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In this work, we present a standard model for Galois rings based on the standard model of their residual fields, that is, a sequence of Galois rings starting with ${mathbb Z}_{p^r} that coves all the Galois rings with that characteristic ring and suc h that there is an algorithm producing each member of the sequence whose input is the size of the required ring.
For relational structures A, B of the same signature, the Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problem PCSP(A,B) asks whether a given input structure maps homomorphically to A or does not even map to B. We are promised that the input satisfies exactly one of these two cases. If there exists a structure C with homomorphisms $Ato Cto B$, then PCSP(A,B) reduces naturally to CSP(C). To the best of our knowledge all known tractable PCSPs reduce to tractable CSPs in this way. However Barto showed that some PCSPs over finite structures A, B require solving CSPs over infinite C. We show that even when such a reduction to finite C is possible, this structure may become arbitrarily large. For every integer $n>1$ and every prime p we give A, B of size n with a single relation of arity $n^p$ such that PCSP(A, B) reduces via a chain of homomorphisms $ Ato Cto B$ to a tractable CSP over some C of size p but not over any smaller structure. In a second family of examples, for every prime $pgeq 7$ we construct A, B of size $p-1$ with a single ternary relation such that PCSP(A, B) reduces via $Ato Cto B$ to a tractable CSP over some C of size p but not over any smaller structure. In contrast we show that if A, B are graphs and PCSP(A,B) reduces to tractable CSP(C) for some finite C, then already A or B has tractable CSP. This extends results and answers a question of Deng et al.
162 - Zhonghua Li , Shukun Wang 2021
This paper introduces the notion of Rota-Baxter $C^{ast}$-algebras. Here a Rota-Baxter $C^{ast}$-algebra is a $C^{ast}$-algebra with a Rota-Baxter operator. Symmetric Rota-Baxter operators, as special cases of Rota-Baxter operators on $C^{ast}$-algeb ra, are defined and studied. A theorem of Rota-Baxter operators on concrete $C^{ast}$-algebras is given, deriving the relationship between two kinds of Rota-Baxter algebras. As a corollary, some connection between $ast$-representations and Rota-Baxter operators is given. The notion of representations of Rota-Baxter $C^{ast}$-algebras are constructed, and a theorem of representations of direct sums of Rota-Baxter representations is derived. Finally using Rota-Baxter operators, the notion of quasidiagonal operators on $C^{ast}$-algebra is reconstructed.
135 - Viktor Lopatkin 2021
This paper shows how to obtain the key concepts and notations of Garside theory by using the Composition--Diamond lemma. We also show that in some cases the greedy normal form is exactly a Grobner--Shirshov normal form and a family of a left-cancella tive category is a Garside family, if and only if a suitable set of reductions is confluent up to some congruence on words.
In this paper we investigate a topological characterization of the Runge theorem in the Clifford algebra $ mathbb{R}_3$ via the description of the homology groups of axially symmetric open subsets of the quadratic cone in $mathbb{R}_3$.
110 - Karel Casteels 2021
Given a totally positive matrix, can one insert a line (row or column) between two given lines while maintaining total positivity? This question was first posed and solved by Johnson and Smith who gave an algorithm that results in one possible line i nsertion. In this work we revisit this problem. First we show that every totally positive matrix can be associated to a certain vertex-weighted graph in such a way that the entries of the matrix are equal to sums over certain paths in this graph. We call this graph a scaffolding of the matrix. We then use this to give a complete characterization of all possible line insertions as the strongly positive solutions to a given homogeneous system of linear equations.
The category of mobi algebras has been introduced as a model to the unit interval of real numbers. The notion of mobi space over a mobi algebra has been proposed as a model for spaces with geodesic paths. In this paper we analyse the particular case of affine mobi spaces and show that there is an isomorphism of categories between R-modules and pointed affine mobi spaces over a mobi algebra R as soon as R is a unitary ring in which 2 is an invertible element.
A silting theorem was established by Buan and Zhou as a generalisation of the classical tilting theorem of Brenner and Butler. In this paper, we give an alternative proof of the theorem by using differential graded algebras.
Given three nonnegative integers $p,q,r$ and a finite field $F$, how many Hankel matrices $left( x_{i+j}right) _{0leq ileq p, 0leq jleq q}$ over $F$ have rank $leq r$ ? This question is classical, and the answer ($q^{2r}$ when $rleqminleft{ p,qright} $) has been obtained independently by various authors using different tools (Daykin, Elkies, Garcia Armas, Ghorpade and Ram). In this note, we study a refinement of this result: We show that if we fix the first $k$ of the entries $x_{0},x_{1},ldots,x_{k-1}$ for some $kleq rleqminleft{ p,qright} $, then the number of ways to choose the remaining $p+q-k+1$ entries $x_{k},x_{k+1},ldots,x_{p+q}$ such that the resulting Hankel matrix $left( x_{i+j}right) _{0leq ileq p, 0leq jleq q}$ has rank $leq r$ is $q^{2r-k}$. This is exactly the answer that one would expect if the first $k$ entries had no effect on the rank, but of course the situation is not this simple. The refined result generalizes (and provides an alternative proof of) a result by Anzis, Chen, Gao, Kim, Li and Patrias on evaluations of Jacobi-Trudi determinants over finite fields.
To determine and analyze arbitrary left non-degenerate set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation (not necessarily bijective), we introduce an associative algebraic structure, called a YB-semitruss, that forms a subclass of the category of s emitrusses as introduced by Brzezinski. Fundamental examples of YB-semitrusses are structure monoids of left non-degenerate set-theoretic solutions and (skew) left braces. Gateva-Ivanova and Van den Bergh introduced structure monoids and showed their importance (as well as that of the structure algebra) for studying involutive non-degenerate solutions. Skew left braces were introduced by Guarnieri, Vendramin and Rump to deal with bijective non-degenerate solutions. Hence, YB-semitrusses also yield a unified treatment of these different algebraic structures. The algebraic structure of YB-semitrusses is investigated, and as a consequence, it is proven, for example, that any finite left non-degenerate set-theoretic solution of the Yang-Baxter equation is right non-degenerate if and only if it is bijective. Furthermore, it is shown that some finite left non-degenerate solutions can be reduced to non-degenerate solutions of smaller size. The structure algebra of a finitely generated YB-semitruss is an algebra defined by homogeneous quadratic relations. We prove that it often is a left Noetherian algebra of finite Gelfand-Kirillov dimension that satisfies a polynomial identity, but in general, it is not right Noetherian.

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