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Fast spin +-2 spherical harmonics transforms and application in cosmology

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 نشر من قبل Yves Wiaux
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A fast and exact algorithm is developed for the spin +-2 spherical harmonics transforms on equi-angular pixelizations on the sphere. It is based on the Driscoll and Healy fast scalar spherical harmonics transform. The theoretical exactness of the transform relies on a sampling theorem. The associated asymptotic complexity is of order O(L^2 log^2_2(L)), where 2L stands for the square-root of the number of sampling points on the sphere, also setting a band limit L for the spin +-2 functions considered. The algorithm is presented as an alternative to existing fast algorithms with an asymptotic complexity of order O(L^3) on other pixelizations. We also illustrate these generic developments through their application in cosmology, for the analysis of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization data.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We demonstrate a fast spin-s spherical harmonic transform algorithm, which is flexible and exact for band-limited functions. In contrast to previous work, where spin transforms are computed independently, our algorithm permits the computation of seve ral distinct spin transforms simultaneously. Specifically, only one set of special functions is computed for transforms of quantities with any spin, namely the Wigner d-matrices evaluated at {pi}/2, which may be computed with efficient recursions. For any spin the computation scales as O(L^3) where L is the band-limit of the function. Our publicly available numerical implementation permits very high accuracy at modest computational cost. We discuss applications to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and gravitational lensing.
Many applications in science call for the numerical simulation of systems on manifolds with spherical topology. Through use of integer spin weighted spherical harmonics we present a method which allows for the implementation of arbitrary tensorial ev olution equations. Our method combines two numerical techniques that were originally developed with different applications in mind. The first is Huffenberger and Wandelts spectral decomposition algorithm to perform the mapping from physical to spectral space. The second is the application of Luscombe and Lubans method, to convert numerically divergent linear recursions into stable nonlinear recursions, to the calculation of reduced Wigner d-functions. We give a detailed discussion of the theory and numerical implementation of our algorithm. The properties of our method are investigated by solving the scalar and vectorial advection equation on the sphere, as well as the 2+1 Maxwell equations on a deformed sphere.
Wavelets on the sphere are reintroduced and further developed independently of the original group theoretic formalism, in an equivalent, but more straightforward approach. These developments are motivated by the interest of the scale-space analysis o f the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies on the sky. A new, self-consistent, and practical approach to the wavelet filtering on the sphere is developed. It is also established that the inverse stereographic projection of a wavelet on the plane (i.e. Euclidean wavelet) leads to a wavelet on the sphere (i.e. spherical wavelet). This new correspondence principle simplifies the construction of wavelets on the sphere and allows to transfer onto the sphere properties of wavelets on the plane. In that regard, we define and develop the notions of directionality and steerability of filters on the sphere. In the context of the CMB analysis, these notions are important tools for the identification of local directional features in the wavelet coefficients of the signal, and for their interpretation as possible signatures of non-gaussianity, statistical anisotropy, or foreground emission. But the generic results exposed may find numerous applications beyond cosmology and astrophysics.
Using the chiral representation for spinors we present a particularly transparent way to generate the most general spinor dynamics in a theory where gravity is ruled by the Einstein-Cartan-Holst action. In such theories torsion need not vanish, but i t can be re-interpreted as a 4-fermion self-interaction within a torsion-free theory. The self-interaction may or may not break parity invariance, and may contribute positively or negatively to the energy density, depending on the couplings considered. We then examine cosmological models ruled by a spinorial field within this theory. We find that while there are cases for which no significant cosmological novelties emerge, the self-interaction can also turn a mass potential into an upside-down Mexican hat potential. Then, as a general rule, the model leads to cosmologies with a bounce, for which there is a maximal energy density, and where the cosmic singularity has been removed. These solutions are stable, and range from the very simple to the very complex.
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