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A deconvolution-based algorithm for crowded field photometry with unknown Point Spread Function

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 نشر من قبل Michael Gillon
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A new method is presented for determining the Point Spread Function (PSF) of images that lack bright and isolated stars. It is based on the same principles as the MCS (Magain, Courbin, Sohy, 1998) image deconvolution algorithm. It uses the information contained in all stellar images to achieve the double task of reconstructing the PSFs for single or multiple exposures of the same field and to extract the photometry of all point sources in the field of view. The use of the full information available allows to construct an accurate PSF. The possibility to simultaneously consider several exposures makes it very well suited to the measurement of the light curves of blended point sources from data that would be very difficult or even impossible to analyse with traditional PSF fitting techniques. The potential of the method for the analysis of ground-based and space-based data is tested on artificial images and illustrated by several examples, including HST/NICMOS images of a lensed quasar and VLT/ISAAC images of a faint blended Mira star in the halo of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC5128 (Cen A).

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اقرأ أيضاً

We consider three-dimensional (3D) localization and imaging of space debris from only one two-dimensional (2D) snapshot image. The technique involves an optical imager that exploits off-center image rotation to encode both the lateral and depth coord inates of point sources, with the latter being encoded in the angle of rotation of the PSF. We formulate 3D localization into a large-scale sparse 3D inverse problem in the discretized form. A recently developed penalty called continuous exact l0 (CEL0) is applied in this problem for the Gaussian noise model. Numerical experiments and comparisons illustrate the efficiency of the algorithm.
An optical imaging system forms an object image by recollecting light scattered by the object. However, intact optical information of the object delivered through the imaging system is deteriorated by imperfect optical elements and unwanted defects. Image deconvolution, also known as inverse filtering, has been widely exploited as a recovery technique because of its practical feasibility, and operates by assuming the linear shift-invariant property of the imaging system. However, shift invariance is not rigorously hold in all imaging situations and it is not a necessary condition for solving the inverse problem of light propagation. Here, we present a method to solve the linear inverse problem of coherent light propagation without assuming shift invariance. Full characterization of imaging capability of the system is achieved by successively recording optical responses, using various laser illumination angles which are systematically controlled by a digital micro-mirror device. Experimental results show that image distortions caused by optical defocus can be restored by conventional deconvolution, but severe aberrations produced by a tilted lens or an inserted disordered layer can be corrected only by the proposed generalized image deconvolution. This work generalizes the theory of optical imaging and deconvolution, and enables distortion-free imaging under any general imaging condition.
Context. Future weak lensing surveys, such as the Euclid mission, will attempt to measure the shapes of billions of galaxies in order to derive cosmological information. These surveys will attain very low levels of statistical error, and systematic e rrors must be extremely well controlled. In particular, the point spread function (PSF) must be estimated using stars in the field, and recovered with high accuracy. Aims. The aims of this paper are twofold. Firstly, we took steps toward a nonparametric method to address the issue of recovering the PSF field, namely that of finding the correct PSF at the position of any galaxy in the field, applicable to Euclid. Our approach relies solely on the data, as opposed to parametric methods that make use of our knowledge of the instrument. Secondly, we studied the impact of imperfect PSF models on the shape measurement of galaxies themselves, and whether common assumptions about this impact hold true in an Euclid scenario. Methods. We extended the recently proposed resolved components analysis approach, which performs super-resolution on a field of under-sampled observations of a spatially varying, image-valued function. We added a spatial interpolation component to the method, making it a true 2-dimensional PSF model. We compared our approach to PSFEx, then quantified the impact of PSF recovery errors on galaxy shape measurements through image simulations. Results. Our approach yields an improvement over PSFEx in terms of the PSF model and on observed galaxy shape errors, though it is at present far from reaching the required Euclid accuracy. We also find that the usual formalism used for the propagation of PSF model errors to weak lensing quantities no longer holds in the case of an Euclid-like PSF. In particular, different shape measurement approaches can react differently to the same PSF modeling errors.
324 - Y.S. Wang , S.M. Jia , Y. Chen 2009
We present a new method for the analysis of Abell 1835 observed by XMM-Newton. The method is a combination of the Direct Demodulation technique and deprojection. We eliminate the effects of the point spread function (PSF) with the Direct Demodulation technique. We then use a traditional depro-jection technique to study the properties of Abell 1835. Compared to that of deprojection method only, the central electron density derived from this method increases by 30%, while the temperature profile is similar.
97 - Eric Gendron 2006
Context. The knowledge of the point-spread function compensated by adaptive optics is of prime importance in several image restoration techniques such as deconvolution and astrometric/photometric algorithms. Wavefront-related data from the adaptive o ptics real-time computer can be used to accurately estimate the point-spread function in adaptive optics observations. The only point-spread function reconstruction algorithm implemented on astronomical adaptive optics system makes use of particular functions, named $U_{ij}$. These $U_{ij}$ functions are derived from the mirror modes, and their number is proportional to the square number of these mirror modes. Aims. We present here two new algorithms for point-spread function reconstruction that aim at suppressing the use of these $U_{ij}$ functions to avoid the storage of a large amount of data and to shorten the computation time of this PSF reconstruction. Methods. Both algorithms take advantage of the eigen decomposition of the residual parallel phase covariance matrix. In the first algorithm, the use of a basis in which the latter matrix is diagonal reduces the number of $U_{ij}$ functions to the number of mirror modes. In the second algorithm, this eigen decomposition is used to compute phase screens that follow the same statistics as the residual parallel phase covariance matrix, and thus suppress the need for these $U_{ij}$ functions. Results. Our algorithms dramatically reduce the number of $U_{ij}$ functions to be computed for the point-spread function reconstruction. Adaptive optics simulations show the good accuracy of both algorithms to reconstruct the point-spread function.
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