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SecDec-3.0: numerical evaluation of multi-scale integrals beyond one loop

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 نشر من قبل Gudrun Heinrich
 تاريخ النشر 2015
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SecDec is a program which can be used for the factorization of dimensionally regulated poles from parametric integrals, in particular multi-loop integrals, and the subsequent numerical evaluation of the finite coefficients. Here we present version 3.0 of the program, which has major improvements compared to version 2: it is faster, contains new decomposition strategies, an improved user interface and various other new features which extend the range of applicability.

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We present a new approach for obtaining very precise integration results for infrared vertex and box diagrams, where the integration is carried out directly without performing any analytic integration of Feynman parameters. Using an appropriate numer ical integration routine with an extrapolation method, together with a multi-precision library, we have obtained integration results which agree with the analytic results to 10 digits even for such a very small photon mass as $10^{-150}$ GeV in the infrared vertex diagram.
113 - S. Borowka , G. Heinrich , S. Jahn 2017
We present pySecDec, a new version of the program SecDec, which performs the factorisation of dimensionally regulated poles in parametric integrals, and the subsequent numerical evaluation of the finite coefficients. The algebraic part of the program is now written in the form of python modules, which allow a very flexible usage. The optimization of the C++ code, generated using FORM, is improved, leading to a faster numerical convergence. The new version also creates a library of the integrand functions, such that it can be linked to user-specific codes for the evaluation of matrix elements in a way similar to analytic integral libraries.
57 - Ayres Freitas 2016
Higher-order radiative corrections play an important role in precision studies of the electroweak and Higgs sector, as well as for the detailed understanding of large backgrounds to new physics searches. For corrections beyond the one-loop level and involving many independent mass and momentum scales, it is in general not possible to find analytic results, so that one needs to resort to numerical methods instead. This article presents an overview over a variety of numerical loop integration techniques, highlighting their range of applicability, suitability for automatization, and numerical precision and stability. In a second part of this article, the application of numerical loop integration methods in the area of electroweak precision tests is illustrated. Numerical methods were essential for obtaining full two-loop predictions for the most important precision observables within the Standard Model. The theoretical foundations for these corrections will be described in some detail, including aspects of the renormalization, resummation of leading loop contributions, and the evaluation of the theory uncertainty from missing higher orders.
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115 - G.Zanderighi 2005
We present a semi-numerical method to compute one-loop corrections to processes involving many particles. We treat in detail cases with up to five external legs and massless internal propagators, although the method is more general.
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