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KdV hierarchies and quantum Novikovs equations

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 نشر من قبل Alexander Mikhailov V
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The paper begins with a review of the well known Novikovs equations and corresponding finite KdV hierarchies. For a positive integer $N$ we give an explicit description of the $N$-th Novikovs equation and its first integrals. Its finite KdV hierarchy consists of $N$ compatible integrable polynomial dynamical systems in $mathbb{C}^{2N}$. Then we discuss a non-commutative version of the $N$-th Novikovs equation defined on a finitely generated free associative algebra $mathfrak{B}_N$ with $2N$ generators. In $mathfrak{B}_N$, for $N=1,2,3,4$, we have found two-sided homogeneous ideals $mathfrak{Q}_Nsubsetmathfrak{B}_N$ (quantisation ideals) which are invariant with respect to the $N$-th Novikovs equation and such that the quotient algebra $mathfrak{C}_N = mathfrak{B}_Ndiagup mathfrak{Q}_N$ has a well defined Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt basis. It enables us to define the quantum $N$-th Novikovs equation on the $mathfrak{C}_N$. We have shown that the quantum $N$-th Novikovs equation and its finite hierarchy can be written in the standard Heisenberg form.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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181 - A. Zabrodin 2021
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This is the third in a series of papers attempting to describe a uniform geometric framework in which many integrable systems can be placed. A soliton hierarchy can be constructed from a splitting of an infinite dimensional group $L$ as positive and negative subgroups L_+, L_- and a commuting sequence in the Lie algebra of L_+. Given f in L_-, there is a formal inverse scattering solution u_f of the hierarchy. When there is a 2 co-cycle that vanishes on both subalgebras of L_+ and L_-, Wilson constructed for each f in L_- a tau function tau_f for the hierarchy. In this third paper, we prove the following results for the nxn KdV hierarchy: (1) The second partials of ln(tau_f) are differential polynomials of the formal inverse scattering solution u_f. Moreover, u_f can be recovered from the second partials of ln(tau_f). (2) The natural Virasoro action on ln(tau_f) constructed in the second paper is given by partial differential operators in ln(tau_f). (3) There is a bijection between phase spaces of the nxn KdV hierarchy and the Gelfand-Dickey (GD_n) hierarchy on the space of order n linear differential operators on the line so that the flows in these two hierarchies correspond under the bijection. (4) Our Virasoro action on the nxn KdV hierarchy is constructed from a simple Virasoro action on the negative group. We show that it corresponds to the known Virasoro action on the GD_n hierarchy under the bijection.
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