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Practical approximation scheme for the pion dynamics in the three-nucleon system

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 نشر من قبل Luciano Canton
 تاريخ النشر 2000
  مجال البحث
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We discuss a working approximation scheme to a recently developed formulation of the coupled piNNN-NNN problem. The approximation scheme is based on the physical assumption that, at low energies, the 2N-subsystem dynamics in the elastic channel is conveniently described by the usual 2N-potential approach, while the explicit pion dynamics describes small, correction-type effects. Using the standard separable-expansion method, we obtain a dynamical equation of the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas (AGS) type. This is an important result, because the computational techniques used for solving the normal AGS equation can also be used to describe the pion dynamics in the 3N system once the matrix dimension is increased by one component. We have also shown that this approximation scheme treats the conventional 3N problem once the pion degrees of freedom are projected out. Then the 3N system is described with an extended AGS-type equation where the spin-off of the pion dynamics (beyond the 2N potential) is taken into account in additional contributions to the driving term. These new terms are shown to reproduce the diagrams leading to modern 3N-force models. We also recover two sets of irreducible diagrams that are commonly neglected in 3N-force discussions, and conclude that these sets should be further investigated, because a claimed cancellation is questionable.

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