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Possible determination of high-lying single particle components with (p,d) reactions

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 نشر من قبل Danyang Pang
 تاريخ النشر 2018
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A detailed feasibility study on deducing the high-lying single-particle components (HLSPCs), which are important but used to be ignored, in the ground and low-lying excited states of even-even light nuclei is performed by analyses of $(p,d)$ reactions with uc{12}{C}, uc{24}{Mg}, uc{28}{Si}, and uc{40}{Ca} targets at 51.93 MeV. Coupled reaction channels (CRC) analyses have been made for $(p,d)$ transitions to the $j$-forbidden excited states in uc{11}{C} (${tfrac{5}{2}}^-$, 4.32 MeV), uc{23}{Mg} (${tfrac{7}{2}}^+$, 2.05 MeV), uc{27}{Si} (${tfrac{7}{2}}^+$, 2.16 MeV) and uc{39}{Ca} (${tfrac{9}{2}}^-$, 3.64 MeV), including the major allowed transition components together with direct components of HLSPCs. Spectroscopic amplitudes of the HLSPCs are deduced by fitting the angular distributions of the ground and the $j$-forbidden excited states simultaneously. The present analysis demonstrates for the first time that information about HLSPCs in atomic nuclei can be obtained from analysis of $(p,d)$ reactions.

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174 - F.M. Nunes , A. Deltuva 2011
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119 - S. Cruz , K. Wimmer , P.C. Bender 2019
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An important ingredient for applications of nuclear physics to e.g. astrophysics or nuclear energy are the cross sections for reactions of neutrons with rare isotopes. Since direct measurements are often not possible, indirect methods like (d,p) reac tions must be used instead. Those (d,p) reactions may be viewed as effective three-body reactions and described with Faddeev techniques. An additional challenge posed by (d,p) reactions involving heavier nuclei is the treatment of the Coulomb force. To avoid numerical complications in dealing with the screening of the Coulomb force, recently a new approach using the Coulomb distorted basis in momentum space was suggested. In order to implement this suggestion, one needs not only to derive a separable representation of neutron- and proton-nucleus optical potentials, but also compute the Coulomb distorted form factors in this basis.
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