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A spectrophotometric model applied to cluster galaxies: the WINGS dataset

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 نشر من قبل Jacopo Fritz
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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[Abridged] The WIde-field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey (WINGS) is a project aiming at the study of the galaxy populations in clusters in the local universe (0.04<z<0.07) and the influence of environment on the physical properties of galaxies. This survey provides a high quality set of spectroscopic data for ~6000 galaxies in 48 clusters. A salient feature of this model is the possibility of treating dust extinction as a function of age, allowing younger stars to be more obscured than older ones. Our technique, for the first time, takes into account this feature in a spectral fitting code. A set of template spectra spanning a wide range of star formation histories is built, with features closely resembling those of typical spectra in our sample in terms of spectral resolution, noise and wavelength coverage. Our method of analyzing these spectra allows us to test the reliability and the uncertainties related to each physical parameter we are inferring. The well-known degeneracy problem, i.e. the non-uniqueness of the best fit solution (mass and extinction in different age bins), can be addressed by assigning adequate error bars to the recovered parameters. The values found in this way, together with their error bars, identify the region of parameter space which contains all the possible solutions for a given spectrum. A comparison test was also performed on a WINGS subsample, containing objects in common with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, yielding excellent agreement. We find that the stellar content as a function of age is reliably recovered in four main age bins and that the uncertainties only mildly depend on the S/N ratio. The metallicity of the dominant stellar population is not always recoverable unambiguosly, depending on the Star Formation History pattern.

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We present a multi-wavelength analysis of the galaxies in nine clusters selected from the WINGS dataset, examining how galaxy structure varies as a function of wavelength and environment using the state of the art software GALAPAGOSII. We simultaneou sly fit single Sersic functions on three optical (u, B and V) and two near-infrared (J and K) bands thus creating a wavelength-dependent model of each galaxy. We measure the magnitudes, effective radius ($R_{e}$) the Sersic index ($n$), axis ratio and position angle in each band. The sample contains 790 cluster members (located close to the cluster center < 0.64 R$_{200}$ and 254 non-member galaxies that we further separate based on their morphology into ellipticals, lenticulars and spirals. We find that the Sersic index of all galaxies inside clusters remains nearly constant with wavelength while $R_{e}$ decreases as wavelength increases for all morphological types. We do not observe a significant variation on n and $R_{e}$ as a function of projected local density and distance from the clusters center. Comparing the n and $R_{e}$ of bright cluster galaxies with a subsample of non-member galaxies we find that bright cluster galaxies are more concentrated (display high $n$ values) and are more compact (low $R_{e}$). Moreover, the light profile ($mathcal{N}$) and size ($mathcal{R}$) of bright cluster galaxies does not change as a function of wavelength in the same manner as non-member galaxies.
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164 - M. B. Hastings 2019
We numerically investigate the performance of the short path optimization algorithm on a toy problem, with the potential chosen to depend only on the total Hamming weight to allow simulation of larger systems. We consider classes of potentials with m ultiple minima which cause the adiabatic algorithm to experience difficulties with small gaps. The numerical investigation allows us to consider a broader range of parameters than was studied in previous rigorous work on the short path algorithm, and to show that the algorithm can continue to lead to speedups for more general objective functions than those considered before. We find in many cases a polynomial speedup over Grover search. We present a heuristic analytic treatment of choices of these parameters and of scaling of phase transitions in this model.
177 - G. Fasano 2011
We present the morphological catalog of galaxies in nearby clusters of the WINGS survey (Fasano et al. 2006). The catalog contains a total number of 39923 galaxies, for which we provide the automatic estimates of the morphological type applying the p urposely devised tool MORPHOT to the V-band WINGS imaging. For ~3000 galaxies we also provide visual estimates of the morphological types. A substantial part of the paper is devoted to the description of the MORPHOT tool, whose application is limited, at least for the moment, to the WINGS imaging only. The approach of the tool to the automation of morphological classification is a non parametric and fully empiri- cal one. In particular, MORPHOT exploits 21 morphological diagnostics, directly and easily computable from the galaxy image, to provide two independent classifications: one based on a Maximum Likelihood (ML), semi-analytical technique, the other one on a Neural Network (NN) machine. A suitably selected sample of ~1000 visually clas- sified WINGS galaxies is used to calibrate the diagnostics for the ML estimator and as a training set in the NN machine. The final morphological estimator combines the two techniques and proves to be effective both when applied to an additional test sample of ~1000 visually classified WINGS galaxies and when compared with small samples of SDSS galaxies visually classified by Fukugita et al. (2007) and Nair et al. (2010). Finally, besides the galaxy morphology distribution (corrected for field contamination) in the WINGS clusters, we present the ellipticity ({epsilon}), color (B-V) and Sersic index (n) distributions for different morphological types, as well as the morphological fractions as a function of the clustercentric distance (in units of R200).
[Abridged] We investigate the frequency of the various spectral types as a function both of the clusters properties and of the galaxies characteristics. In this way, using the same classification criteria adopted for higher redshift studies, we can c onsistently compare the properties of the local cluster population to those of their more distant counterparts. We describe a method we have developed to automatically measure the equivalent width of spectral lines in a robust way even in spectra with a non optimal signal to noise. Like this, we can derive a spectral classification reflecting the stellar content, based on the presence and strength of the [OII] and Hdelta lines. We are able to measure 4381 of the ~6000 originally observed spectra, in the fields of 48 clusters, 2744 of which are spectroscopically confirmed cluster members. The spectral classification is then analyzed as a function of galaxies luminosity, stellar mass, morphology, local density and host clusters global properties, and compared to higher redshift samples (MORPHS and EDisCS). The vast majority of galaxies in the local clusters population are passive objects, being also the most luminous and massive. At a magnitude limit of Mv<-18, galaxies in a post-starburst phase represent only ~11% of the cluster population and this fraction is reduced to ~5% at Mv<-19.5, which compares to the 18% at the same magnitude limit for high-z clusters. Normal star forming galaxies [e( c )] are proportionally more common in local clusters. The relative occurrence of post--starbursts suggests a very similar quenching efficiency in clusters at redshifts in the 0 to ~1 range. Furthermore, more important than the global environment, the local density seems to be the main driver of galaxy evolution in local clusters, at least with respect to their stellar populations content.
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