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Since the Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory is mathematically formulated through non-linear coupled time-dependent 3-dimensional partial differential equations it is natural to expect a strong sensitivity of its solutions to variations of the initial conditions, akin to the butterfly effect ubiquitous in classical dynamics. Since the Schrodinger equation for an interacting many-body system is however linear and (mathematically) the exact equations of the Density Functional Theory reproduce the corresponding one-body properties, it would follow that the Lyapunov exponents are also vanishing within a Density Functional Theory framework. Whether for realistic implementations of the Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory the question of absence of the butterfly effect and whether the dynamics provided is indeed a predictable theory was never discussed. At the same time, since the time-dependent density functional theory is a unique tool allowing us the study of non-equilibrium dynamics of strongly interacting many-fermion systems, the question of predictability of this theoretical framework is of paramount importance. Our analysis, for a number of quantum superfluid any-body systems (unitary Fermi gas, nuclear fission, and heavy-ion collisions) with a classical equivalent number of degrees of freedom ${cal O}(10^{10})$ and larger, suggests that its maximum Lyapunov are negligible for all practical purposes.
We consider biological evolution as described within the Bak and Sneppen 1993 model. We exhibit, at the self-organized critical state, a power-law sensitivity to the initial conditions, calculate the associated exponent, and relate it to the recently
The soliton existence in sub-atomic many-nucleon systems is discussed. In many nucleon dynamics represented by the nuclear time-dependent density functional formalism, much attention is paid to energy and mass dependence of the soliton existence. In
The short-time and long-time dynamics of the Bak-Sneppen model of biological evolution are investigated using the damage spreading technique. By defining a proper Hamming distance measure, we are able to make it exhibits an initial power-law growth w
I show that the so-called causality paradox of time-dependent density functional theory arises from an incorrect formulation of the variational principle for the time evolution of the density. The correct formulation not only resolves the paradox in
Finite temperature density functional theory provides, in principle, an exact description of the thermodynamical equilibrium of many-electron systems. In practical applications, however, the functionals must be approximated. Efficient and physically