - Z. Q. Liu , W. M. Lu , S. L. Lim 2012
The search for oxide-based room-temperature ferromagnetism has been one of the holy grails in condensed matter physics. Room-temperature ferromagnetism observed in Nb-doped SrTiO3 single crystals is reported in this Rapid Communication. The ferromagn etism can be eliminated by air annealing (making the samples predominantly diamagnetic) and can be recovered by subsequent vacuum annealing. The temperature dependence of magnetic moment resembles the temperature dependence of carrier density, indicating that the magnetism is closely related to the free carriers. Our results suggest that the ferromagnetism is induced by oxygen vacancies. In addition, hysteretic magnetoresistance was observed for magnetic field parallel to current, indicating that the magnetic moments are in the plane of the samples. The x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, the static time-of-flight and the dynamic secondary ion mass spectroscopy and proton induced x-ray emission measurements were performed to examine magnetic impurities, showing that the observed ferromagnetism is unlikely due to any magnetic contaminant.
Mutual control of the electricity and magnetism in terms of magnetic (H) and electric (E) fields, the magnetoelectric (ME) effect, offers versatile low power-consumption alternatives to current data storage, logic gate, and spintronic devices. Despit e its importance, E-field control over magnetization (M) with significant magnitude was observed only at low temperatures. Here we have successfully stabilized a simultaneously ferrimagnetic and ferroelectric phase in a Y-type hexaferrite single crystal up to T=450K and demonstrated the reversal of large non-volatile M by E field close to room temperature. Manipulation of the magnetic domains by E field is directly visualized at room temperature by using magnetic force microscopy. The present achievement provides an important step towards the application of bulk ME multiferroics.
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