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Deep-Learning continuous gravitational waves

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 نشر من قبل Christoph Dreissigacker
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a first proof-of-principle study for using deep neural networks (DNNs) as a novel search method for continuous gravitational waves (CWs) from unknown spinning neutron stars. The sensitivity of current wide-parameter-space CW searches is limited by the available computing power, which makes neural networks an interesting alternative to investigate, as they are extremely fast once trained and have recently been shown to rival the sensitivity of matched filtering for black-hole merger signals. We train a convolutional neural network with residual (short-cut) connections and compare its detection power to that of a fully-coherent matched-filtering search using the WEAVE pipeline. As test benchmarks we consider two types of all-sky searches over the frequency range from $20,mathrm{Hz}$ to $1000,mathrm{Hz}$: an `easy search using $T=10^5,mathrm{s}$ of data, and a `harder search using $T=10^6,mathrm{s}$. Detection probability $p_mathrm{det}$ is measured on a signal population for which matched filtering achieves $p_mathrm{det}=90%$ in Gaussian noise. In the easiest test case ($T=10^5,mathrm{s}$ at $20,mathrm{Hz}$) the DNN achieves $p_mathrm{det}sim88%$, corresponding to a loss in sensitivity depth of $sim5%$ versus coherent matched filtering. However, at higher-frequencies and longer observation time the DNN detection power decreases, until $p_mathrm{det}sim13%$ and a loss of $sim 66%$ in sensitivity depth in the hardest case ($T=10^6,mathrm{s}$ at $1000,mathrm{Hz}$). We study the DNN generalization ability by testing on signals of different frequencies, spindowns and signal strengths than they were trained on. We observe excellent generalization: only five networks, each trained at a different frequency, would be able to cover the whole frequency range of the search.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Direct detection of gravitational waves is opening a new window onto our universe. Here, we study the sensitivity to continuous-wave strain fields of a kg-scale optomechanical system formed by the acoustic motion of superfluid helium-4 parametrically coupled to a superconducting microwave cavity. This narrowband detection scheme can operate at very high $Q$-factors, while the resonant frequency is tunable through pressurization of the helium in the 0.1-1.5 kHz range. The detector can therefore be tuned to a variety of astrophysical sources and can remain sensitive to a particular source over a long period of time. For reasonable experimental parameters, we find that strain fields on the order of $hsim 10^{-23} /sqrt{rm Hz}$ are detectable. We show that the proposed system can significantly improve the limits on gravitational wave strain from nearby pulsars within a few months of integration time.
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79 - Keith Riles 2017
Gravitational wave astronomy opened dramatically in September 2015 with the LIGO discovery of a distant and massive binary black hole coalescence. The more recent discovery of a binary neutron star merger, followed by a gamma ray burst and a kilonova , reinforces the excitement of this new era, in which we may soon see other sources of gravitational waves, including continuous, nearly monochromatic signals. Potential continuous wave (CW) sources include rapidly spinning galactic neutron stars and more exotic possibilities, such as emission from axion Bose Einstein clouds surrounding black holes. Recent searches in Advanced LIGO data are presented, and prospects for more sensitive future searches discussed.
This document describes a code to perform parameter estimation and model selection in targeted searches for continuous gravitational waves from known pulsars using data from ground-based gravitational wave detectors. We describe the general workings of the code and characterise it on simulated data containing both noise and simulated signals. We also show how it performs compared to a previous MCMC and grid-based approach to signal parameter estimation. Details how to run the code in a variety of cases are provided in Appendix A.
Wide parameter space searches for long lived continuous gravitational wave signals are computationally limited. It is therefore critically important that available computational resources are used rationally. In this paper we consider directed search es, i.e. targets for which the sky position is known accurately but the frequency and spindown parameters are completely unknown. Given a list of such potential astrophysical targets, we therefore need to prioritize. On which target(s) should we spend scarce computing resources? What parameter space region in frequency and spindown should we search? Finally, what is the optimal search set-up that we should use? In this paper we present a general framework that allows to solve all three of these problems. This framework is based on maximizing the probability of making a detection subject to a constraint on the maximum available computational cost. We illustrate the method for a simplified problem.
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