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Invariant Hopf $2$-cocycles for affine algebraic groups

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 نشر من قبل Shlomo Gelaki
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث
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We generalize the theory of the second invariant cohomology group $H^2_{rm inv}(G)$ for finite groups $G$, developed in [Da2,Da3,GK], to the case of affine algebraic groups $G$, using the methods of [EG1,EG2,G]. In particular, we show that for connected affine algebraic groups $G$ over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$, the map $Theta$ from [GK] is bijective (unlike for some finite groups, as shown in [GK]). This allows us to compute $H^2_{rm inv}(G)$ in this case, and in particular show that this group is commutative (while for finite groups it can be noncommutative, as shown in [GK]).

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

139 - Shlomo Gelaki 2014
We continue the study of twisting of affine algebraic groups G (i.e., of Hopf 2-cocycles J for the function algebra O(G)), which was started in [EG1,EG2], and initiate the study of the associated one-sided twisted function algebras O(G)_J. We first s how that J is supported on a closed subgroup H of G (defined up to conjugation), and that O(G)_J is finitely generated with center O(G/H). We then use it to study the structure of O(G)_J for connected nilpotent G. We show that in this case O(G)_J is a Noetherian domain, which is a simple algebra if and only if J is supported on G, and describe the simple algebras that arise in this way. We also use [EG2] to obtain a classification of Hopf 2-cocycles for connected nilpotent G, hence of fiber functors Rep(G)to Vect. Along the way we provide many examples, and at the end formulate several ring-theoretical questions about the structure of the algebras O(G)_J for arbitrary G.
48 - Shlomo Gelaki 2020
We use cite{G} to study the algebra structure of twisted cotriangular Hopf algebras ${}_Jmathcal{O}(G)_{J}$, where $J$ is a Hopf $2$-cocycle for a connected nilpotent algebraic group $G$ over $mathbb{C}$. In particular, we show that ${}_Jmathcal{O}(G )_{J}$ is an affine Noetherian domain with Gelfand-Kirillov dimension $dim(G)$, and that if $G$ is unipotent and $J$ is supported on $G$, then ${}_Jmathcal{O}(G)_{J}cong U(g)$ as algebras, where $g={rm Lie}(G)$. We also determine the finite dimensional irreducible representations of ${}_Jmathcal{O}(G)_{J}$, by analyzing twisted function algebras on $(H,H)$-double cosets of the support $Hsubset G$ of $J$. Finally, we work out several examples to illustrate our results.
We present a framework for the computation of the Hopf 2-cocycles involved in the deformations of Nichols algebras over semisimple Hopf algebras. We write down a recurrence formula and investigate the extent of the connection with invariant Hochschil d cohomology in terms of exponentials. As an example, we present detailed computations leading to the explicit description of the Hopf 2-cocycles involved in the deformations of a Nichols algebra of Cartan type $A_2$ with $q=-1$, a.k.a. the positive part of the small quantum group $mathfrak{u}^+_{sqrt{text{-1}}}(mathfrak{sl}_3)$. We show that these cocycles are generically pure, that is they are not cohomologous to exponentials of Hochschild 2-cocycles.
122 - Ehud Meir 2018
For a given finite dimensional Hopf algebra $H$ we describe the set of all equivalence classes of cocycle deformations of $H$ as an affine variety, using methods of geometric invariant theory. We show how our results specialize to the Universal Coeff icients Theorem in the case of a group algebra, and we also give examples from other families of Hopf algebras, including dual group algebras and Bosonizations of Nichols algebras. In particular, we use the methods developed here to classify the cocycle deformations of a dual pointed Hopf algebra associated to the symmetric group on three letters. We also give an example of a cocycle deformation over a dual group algebra, which has only rational invariants, but which is not definable over the rational field. This differs from the case of group algebras, in which every two-cocycle is equivalent to one which is definable by its invariants.
319 - Andrea Jedwab 2009
In this paper we introduce a trace-like invariant for the irreducible representations of a finite dimensional complex Hopf algebra H. We do so by considering the trace of the map induced by the antipode S on the endomorphisms End(V) of a self-dual mo dule V. We also compute the values of this trace for the representations of two non-semisimple Hopf algebras: u_q(sl_2) and D(H_n(q)), the Drinfeld double of the Taft algebra.
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