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Generalized image deconvolution by exploiting spatially variant point spread functions

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 نشر من قبل YongKeun Park
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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An optical imaging system forms an object image by recollecting light scattered by the object. However, intact optical information of the object delivered through the imaging system is deteriorated by imperfect optical elements and unwanted defects. Image deconvolution, also known as inverse filtering, has been widely exploited as a recovery technique because of its practical feasibility, and operates by assuming the linear shift-invariant property of the imaging system. However, shift invariance is not rigorously hold in all imaging situations and it is not a necessary condition for solving the inverse problem of light propagation. Here, we present a method to solve the linear inverse problem of coherent light propagation without assuming shift invariance. Full characterization of imaging capability of the system is achieved by successively recording optical responses, using various laser illumination angles which are systematically controlled by a digital micro-mirror device. Experimental results show that image distortions caused by optical defocus can be restored by conventional deconvolution, but severe aberrations produced by a tilted lens or an inserted disordered layer can be corrected only by the proposed generalized image deconvolution. This work generalizes the theory of optical imaging and deconvolution, and enables distortion-free imaging under any general imaging condition.

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اقرأ أيضاً

An explanation for the origin of asymmetry along the preferential axis of the PSF of an AO system is developed. When phase errors from high altitude turbulence scintillate due to Fresnel propagation, wavefront amplitude errors may be spatially offset from residual phase errors. These correlated errors appear as asymmetry in the image plane under the Fraunhofer condition. In an analytic model with an open-loop AO system, the strength of the asymmetry is calculated for a single mode of phase aberration, which generalizes to two dimensions under a Fourier decomposition of the complex illumination. Other parameters included are the spatial offset of the AO correction, which is the wind velocity in the frozen flow regime multiplied by the effective AO time delay, and propagation distance or altitude of the turbulent layer. In this model, the asymmetry is strongest when the wind is slow and nearest to the coronagraphic mask when the turbulent layer is far away, such as when the telescope is pointing low towards the horizon. A great emphasis is made about the fact that the brighter asymmetric lobe of the PSF points in the opposite direction as the wind, which is consistent analytically with the clarification that the image plane electric field distribution is actually the inverse Fourier transform of the aperture plane. Validation of this understanding is made with observations taken from the Gemini Planet Imager, as well as being reproducible in end-to-end AO simulations.
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