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Effective-range signatures in quasi-1D matter waves: sound velocity and solitons

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 نشر من قبل Giovanni Mazzarella
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate ultracold and dilute bosonic atoms under strong transverse harmonic confinement by using a 1D modified Gross-Pitaevskii equation (1D MGPE), which accounts for the energy dependence of the two-body scattering amplitude within an effective-range expansion. We study sound waves and solitons of the quasi-1D system comparing 1D MGPE results with the 1D GPE ones. We point out that, when the finite-size nature of the interaction is taken into account, the speed of sound and the density profiles of both dark and bright solitons show relevant quantitative changes with respect to what predicted by the standard 1D GPE.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We experimentally study the dynamics of weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensates of cesium atoms in a 1D optical lattice with a periodic driving force. After a sudden start of the driving we observe the formation of stable wave packets at the cen ter of the first Brillouin zone (BZ) in momentum space, and we interpret these as Floquet solitons in periodically driven systems. The wave packets become unstable when we add a trapping potential along the lattice direction leading to a redistribution of atoms within the BZ. The concept of a negative effective mass and the resulting changes to the interaction strength and effective trapping potential are used to explain the stability and the time evolution of the wave packets. We expect that similar states of matter waves exist for discrete breathers and other types of lattice solitons in periodically driven systems.
We study the collisional processes that can lead to thermalization in one-dimensional systems. For two body collisions excitations of transverse modes are the prerequisite for energy exchange and thermalzation. At very low temperatures excitations of transverse modes are exponentially suppressed, thermalization by two body collisions stops and the system should become integrable. In quantum mechanics virtual excitations of higher radial modes are possible. These virtually excited radial modes give rise to effective three-body velocity-changing collisions which lead to thermalization. We show that these three-body elastic interactions are suppressed by pairwise quantum correlations when approaching the strongly correlated regime. If the relative momentum $k$ is small compared to the two-body coupling constant $c$ the three-particle scattering state is suppressed by a factor of $(k/c)^{12}$, which is proportional to $gamma ^{12}$, that is to the square of the three-body correlation function at zero distance in the limit of the Lieb-Liniger parameter $gamma gg 1$. This demonstrates that in one dimensional quantum systems it is not the freeze-out of two body collisions but the strong quantum correlations which ensures absence of thermalization on experimentally relevant time scales.
We argue that recent high energy CERN LHC experiments on transverse momenta distributions of produced particles provide us new, so far unnoticed and not fully appreciated, information on the underlying production processes. To this end we concentrate on the small (but persistent) log-periodic oscillations decorating the observed $p_T$ spectra and visible in the measured ratios $R = sigma_{data}left( p_Tright)/sigma_{fit}left( p_Tright)$. Because such spectra are described by quasi-power-like formulas characterised by two parameters: the power index $n$ and scale parameter $T$ (usually identified with temperature $T$), the observed log-periodic behaviour of the ratios $R$ can originate either from suitable modifications of $n$ or $T$ (or both, but such a possibility is not discussed). In the first case $n$ becomes a complex number and this can be related to scale invariance in the system, in the second the scale parameter $T$ exhibits itself log-periodic oscillations which can be interpreted as the presence of some kind of sound waves forming in the collision system during the collision process, the wave number of which has a so-called self similar solution of the second kind. Because the first case was already widely discussed we concentrate on the second one and on its possible experimental consequences.
A study of bright matter-wave solitons of a cesium Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is presented. Production of a single soliton is demonstrated and dependence of soliton atom number on the interatomic interaction is investigated. Formation of soliton trains in the quasi one-dimensional confinement is shown. Additionally, fragmentation of a BEC has been observed outside confinement, in free space. In the end a double BEC production setup for studying soliton collisions is described.
Motivated by the experimental development of quasi-homogeneous Bose-Einstein condensates confined in box-like traps, we study numerically the dynamics of dark solitons in such traps at zero temperature. We consider the cases where the side walls of t he box potential rise either as a power-law or a Gaussian. While the soliton propagates through the homogeneous interior of the box without dissipation, it typically dissipates energy during a reflection from a wall through the emission of sound waves, causing a slight increase in the solitons speed. We characterise this energy loss as a function of the wall parameters. Moreover, over multiple oscillations and reflections in the box-like trap, the energy loss and speed increase of the soliton can be significant, although the decay eventually becomes stabilized when the soliton equilibrates with the ambient sound field.
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