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Theoretical study of the dual harmonic system and its application on the CSNS/RCS

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 نشر من قبل Yao-Shuo Yuan M.Sc
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The dual harmonic system has been widely used in high intensity proton synchrotrons to suppress the space charge effect, as well as reduce the beam loss. To investigate the longitudinal beam dynamics in the dual rf system, the potential well, the sub-buckets in the bunch and the multi-solutions of the phase equation have been studied theoretically. Based on these theoretical studis, the optimization of bunching factor and rf voltage waveform are made for the dual harmonic rf system in the upgrade phase of the CSNS/RCS. In the optimization process, the simulation with space charge effect is done by using a newly developed code C-SCSIM.

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Back-streaming neutrons from the spallation target of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) that emit through the incoming proton channel were exploited to build a white neutron beam facility (the so-called Back-n white neutron source), which wa s completed in March 2018. The Back-n neutron beam is very intense, at approximately 2*10^7 n/cm^2/s at 55 m from the target, and has a nominal proton beam with a power of 100 kW in the CSNS-I phase and a kinetic energy of 1.6 GeV and a thick tungsten target in multiple slices with modest moderation from the cooling water through the slices. In addition, the excellent energy spectrum spanning from 0.5 eV to 200 MeV, and a good time resolution related to the time-of-flight measurements make it a typical white neutron source for nuclear data measurements; its overall performance is among that of the best white neutron sources in the world. Equipped with advanced spectrometers, detectors, and application utilities, the Back-n facility can serve wide applications, with a focus on neutron-induced cross-section measurements. This article presents an overview of the neutron beam characteristics, the experimental setups, and the ongoing applications at Back-n.
201 - Y.H. Yuan 2005
The meson spectroscopy is studied in the framework of the QCD string model. The mesons are composed of spinless quarks which move relativistically. We show that the QCD string model reproduces the straight line Regge trajectories and exibit the corre ct string slopes for both light-light and heavy-light mesons. We also present the exact numerical solution and the analytic approximation solution of the QCD string equations for the light-light mesons under the deep radial limit. We demonstrate that the QCD string model describes the universal relations for the light-light and heavy-light meson spectroscopies correctly from the comparison of the exact numerical solutions of the QCD string model for both light-light and heavy-light mesons.
The functions of the Low-Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) system at European Spallation Source (ESS) are implemented on different Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) boards in a Micro Telecommunications Computing Architecture (MTCA) crate. Besides the a lgorithm, code that provides access to the peripherals connected to the FPGA is necessary. In order to provide a common platform for the FPGA developments at ESS - the ESS FPGA Framework has been designed. The framework facilitates the integration of different algorithms on different FPGA boards. Three functions are provided by the framework: (1) Communication interfaces to peripherals, e.g. Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) and on-board memory, (2) Upstream communication with the control system over Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe), and (3) Configuration of the on-board peripherals. To keep the framework easily extensible by Intellectual Property (IP) blocks and to enable seamless integration with the Xilinx design tools, the Advanced eXtensible Interface version 4 (AXI4) bus is the chosen communication interconnect. Furthermore, scripts automatize the building of the FPGA configuration, software components and the documentation. The LLRF control algorithms have been successfully integrated into the framework.
In this paper, a low radar cross section (RCS) patch antenna based on the 3-bit metasurface composed of linear polarization conversion elements is designed. At first, 3-bit coding metamaterials are constructed by a sequence of eight coded unit cells, which have a similar cross-polarized reflected amplitude response and gradient reflected phase responses covering 0~2{pi}, respectively. Equivalent circuit models (ECMs) of these unit cells are created to describe their electrical behavior for the two linear incident polarizations at the same time. Then, a patch antenna is integrated on the 3-bit metasurface, of which the elements are placed with a 2-dimensional linear coding sequence. The metal square ring is set around the patch antenna to protect it from the disturbance of metasurface. Both the simulation and experiment results demonstrate that the designed metasurface can primarily reduce the antenna RCS at a broadband, while the antenna performances are not degraded significantly.
In a deduction system with some propositions and some known relations among these propositions, people usually care about the minimum of propositions by which all other propositions can be deduced according to these known relations. Here we call it a minimizing deduction system. Its common solution is the guess and determine method. In this paper we propose a method of solving the minimizing deduction system based on MILP. Firstly, we introduce the conceptions of state variable, path variable and state copy, which enable us to characterize all rules by inequalities. Then we reduce the deduction problem to a MILP problem and solve it by the Gurobi optimizer. As its applications, we analyze the security of two stream ciphers SNOW2.0 and Enocoro-128v2 in resistance to guess and determine attacks. For SNOW 2.0, it is surprising that it takes less than 0.1s to get the best solution of 9 known variables in a personal Macbook Air(Early 2015, Double Intel Core i5 1.6GHZ, 4GB DDR3). For Enocoro-128v2, we get the best solution of 18 known variables within 3 minutes. Whats more, we propose two improvements to reduce the number of variables and inequalities which significantly decrease the scale of the MILP problem.
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