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The Herschel PACS photometer calibration - A time dependent flux calibration for the PACS chopped point-source photometry AOT mode

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 نشر من قبل Markus Nielbock
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a flux calibration scheme for the PACS chopped point-source photometry observing mode based on the photometry of five stellar standard sources. This mode was used for science observations only early in the mission. Later, it was only used for pointing and flux calibration measurements. Its calibration turns this type of observation into fully validated data products in the Herschel Science Archive. Systematic differences in calibration with regard to the principal photometer observation mode, the scan map, are derived and amount to 5-6%. An empirical method to calibrate out an apparent response drift during the first 300 Operational Days is presented. The relative photometric calibration accuracy (repeatability) is as good as 1% in the blue and green band and up to 5% in the red band. Like for the scan map mode, inconsistencies among the stellar calibration models become visible and amount to 2% for the five standard stars used. The absolute calibration accuracy is therefore mainly limited by the model uncertainty, which is 5% for all three bands.

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This paper provides an overview of the PACS photometer flux calibration concept, in particular for the principal observation mode, the scan map. The absolute flux calibration is tied to the photospheric models of five fiducial stellar standards (alph a Boo, alpha Cet, alpha Tau, beta And, gamma Dra). The data processing steps to arrive at a consistent and homogeneous calibration are outlined. In the current state the relative photometric accuracy is around 2% in all bands. Starting from the present calibration status, the characterization and correction for instrumental effects affecting the relative calibration accuracy is described and an outlook for the final achievable calibration numbers is given. After including all the correction for the instrumental effects, the relative photometric calibration accuracy (repeatability) will be as good as 0.5% in the blue and green band and 2% in the red band. This excellent calibration starts to reveal possible inconsistencies between the models of the K-type and the M-type stellar calibrators. The absolute calibration accuracy is therefore mainly limited by the 5% uncertainty of the celestial standard models in all three bands. The PACS bolometer response was extremely stable over the entire Herschel mission and a single, time-independent response calibration file is sufficient for the processing and calibration of the science observations. The dedicated measurements of the internal calibration sources were needed only to characterize secondary effects. No aging effects of the bolometer or the filters have been found. Also, we found no signs of filter leaks. The PACS photometric system is very well characterized with a constant energy spectrum nu*Fnu = lambda*Flambda = const as a reference. Colour corrections for a wide range of sources SEDs are determined and tabulated.
We describe the procedure used to flux calibrate the three-band submillimetre photometer in the Spectral and Photometric Imaging REceiver (SPIRE) instrument on the Herschel Space Observatory. This includes the equations describing the calibration sch eme, a justification for using Neptune as the primary calibration source, a description of the observations and data processing procedures used to derive flux calibration parameters (for converting from voltage to flux density) for every bolometer in each array, an analysis of the error budget in the flux calibration for the individual bolometers, and tests of the flux calibration on observations of primary and secondary calibrators. The procedure for deriving the flux calibration parameters is divided into two parts. In the first part, we use observations of astronomical sources in conjunction with the operation of the photometer internal calibration source to derive the unscaled derivatives of the flux calibration curves. To scale the calibration curves in Jy/beam/V, we then use observations of Neptune in which the beam of each bolometer is mapped using Neptune observed in a very fine scan pattern. The total instrumental uncertainties in the flux calibration for the individual bolometers is ~0.5% for most bolometers, although a few bolometers have uncertainties of ~1-5% because of issues with the Neptune observations. Based on application of the flux calibration parameters to Neptune observations performed using typical scan map observing modes, we determined that measurements from each array as a whole have instrumental uncertainties of 1.5%. This is considerably less than the absolute calibration uncertainty associated with the model of Neptune, which is estimated at 4%.
The Herschel Space Observatory was the fourth cornerstone mission in the European Space Agency (ESA) science programme. It had excellent broad band imaging capabilities in the far-infrared (FIR) and sub-millimetre part of the electromagnetic spectrum . Although the spacecraft finished observing in 2013, it left a large legacy dataset that is far from having been fully explored and still has a great potential for new scientific discoveries. The PACS and SPIRE photometric cameras observed about 8% of the sky in six different wavebands. This document describes the Herschel/PACS Point Source Catalogue (HPPSC), a FIR catalogue based on the broad-band photometric observations of the PACS instrument with filters centred at 70, 100 and 160 microns. We analysed 14842 combined, Level 2.5/Level 3 Herschel/PACS photometric observations. The PACS photometer maps were generated by the JScanam task of the Herschel Interactive Processing Environment (HIPE) v13.0.0. Sources were identified with the HIPE implementation of SUSSEXtractor, and the flux densities obtained by aperture photometry. We found a total of 108 319 point sources that are considered to be reliable in the 70 micron maps, 131 322 at 100 micron and 251 392 point sources in the 160 micron maps. In addition, our quality control algorithm identified 546 587 candidate sources that were found to be extended and 7 185 160 features which did not pass the signal-to-noise and other criteria to be considered reliable sources. These sources were included in the Extended Source List and Rejected Source List of the HPPSC, respectively. The calculated completeness and photometric accuracy values are based on simulations, where artificial sources were injected into the observational timeline with well controlled flux density values. The actual completeness is a complex function of the source flux, photometric band and the background complexity.
Our aims are to determine flux densities and their photometric accuracy for a set of seventeen stars that range in flux from intermediately bright (<2.5 Jy) to faint (>5 mJy) in the far-infrared (FIR). We also aim to derive signal-to-noise dependence with flux and time, and compare the results with predictions from the Herschel exposure-time calculation tool. The PACS faint star sample has allowed a comprehensive sensitivity assessment of the PACS photometer. Accurate photometry allows us to establish a set of five FIR primary standard candidates, namely alpha Ari, epsilon Lep, omega,Cap, HD41047 and 42Dra, which are 2 -- 20 times fainter than the faintest PACS fiducial standard (gamma Dra) with absolute accuracy of <6%. For three of these primary standard candidates, essential stellar parameters are known, meaning that a dedicated flux model code may be run.
We investigate the effect of the high-pass filter data reduction technique on the Herschel PACS PSF and noise of the PACS maps at the 70, 100 and 160 um bands and in medium and fast scan speeds. This branch of the PACS Photometer pipeline is the most used for cosmological observations and for point-source observations.The calibration of the flux loss due to the median removal applied by the PACS pipeline (high-pass filter) is done via dedicated simulations obtained by polluting real PACS timelines with fake sources at different flux levels. The effect of the data reduction parameter settings on the final map noise is done by using selected observations of blank fields with high data redundancy. We show that the running median removal can cause significant flux losses at any flux level. We analyse the advantages and disadvantages of several masking strategies and suggest that a mask based on putting circular patches on prior positions is the best solution to reduce the amount of flux loss. We provide a calibration of the point-source flux loss for several masking strategies in a large range of data reduction parameters, and as a function of the source flux. We also show that, for stacking analysis, the impact of the high-pass filtering effect is to reduce significantly the clustering effect. The analysis of the global noise and noise components of the PACS maps shows that the dominant parameter in determining the final noise is the high-pass filter width. We also provide simple fitting functions to build the error map from the coverage map and to estimate the cross-correlation correction factor in a representative portion of the data reduction parameter space.
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