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Measuring the Hubble constant with Type Ia supernovae as near-infrared standard candles

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 نشر من قبل Suhail Dhawan
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The most precise local measurements of $H_0$ rely on observations of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) coupled with Cepheid distances to SN Ia host galaxies. Recent results have shown tension comparing $H_0$ to the value inferred from CMB observations assuming $Lambda$CDM, making it important to check for potential systematic uncertainties in either approach. To date, precise local $H_0$ measurements have used SN Ia distances based on optical photometry, with corrections for light curve shape and colour. Here, we analyse SNe Ia as standard candles in the near-infrared (NIR), where intrinsic variations in the supernovae and extinction by dust are both reduced relative to the optical. From a combined fit to 9 nearby calibrator SNe with host Cepheid distances from Riess et al. (2016) and 27 SNe in the Hubble flow, we estimate the absolute peak $J$ magnitude $M_J = -18.524;pm;0.041$ mag and $H_0 = 72.8;pm;1.6$ (statistical) $pm$ 2.7 (systematic) km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. The 2.2 $%$ statistical uncertainty demonstrates that the NIR provides a compelling avenue to measuring SN Ia distances, and for our sample the intrinsic (unmodeled) peak $J$ magnitude scatter is just $sim$0.10 mag, even without light curve shape or colour corrections. Our results do not vary significantly with different sample selection criteria, though photometric calibration in the NIR may be a dominant systematic uncertainty. Our findings suggest that tension in the competing $H_0$ distance ladders is likely not a result of supernova systematics that could be expected to vary between optical and NIR wavelengths, like dust extinction. We anticipate further improvements in $H_0$ with a larger calibrator sample of SNe Ia with Cepheid distances, more Hubble flow SNe Ia with NIR light curves, and better use of the full NIR photometric data set beyond simply the peak $J$-band magnitude.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We analyze a set of 89 Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) that have both optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry to derive distances and construct low redshift ($z < 0.04$) Hubble diagrams. We construct mean light curve (LC) templates using a hierarchical Bayesian model. We explore both Gaussian process (GP) and template methods for fitting the LCs and estimating distances, while including peculiar velocity and photometric uncertainties. For the 56 SN Ia with both optical and NIR observations near maximum light, the GP method yields a NIR-only Hubble-diagram with a RMS of $0.117 pm 0.014$ mag when referenced to the NIR maxima. For each NIR band, a comparable GP method RMS is obtained when referencing to NIR-max or B-max. Using NIR LC templates referenced to B-max yields a larger RMS value of $0.138 pm 0.014$ mag. Fitting the corresponding optical data using standard LC fitters that use LC shape and color corrections yields larger RMS values of $0.179 pm 0.018$ mag with SALT2 and $0.174 pm 0.021$ mag with SNooPy. Applying our GP method to subsets of SN Ia NIR LCs at NIR maximum light, even without corrections for LC shape, color, or host-galaxy dust reddening, provides smaller RMS in the inferred distances, at the $sim 2.3 - 4.1sigma$ level, than standard optical methods that do correct for those effects. Our ongoing RAISIN program on the Hubble Space Telescope will exploit this promising infrared approach to limit systematic errors when measuring the expansion history of the universe to constrain dark energy.
We have obtained 1087 NIR (JHKs) measurements of 21 SNe Ia using PAIRITEL, nearly doubling the number of well-sampled NIR SN Ia light curves. These data strengthen the evidence that SNe Ia are excellent standard candles in the NIR, even without corre ction for optical light-curve shape. We construct fiducial NIR templates for normal SNe Ia from our sample, excluding only the three known peculiar SNe Ia: SN 2005bl, SN 2005hk, and SN 2005ke. The H-band absolute magnitudes in this sample of 18 SNe Ia have an intrinsic rms of only 0.15 mag with no correction for light-curve shape. We found a relationship between the H-band extinction and optical color excess of AH=0.2E(B-V). This variation is as small as the scatter in distance modulus measurements currently used for cosmology based on optical light curves after corrections for light-curve shape. Combining the homogeneous PAIRITEL measurements with 23 SNe Ia from the literature, these 41 SNe Ia have standard H-band magnitudes with an rms scatter of 0.16 mag. The good match of our sample with the literature sample suggests there are few systematic problems with the photometry. We present a nearby NIR Hubble diagram that shows no correlation of the residuals from the Hubble line with light-curve properties. Future samples that account for optical and NIR light-curve shapes, absorption, spectroscopic variation, or host-galaxy properties may reveal effective ways to improve the use of SNe Ia as distance indicators. Since systematic errors due to dust absorption in optical bands remain the leading difficulty in the cosmological use of supernovae, the good behavior of SN Ia NIR light curves and their relative insensitivity to reddening make these objects attractive candidates for future cosmological work.
216 - Kate Maguire 2009
We present the first near infrared Hubble diagram for type II-P supernovae to further explore their value as distance indicators. We use a modified version of the standardised candle method which relies on the tight correlation between the absolute m agnitudes of type II-P supernovae and their expansion velocities during the plateau phase. Although our sample contains only 12 II-P supernovae and they are necessarily local (z < 0.02), we demonstrate using near infrared JHK photometry that it may be possible to reduce the scatter in the Hubble diagram to 0.1-0.15 magnitudes. While this is potentially similar to the dispersion seen for type Ia supernovae, we caution that this needs to be confirmed with a larger sample of II-P supernovae in the Hubble flow.
We revisit the observed correlation between Hbeta and FeII velocities for Type II-P supernovae (SNe~II-P) using 28 optical spectra of 13 SNe II-P and demonstrate that it is well modeled by a linear relation with a dispersion of about 300 km/s. Using this correlation, we reanalyze the publicly available sample of SNe II-P compiled by DAndrea et al. and find a Hubble diagram with an intrinsic scatter of 11% in distance, which is nearly as tight as that measured before their sample is added to the existing set. The larger scatter reported in their work is found to be systematic, and most of it can be alleviated by measuring Hbeta rather than FeII velocities, due to the low signal-to-noise ratios and early epochs at which many of the optical spectra were obtained. Their sample, while supporting the mounting evidence that SNe II-P are good cosmic rulers, is biased toward intrinsically brighter objects and is not a suitable set to improve upon SN II-P correlation parameters. This will await a dedicated survey.
Progressive increases in the precision of the Hubble-constant measurement via Cepheid-calibrated Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have shown a discrepancy of $sim 4.4sigma$ with the current value inferred from Planck satellite measurements of the cosmic m icrowave background radiation and the standard $Lambda$CDM cosmological model. This disagreement does not appear to be due to known systematic errors and may therefore be hinting at new fundamental physics. Although all of the current techniques have their own merits, further improvement in constraining the Hubble constant requires the development of as many independent methods as possible. In this work, we use SNe II as standardisable candles to obtain an independent measurement of the Hubble constant. Using 7 SNe II with host-galaxy distances measured from Cepheid variables or the tip of the red giant branch, we derive H$_0= 75.8^{+5.2}_{-4.9}$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ (statistical errors only). Our value favours that obtained from the conventional distance ladder (Cepheids + SNe Ia) and exhibits a difference of 8.4 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ from the Planck $+Lambda$CDM value. Adding an estimate of the systematic errors (2.8 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$) changes the $sim 1.7sigma$ discrepancy with Planck $+Lambda$CDM to $sim 1.4sigma$. Including the systematic errors and performing a bootstrap simulation, we confirm that the local H$_0$ value exceeds the value from the early Universe with a confidence level of 95%. As in this work we only exchange SNe II for SNe Ia to measure extragalactic distances, we demonstrate that there is no evidence that SNe Ia are the source of the H$_0$ tension.
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