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Mapping of the unoccupied states and relevant bosonic modes via the time dependent momentum distribution

306   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Alexander Kemper
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The unoccupied states of complex materials are difficult to measure, yet play a key role in determining their properties. We propose a technique that can measure the unoccupied states, called time-resolved Compton scattering, which measures the time-dependent momentum distribution (TDMD). Using a non-equilibrium Keldysh formalism, we study the TDMD for electrons coupled to a lattice in a pump-probe setup. We find a direct relation between temporal oscillations in the TDMD and the dispersion of the underlying unoccupied states, suggesting that both can be measured by time-resolved Compton scattering. We demonstrate the experimental feasibility by applying the method to a model of MgB$_2$ with realistic material parameters.

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307 - G. Kontrym-Sznajd 2017
Investigations of the Fermi surface via the electron momentum distribution reconstructed from either angular correlation of annihilation radiation (or Compton scattering) experimental spectra are presented. The basis of these experiments and mathemat ical methods applied in reconstructing three-dimensional densities from line (or plane) projections measured in these experiments are described. The review of papers where such techniques have been applied to study the Fermi surface of metallic materials with showing their main results is also done.
We study information theoretic geometry in time dependent quantum mechanical systems. First, we discuss global properties of the parameter manifold for two level systems exemplified by i) Rabi oscillations and ii) quenching dynamics of the XY spin ch ain in a transverse magnetic field, when driven across anisotropic criticality. Next, we comment upon the nature of the geometric phase from classical holonomy analyses of such parameter manifolds. In the context of the transverse XY model in the thermodynamic limit, our results are in contradiction to those in the existing literature, and we argue why the issue deserves a more careful analysis. Finally, we speculate on a novel geometric phase in the model, when driven across a quantum critical line.
Since the Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory is mathematically formulated through non-linear coupled time-dependent 3-dimensional partial differential equations it is natural to expect a strong sensitivity of its solutions to variations of the initial conditions, akin to the butterfly effect ubiquitous in classical dynamics. Since the Schrodinger equation for an interacting many-body system is however linear and (mathematically) the exact equations of the Density Functional Theory reproduce the corresponding one-body properties, it would follow that the Lyapunov exponents are also vanishing within a Density Functional Theory framework. Whether for realistic implementations of the Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory the question of absence of the butterfly effect and whether the dynamics provided is indeed a predictable theory was never discussed. At the same time, since the time-dependent density functional theory is a unique tool allowing us the study of non-equilibrium dynamics of strongly interacting many-fermion systems, the question of predictability of this theoretical framework is of paramount importance. Our analysis, for a number of quantum superfluid any-body systems (unitary Fermi gas, nuclear fission, and heavy-ion collisions) with a classical equivalent number of degrees of freedom ${cal O}(10^{10})$ and larger, suggests that its maximum Lyapunov are negligible for all practical purposes.
At interfaces with inversion symmetry breaking, Rashba effect couples the motion of electrons to their spin; as a result, spin-charge interconversion mechanism can occur. These interconversion mechanisms commonly exploit Rashba spin splitting at the Fermi level by spin pumping or spin torque ferromagnetic resonance. Here, we report evidence of significant photoinduced spin to charge conversion via Rashba spin splitting in an unoccupied state above the Fermi level at the Cu(111)/$alpha$-Bi$_{2}$O$_{3}$ interface. We predict an average Rashba coefficient of $1.72times 10^{-10}eV.m$ at 1.98 eV above the Fermi level, by fully relativistic first-principles analysis of the interfacial electronic structure with spin orbit interaction. We find agreement with our observation of helicity dependent photoinduced spin to charge conversion excited at 1.96 eV at room temperature, with spin current generation of $J_{s}=10^{6}A/m^{2}$. The present letter shows evidence of efficient spin-charge conversion exploiting Rashba spin splitting at excited states, harvesting light energy without magnetic materials or external magnetic fields.
Configurational states that are to be associated, according to Goldstein, with the basins in the potential energy landscape cannot be characterized by any particular basin identifier such as the basin minima, the lowest barrier, the most probable ene rgy barrier, etc. since the basin free energy turns out to be independent of the energies of these identifiers. Thus, our analysis utilizes basin free energies to characterize configurational states. When the basin identifier energies are monotonic, we can express the equilibrium basin free energy as a function of an equilibrium basin identifier energy, as we explain, but it is not necessarily unique.
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