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Secants of Abelian Varieties, Theta functions, and Soliton Equations

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 نشر من قبل Iskander Taimanov
 تاريخ النشر 1996
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف I. A. Taimanov

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This paper is a survey on relations between secant identities and soliton equations and applications of soliton equations to problems of algebraic geometry, i.e., the Riemann-Schottky problem and its analogues. A short introduction into the analytic theory of theta functions is also given.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

197 - Yuri G. Zarhin 2015
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve without CM that is defined over a number field $K$. For all but finitely many nonarchimedean places $v$ of $K$ there is the reduction $E(v)$ of $E$ at $v$ that is an elliptic curve over the residue field $k(v)$ at $v$. Th e set of $v$s with ordinary $E(v)$ has density 1 (Serre). For such $v$ the endomorphism ring $End(E(v))$ of $E(v)$ is an order in an imaginary quadratic field. We prove that for any pair of relatively prime positive integers $N$ and $M$ there are infinitely many nonarchimedean places $v$ of $K$ such that the discriminant $Delta(v)$ of $End(E(v))$ is divisible by $N$ and the ratio $Delta(v)/N$ is relatively prime to $NM$. We also discuss similar questions for reductions of abelian varieties. The subject of this paper was inspired by an exercise in Serres Abelian $ell$-adic representations and elliptic curves and questions of Mihran Papikian and Alina Cojocaru.
We present a new package Theta.jl for computing with the Riemann theta function. It is implemented in Julia and offers accurate numerical evaluation of theta functions with characteristics and their derivatives of arbitrary order. Our package is opti mized for multiple evaluations of theta functions for the same Riemann matrix, in small dimensions. As an application, we report on experimental approaches to the Schottky problem in genus five.
We define a subclass of Hessenberg varieties called abelian Hessenberg varieties, inspired by the theory of abelian ideals in a Lie algebra developed by Kostant and Peterson. We give an inductive formula for the $S_n$-representation on the cohomology of an abelian regular semisimple Hessenberg variety with respect to the action defined by Tymoczko. Our result implies that a graded version of the Stanley-Stembridge conjecture holds in the abelian case, and generalizes results obtained by Shareshian-Wachs and Teff. Our proof uses previous work of Stanley, Gasharov, Shareshian-Wachs, and Brosnan-Chow, as well as results of the second author on the geometry and combinatorics of Hessenberg varieties. As part of our arguments, we obtain inductive formulas for the Poincare polynomials of regular abelian Hessenberg varieties.
311 - Ben Johnson , Eric Sommers 2017
Let $mathcal{O}$ be a Richardson nilpotent orbit in a simple Lie algebra $mathfrak{g}$ over $mathbb C$, induced from a Levi subalgebra whose simple roots are orthogonal short roots. The main result of the paper is a description of a minimal set of ge nerators of the ideal defining $overline{ mathcal{O}}$ in $S mathfrak{g}^*$. In such cases, the ideal is generated by bases of at most two copies of the representation whose highest weight is the dominant short root, along with some fundamental invariants. This extends Broers result for the subregular nilpotent orbit. Along the way we give another proof of Broers result that $overline{ mathcal{O}}$ is normal. We also prove a result connecting a property of invariants related to flat bases to the question of when one copy of the adjoint representation is in the ideal in $S mathfrak{g}^*$ generated by another copy of the adjoint representation and the fundamental invariants.
342 - M. Longo , S. Vigni 2011
We prove formulas for the p-adic logarithm of quaternionic Darmon points on p-adic tori and modular abelian varieties over Q having purely multiplicative reduction at p. These formulas are amenable to explicit computations and are the first to treat Stark-Heegner type points on higher-dimensional abelian varieties.
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