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Non--commutative Integration Calculus

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 نشر من قبل Edwin Langmann
 تاريخ النشر 1995
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We discuss a non--commutative integration calculus arising in the mathematical description of anomalies in fermion--Yang--Mills systems. We consider the differential complex of forms $u_0ccr{eps}{u_1}cdotsccr{eps}{u_n}$ with $eps$ a grading operator on a Hilbert space $cH$ and $u_i$ bounded operators on $cH$ which naturally contains the compactly supported de Rham forms on $R^d$ (i.e. $eps$ is the sign of the free Dirac operator on $R^d$ and $cH$ a $L^2$--space on $R^d$). We present an elementary proof that the integral of $d$--forms $int_{R^d}trac{X_0dd X_1cdots dd X_d}$ for $X_iinMap(R^d;gl_N)$, is equal, up to a constant, to the conditional Hilbert space trace of $Gamma X_0ccr{eps}{X_1}cdotsccr{eps}{X_d}$ where $Gamma=1$ for $d$ odd and $Gamma=gamma_{d+1}$ (`$gamma_5$--matrix) a spin matrix anticommuting with $eps$ for $d$ even. This result provides a natural generalization of integration of de Rham forms to the setting of Connes non--commutative geometry which involves the ordinary Hilbert space trace rather than the Dixmier trace.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We show that it is in principle possible to construct dualities between commutative and non-commutative theories in a systematic way. This construction exploits a generalization of the exact renormalization group equation (ERG). We apply this to the simple case of the Landau problem and then generalize it to the free and interacting non-canonical scalar field theory. This constructive approach offers the advantage of tracking the implementation of the Lorentz symmetry in the non-commutative dual theory. In principle, it allows for the construction of completely consistent non-commutative and non-local theories where the Lorentz symmetry and unitarity are still respected, but may be implemented in a highly non-trivial and non-local manner.
93 - Louis H Kauffman 2021
This paper shows how gauge theoretic structures arise naturally in a non-commutative calculus. Aspects of gauge theory, Hamiltonian mechanics and quantum mechanics arise naturally in the mathematics of a non-commutative framework for calculus and dif ferential geometry. We show how a covariant version of the Levi-Civita connection arises naturally in this commutator calculus. This connection satisfies the formula $$Gamma_{kij} + Gamma_{ikj} = abla_{j}g_{ik} = partial_{j} g_{ik} + [g_{ik}, A_j].$$ and so is exactly a generalization of the connection defined by Hermann Weyl in his original gauge theory. In the non-commutative world $cal N$ the metric indeed has a wider variability than the classical metric and its angular holonomy. Weyls idea was to work with such a wider variability of the metric. The present formalism provides a new context for Weyls original idea.
76 - Z. Guralnik , R. Jackiw , S.Y. Pi 2001
The effect of non-commutativity on electromagnetic waves violates Lorentz invariance: in the presence of a background magnetic induction field b, the velocity for propagation transverse to b differs from c, while propagation along b is unchanged. In principle, this allows a test by the Michelson-Morley interference method. We also study non-commutativity in another context, by constructing the theory describing a charged fluid in a strong magnetic field, which forces the fluid particles into their lowest Landau level and renders the fluid dynamics non-commutative, with a Moyal product determined by the background magnetic field.
This chapter is divided into two parts. The first is largely expository and builds on Karandikars axiomatisation of It{^o} calculus for matrix-valued semimartin-gales. Its aim is to unfold in detail the algebraic structures implied for iterated It{^o } and Stratonovich integrals. These constructions generalise the classical rules of Chen calculus for deterministic scalar-valued iterated integrals. The second part develops the stochastic analog of what is commonly called chronological calculus in control theory. We obtain in particular a pre-Lie Magnus formula for the logarithm of the It{^o} stochastic exponential of matrix-valued semimartingales.
357 - Ashok Das , H. Falomir , J. Gamboa 2008
General non-commutative supersymmetric quantum mechanics models in two and three dimensions are constructed and some two and three dimensional examples are explicitly studied. The structure of the theory studied suggest other possible applications in physical systems with potentials involving spin and non-local interactions.
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